Government of Canada

Income Assistance

Income Assistance

Just for Veterans:

  1. Disability Pensions
    The Disability Pensions program provides disability benefits to Canadian Forces or Merchant Navy veterans who have a permanent disability resulting from their military service and also provides disability pensions to serving and former members of the Canadian Forces and of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  2. War Veterans Allowance
    The War Veterans Allowance program provides monthly income support to veterans, including members of the Merchant Navy, who served during the First World War, the Second World War or the Korean War, to help them meet their basic needs.
  3. Funeral, Burial, and Gravemarking Assistance
    The Funeral, Burial and Gravemarking Assistance Program funds funeral and burial services, including military-style grave markers, for war veterans, military disability pensioners and civilians who meet wartime service eligibility criteria and who lack the necessary financial resources for these services.
  4. Financial Benefits Program
    The Financial Benefits Program provides earning loss benefits, a permanent impairment allowance, a supplementary retirement benefit and Canadian Forces income support to Canadian Forces (CF) veterans who have a service-related or career-ending condition.
  5. Disability Award Program
    The Disability Award Program is meant to recognize and compensate for the non-economic impacts of a service-related disability.
  6. Family Support
    Family Support provides additional support to Canadian Forces members and veterans’ families, including health care, case management, family counselling, rehabilitation services and help for children.
  7. Death Benefit
    The Death Benefit is a tax-free, lump sum payment paid to a spouse or common-law partner and dependent children of a Canadian Forces member who is killed while in service or injured while in service and dies within 30 days of the injury.
  8. Prisoner of War Compensation
    Prisoner of War Compensation may be provided to veterans of the Canadian Forces or Canadian merchant mariners who were prisoners of war, evaded capture, or escaped from the enemy.
  9. Detention Benefit
    The Detention Benefit is a tax-free lump sum payment awarded to Canadian Forces (CF) members or veterans who, while serving in the Forces, were detained by an enemy or evaded capture.
  10. Clothing Allowance
    The Clothing Allowance is a monthly allowance awarded to eligible Canadian Forces (CF) members or veterans who have received a Disability Award.

Veterans can also receive:

  1. Employment Insurance Regular Benefits
    Employment Insurance (EI) provides Regular Benefits to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own (for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs) and are available for and able to work, but can't find a job.
  2. GST/HST Credit
    The GST/HST Credit program issues to Canadians with low and modest incomes all or part of the GST/HST they pay. It provides information on application procedures, eligibility, payment of the GST/HST credit and procedures to follow in case of overpayment.
  3. Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits
    Employment Insurance (EI) provides Sickness Benefits to individuals who are unable to work because of sickness, injury or quarantine.
  4. GST/HST General Rebates
    The GST/HST General Rebates program allows for GST/HST rebates under various situations: GST/HST amounts paid in error; when commercial goods and artistic works are exported by a non-resident; for certain expenses incurred by Indian Bands and Band empowered entities; and more.
  5. ecoAUTO Rebate Program
    The ecoAUTO Rebate Program offers rebates to individuals and businesses that purchase or lease fuel-efficient personal vehicles.
  6. Employment Insurance Fishing Benefits
    Employment Insurance (EI) provides Fishing Benefits to qualifying, self-employed fishers who are actively seeking work.
  7. Employment Insurance and Workers and/or Residents Outside Canada
    The Employment Insurance (EI) program may provide benefits to certain individuals who reside outside Canada if their job is insured under Canada's EI program.
  8. International Benefits
    The International Benefits program may provide retirement, disability or survivor benefits to eligible individuals who have lived or worked in another country, or the surviving spouse, common-law partner or children of eligible individuals who have lived or worked in another country.

See all Income Assistance programs and services.