Government of Canada



Just for Aboriginal Peoples:

  1. Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program
    The Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program aims to facilitate the selection and enrolment of Aboriginal people who are interested in full-time employment in the Canadian Forces by acquainting them with military training prior to making a formal commitment to enlist.
  2. Bold Eagle Program
    The Bold Eagle Program provides Aboriginal youth with summer employment that offers a combination of military training and First Nations cultural awareness.
  3. Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices
    The Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices provides Aboriginal people with professional and technical training in museum practices as well as internship opportunities at the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Aboriginal Peoples can also receive:

  1. Employment Insurance Regular Benefits
    Employment Insurance (EI) provides Regular Benefits to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own (for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs) and are available for and able to work, but can't find a job.
  2. Job Bank
    Job Bank is an electronic listing of jobs provided by employers from everywhere across Canada.
  3. Job Creation Partnerships
    The Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) employment benefit is a program designed to support projects that will provide work experience for Employment Insurance recipients.
  4. Targeted Wage Subsidies
    The Targeted Wage Subsidies program assists Employment Insurance eligible individuals experiencing difficulty in finding work to benefit from on-the-job work experience.
  5. Employment Insurance and Workers and/or Residents Outside Canada
    The Employment Insurance (EI) program may provide benefits to certain individuals who reside outside Canada if their job is insured under Canada’s EI program.

See all Employment programs and services.