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ARTag is an augmented reality system that uses markers and computer vision to align a virtual camera with a real one. The system allows virtual objects to appear to belong in the real world. ARTag is typically used in a "Magic Lens" mode in a hand-held tablet PC or wearable computer situation where one looks "through" the display of a tablet PC or through a head-mounted display (equipped with a camera) and sees virtual objects, games, animations, etc., superimposed on the real-world image. ARTag can also be used in a "Magic Mirror" mode, in which a single video camera looks out from near a screen and the user sees his or her "reflection" in the screen, with virtual objects superimposed on the real-world image. One can test ARTag with a webcam by looking at the composite video on the computer screen. ARTag combines computer vision technology and communications theory to create a set of markers and uses image processing software to detect the markers at small sizes in uncontrolled lighting. Arrays of these markers are used to align the real and virtual worlds. This SDK (software development kit) was designed to use the OpenGL® API and provides the ARTag Rev2 library and example programs to load and display .OBJ, .WRL, and .ASE standard 3D file formats. The SDK is available for Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X (PowerPC and Intel). Libraries and sample projects are provided for Microsoft Visual Studio Version 6 and 2005 (VS6 and VS2005), and a DLL and sample CS file are provided for the C# environment.
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Demotride is a 3D viewer that allows to visualize and interact with 3D objects and scenes on the computer screen. It works with content files based on the VRML/ X3D international standards. Demotride also enables interaction with multimedia content, including text, images, sounds, and animations.
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FuzzyCLIPS is an extended version of the CLIPS rule-based shell1 for representing and manipulating fuzzy facts and rules. In addition to the CLIPS functionality, FuzzyCLIPS can deal with exact, fuzzy (or inexact), and combined reasoning, allowing fuzzy and normal terms to be freely mixed in the rules and facts of an expert system. The system uses two basic inexact concepts, fuzziness and uncertainty.
1 CLIPS was developed by the Artificial Intelligence Section, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, NASA.
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FuzzyJ Toolkit
The NRC FuzzyJ Toolkit is a set of Java classes that provide the capability for handling fuzzy concepts and reasoning in a Java setting.
The Toolkit's API consists of two Java packages. One package, "nrc.fuzzy", can be used on its own in a purely Java environment to create fuzzy rules and do fuzzy reasoning. The second package, "nrc.fuzzy.jess", provides an integration of the fuzzy reasoning capabilities of the nrc.fuzzy package with Jess from the U.S. Sandia National Laboratories.
The integration with Jess provides a way to perform fuzzy reasoning in an expert system shell environment.
View more information and download the FuzzyJ Toolkit technology
A digital media player designed to support reviewing of video segments. Contains a set of tools to help view content. Ideal for advanced professional development and usability analyses.
View more information and download the ReView technology

Date Published: 2005-07-06
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