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Archaeological Excavation

Tsimshian Society and Culture

Tsimshian Villages

Tsimshian Prehistory: Further Reading

Marius Barbeau. Totem Poles of the Gitksan, Upper Skeena River, British Columbia. National Museum of Canada Bulletin 61, Anthropological Series no.12 (1929).

Viola E. Garfield and Paul S. Wingert. The Tsimshian Indians and Their Arts. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966.

George F. MacDonald et al. 'Ksan - Breath of our Grandfathers. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1972.

Richard F. Garner and George F. MacDonald. Haida and Tsimshian: A Photographic History. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1972.

Richard I. Inglis and George F. MacDonald. "5,000 Years of History on the West Coast," Canadian Geographical Journal, vol.91, no.6 (December 1975), pp.32-37.

George F. MacDonald and Richard I. Inglis. The Dig: an archaeological reconstruction of a west coast village. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1976.

Richard I. Inglis and George F. MacDonald, eds. Skeena River Prehistory. National Museum of Man, Mercury series, Archaeological Survey of Canada paper no.87 (1979).

George F. MacDonald. "The story of Nekt and the Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site." Conservation Canada, vol.5, no.4 (summer 1980), pp.10-11.

George F. MacDonald and Richard I. Inglis. "An Overview of the North Coast Prehistory Project (1966-1980)." B.C. Studies, no. 48 (1981), pp.37-63.

George F. MacDonald. "Prehistoric Art of the Northern Northwest Coast." Pp.99-120 in Indian Art Traditions of the Northwest Coast, ed. Roy Carlson. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University Archaeology Press, 1983.

Margaret Seguin, ed. The Tsimshian: Images of the Past, Views for the Present. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1984.

V. Garfield, J. Miller and C. Eastman, eds. The Tsimshian and Their Neighbours of the North Pacific Coast. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1984.

George F. MacDonald. The Totem Poles and Monuments of Gitwangak Village. Ottawa: Parks Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, 1984.

Joanne MacDonald. Gitwangak Village Life: A Museum Collection. Ottawa: Parks Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, 1984.

Margaret Seguin. Interpretive Contexts for Traditional and Current Coast Tsimshian Feasts. National Museum of Man, Mercury series, Canadian Ethnology Service paper no.98 (1985).

John Cove and George F. MacDonald, eds. Tsimshian narratives collected by Marius Barbeau and William Beynon. 2 vols. Canadian Museum of Civilization Mercury Series, Directorate Paper no. 3 (1987).

George F. MacDonald. Kitwanga Fort Report. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Mercury series, Directorate paper no.4 (1989).


Created: August 17, 1998. Last update: July 25, 2001
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