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Canadian Nursing History Collection Online Medal - 2000.111.102 - CD2004-0369 / D2004-6127
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Select Bibliography on Nursing in Canada


Cohen, Yolande, Jacinthe Pepin, Esther Lamontagne, André Duquette. Les sciences infirmières : Genèse d'une discipline. Montréal : Les Presses de L'Université de Montréal, 2002.

Gibbon, John Murray, and Mary S. Mathewson. Three Centuries of Canadian Nursing. Toronto: Macmillan, 1947.

Mansell, Diana J. Forging the Future: A History of Nursing in Canada. Ann Arbor, MI: Thomas Press, 2003.

McPherson, Kathryn. Bedside Matters: The Transformation of Canadian Nursing, 1900-1990. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Regional Nursing

Brown, Debra J. The Challenge of Caring: A History of Women and Health Care in British Columbia. British Columbia: Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors, Women's Health Bureau, 2000.

Coburn, Judi. "'I See and Am Silent': A Short History of Nursing in Ontario." In Women at Work: Ontario, 1850-1930, eds. Janice Action, P. Goldsmith, and B. Shepard. Toronto: Canadian Women's Educational Press, 1974.

Cohen, Yolande. Profession infirmière: une histoire des soins dans les hôpitaux du Québec. Montréal: Université de Montréal, 2000.

Desjardins, Edouard, Eileen Flanagan, and Suzanne Giroux. Heritage: History of the Nursing Profession in Quebec from the Augustinians and Jeanne Mance to Medicare. Quebec: The Association of Nurses of the Province of Quebec, 1971.

Kerr, Janet Ross. Prepared to Care: Nurses and Nursing in Alberta, 1859-1996. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1998.

Nevitt, Joyce. White Caps and Black Bands: Nursing in Newfoundland to 1934. St. John's: Jefferson Press, 1978.

Petitat, André. Les infirmières: de la vocation à la profession. Montréal: Boréal, 1989.

Robinson, M. The First Fifty Years. Regina: Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association, 1967.

Public Health and Outpost Nursing

Baldwin, Douglas O. She Answered Every Call: The Life of Public Health Nurse, Mona Gordon Wilson (1894-1981). Charlottetown, PEI: Indigo Press, 1997.

Emory, Florence H.M. Public Health Nursing in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan, 1953.

Merrick, Elliott, Johanne Daigle, Nicole Rousseau, et Francine Saillant. "Des traces sur la neige: La contribution des infirmières au développment des régions isolées du Québec au XXe siècle." Recherches féministes 6 :1 (1993) : 93-103.

Miller, Gertrude LeRoy. Mustard Plasters and Handcars Through the Eyes of a Red Cross Outpost Nurse. Toronto: Natural Heritage Books, 2000.

Rousseau, Nicole, and Johanne Daigle. "Medical Service to Settlers: The Gestation and Establishment of a Nursing Service in Quebec, 1932-1943." Nursing History Review 8 (2000): 95-116.

Victorian Order of Nurses

Penney, Sheila M. A Century of Caring, 1897-1997: The History of the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada. Ottawa: VON Canada, 1996.

Nurses Uniforms

MacFarlane, Ellen M. "Nurses' Caps and Uniforms: In Vogue or Obsolete?" Registered Nurses' Association of Nova Scotia, Nurse to Nurse (July 1990): 39-42.

MacFarlane, Ellen M. "The Professional Nurse: With or Without a Uniform." Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration (Sept./Oct. 1990): 14-17.

Muff, Janet, ed. "Of Images and Ideals: A Look at Socialization and Sexism in Nursing." In Images of Nurses: Perspectives from History, Art and Literature, ed. A.H. Jones. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988: 197-220.

Nursing Practice

McPherson, Kathryn. "Science and Technique: Nurses' Work in a Canadian Hospital, 1920-1939." In Caring and Curing: Historical Perspectives on Women and Healing in Canada, eds. Dianne Dodd, and Deborah Gorham. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1994: 71-101.

Toman, Cynthia. "Trained Brains are Better than Trained Muscles: Scientific Management and Canadian Nurses, 1910-1939." Nursing History Review 11 (2003): 89-108.

Zilm, Glennis, and Ethel Warbinek. "Early Tuberculosis Nursing in British Columbia." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 27:3 (Fall 1995): 65-81.


Calliste, Agnes. "Antiracism Organizing and Resistance in Nursing: African-Canadian Women." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 33:3 (August 1996): 361-90.

Drees, Laurie Meijer, and Lesley McBain. "Nursing and Native People in Northern Saskatchewan, 1930s-1950s." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 18:1 (2001): 43-65.

Goodwill, Jean Cuthland. "Organized political action: Indian and Inuit Nurses of Canada." In Canadian Nursing faces the future - Development and change, eds. Alice J. Baumgart and Jenniece Larsen. St-Louis, Washington and Toronto: C.V. Mosby, 1988: 501-510.

McPherson, Kathryn. "Nursing and Colonization: The Work of Indian Health Services Nurses in Manitoba, 1945-1970." In Women, Health and Nation: Canada and the United States since 1945, eds. Georgina Feldbery, Molly Ladd-Taylor, Alison Li and Kathryn McPherson. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003: 223-246.

Military Nursing

Allard, Geneviève. "Des anges blanc sur le Front: L'expérience de guerre des infirmières militaires Canadiennes pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale. Bulletin d'Histoire Politique 8 :2-3 (Hiver-Printemps 2000) : 119-33.

Allemang, Margaret. Canadian Nursing Sisters of World War I: Their Lives and Experiences in a Changing Society. In Proceedings of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Conferences, 1988 and 1990. Calgary/Charlottetown: Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, 1988/90: 268-72.

Nicholson, Gerald W.L. Canada's Nursing Sisters. Toronto: Samuel Stevens Hakkert, 1975.


Baillargeon, Denyse. "Praticiennes et patientes : les femmes et la santé dans l'historiographie québécoise." Revue d'historie de l'Amérique francaise 53 :1 (Été 1999) : 47-59.

Bramadat, Ina. "Nursing History: Some Issues and Insights." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 27:3 (Fall 1995): 13-14.

Keddy, Barbara. "The Coming of Age of Feminist Research in Canadian Nursing." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 25 (Summer 1993): 5-10.

McPherson, Kathryn, and Meryn Stuart. "Writing Nursing History in Canada: Issues and Approaches." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 11 (1994): 3-22.

Strong-Boag, Veronica. "Making a Difference: The History of Canada's Nurses." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 8:2 (1991): 231-48.

Bibliographic/Source Guides

Liebenberg, Gillian, and Arlee Hoyt McGee. A Guide to Health Care History Materials in New Brunswick. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1998.

MacMillan, Kathleen, and Judith Young. A Guide to Nursing Historical Materials in Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Society for the History of Nursing, 1994.

Mansell, Diana, ed. Guide to Canadian Nursing Archival Resources. Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, 2002.

Mychajlunow, Lorraine, and Sharon Richardson. Directory of Nursing Archival Resources in Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Association of Registered Nurses, 1996.

Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia. Survey of Nursing History Material in British Columbia. Vancouver: History of Nursing Professional Practice Group, 1990.

Stinson, Shirley M., Joy L. Johnson, and Glennis Zilm. History of Nursing Beginning Bibliography: A Proemial List with Special Reference to Canadian Sources. Edmonton: Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, 1992.


Medal - 2000.111.102 - CD2004-0369 / D2004-6127

Created: June 11, 2004
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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