Government of Canada

Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) - User Requirements

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Appendix C — Import XML File Format Specification

  • File Format: Text File
  • File Size: 1,048,576 bytes/characters — maximum
  • Naming convention: Suggested file name is a maximum of 256 alphanumeric, File extension must be "XML". Example: IMPORT-00000021-20050722.XML

Notes: File should be opened using a valid XML parser.

XML File Format Specification
Tag Name Tag Level Required Tag
Data Size

Note: The tag level represents if the tag is contained within another tag or not. The parent tag would be the first previous tag with a lower tag level number.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>


 Y  N/A

This is the first line (pre-processing directive) of the Import XML file.  It is included to overwrite the default parsing behavior of Internet Explorer when viewing the content of the Import file within the browser.





This tag serves as the root tag of the import file. Therefore it must be present even though it contains only other tags within it. The following attributes must be present with a corresponding value —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:






This tag indicates the beginning of the ROE records that were issued. The following attribute must be present with a corresponding value   — Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:

•  Count





This tag indicates the beginning of an Issued ROE record. Therefore, it  must be present when the Count is greater than zero.The following attribute could be present with a corresponding value —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:


 Serial Number




ROE Serial Number

• Must be 9 characters.

 Amended Serial Number




S.N. of ROE Amended

• Must be 9 characters.

 Date Issued




ROE Date Issued

•  Must be 8 characters in the following format: "DDMMYYYY"

 Business Unit




This is the parent tag for the Business Unit information.

Must be present.
• It only contains other tags.

 Payroll Ref Number




Employer’s payroll reference number

• May be blank
• Must be 15 characters or less.

 Business Number




Canada Revenue Agency Business Number





This is the parent tag for the Employee information





Social Insurance Number of the employee for whom the ROE will be issued

 First Day Worked




First day worked

Must not be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format: "DDMMYYYY"


 Last Day For Which Paid




Last day for which paid

• Must not be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format: "DDMMYYYY"

 Final Pay Period Ending Date




Final pay period ending date

• Must not be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format: "DDMMYYYY"

 Total Insurable      Earnings




Total insurable earnings

• Must not be blank
• Maximum is 999999.99





This tag indicates the beginning of the ROE records that were passed and saved as draft. The following attribute must be present with a corresponding value    —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:

•  Count





This tag indicates the beginning of a Passed ROE record.   Therefore it must be present when the Count is greater than zero.  The following attribute could be present with a corresponding value    —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:

•  BulkFileName

 Amended Serial Number




S.N. of ROE Amended

 Business Unit




This is the parent tag for the Business Unit information.

 Payroll Ref Number




Employer’s payroll reference number

 Business Number




Canada Revenue Agency Business Number





This is the parent tag for the Employee information.





Social Insurance Number of the employee for whom the ROE will be issued





First day worked

• Must not be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:

 Last Day For Which Paid




Last day for which paid

• Must not be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:

 Final Pay Period Ending Date




Final pay period ending date

• Must not be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format: "DDMMYYYY"





This tag indicates the beginning of the ROE records that were failed and saved as draft.   The following attribute must be present with a corresponding value    —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:






This tag indicates the beginning of a Failed ROE record.   Therefore it must be present when the Count is greater than zero.  The following attribute could be present with a corresponding value    —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:


 Amended Serial Number




S.N. of ROE Amended

 Business Unit




This is the parent tag for the Business Unit information.

 Payroll Ref Number




Employer’s payroll reference number

 Business Number




Canada Revenue Agency Business Number





This is the parent tag for the Employee information.





Social Insurance Number of the employee for whom the ROE will be issued

 First Day Worked




First day worked

May be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:

 Last Day For Which Paid




Last day for which paid

May be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:

 Final Pay Period Ending Date




Final pay period ending date

May  be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format: "DDMMYYYY"





This tag indicates the beginning of the ROE records that were rejected. The following attribute must be present with a corresponding value  Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:

•  Count





This tag indicates the beginning of a Rejected ROE record.   Therefore it must be present when the Count is greater than zero.  The following attribute could be present with a corresponding value   —Refer to the List of Atttributes Used in the XML Structure:

•  BulkFileName

 Amended Serial Number




S.N. of ROE Amended

 Business Unit




This is the parent tag for the Business Unit information.

 Payroll Ref Number




Employer’s payroll reference number

 Business Number




Canada Revenue Agency Business Number





This is the parent tag for the Employee information.





Social Insurance Number of the employee for whom the ROE will be issued

 First Day Worked




First day worked

May be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:

 Last Day For Which Paid




Last day for which paid

May be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:

 Final Pay Period Ending Date




Special Payment Date

• May be blank
• Must be 8 characters in the following format:


List of Attributes Used in XML Structure
Name Used with Tag(s) Description Value



Indicates the application used to submit the file. It is a fixed value.




Indicates the file format version.  It is a fixed value.



Issued, Passed, Rejected and Failed

Indicates the number of ROE for each category included in the import file. If no record for a category the value is zero.

Up to 9 characters



Indicates the file name if the ROE was transferred by bulk. Otherwise, the attribute is blank.

Up to 256 characters.

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