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Bill Mason's Path of the Paddle Series - DVD


  • Un film de
  • Bill Mason
  • 51730
  • Prix de catalogue : $29,95
  • Votre prix : $23,96
  • Ajouter au panier

Bill Mason demonstrates the art of canoeing on quiet water and whitewater.

Join Bill Mason, seasoned canoeist, noted conservationist and wildlife expert as he explains and demonstrates the art of canoeing on quiet water and whitewater. Each of these four film classics is about 28 minutes long. Path of the Paddle: Quiet Water includes Solo Basic and Doubles Basic, two films that show the basic strokes in maintaining control in a canoe. Path of the Paddle: Whitewater includes Solo Whitewater and Doubles Whitewater, which focus on reading the rapids and using the basic paddling strokes to reduce the risk in whitewater canoeing and to increase the sheer joy of a whitewater run.


Numéro de produit :
Année de production :
Production :
Colin Low
William Brind
Offert en anglais:
La série L'aviron qui nous mène de Bill Mason - DVD