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Disability Insurance Plan (DI Plan)/Long-term Disability(LTD) Portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) - Treatment of Public Service Superannuation Benefits (PSSA)

DATE: May 2, 1997

TO: Directors of Personnel
Chiefs of Compensation
Heads of Bargaining Agents Outside employers with Their Own pay Facilities

SUBJECT: Disability Insurance Plan (DI Plan)/Long-term Disability(LTD) Portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) - Treatment of Public Service Superannuation Benefits (PSSA)

I. Introduction

The purpose of this notice is to provide information concerning changes to the manner in which various benefits payable under the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA) will be offset from disability benefits payable under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan and the Long-term Disability (LTD) portion of the Public Service Management Insurance (PSMIP). The changes were recently recommended by both the Board of Management for the DI Plan and the Board of Trustees for the PSMIP.

All changes are effective April 30, 1997 and will apply to long-term disability claimants whose employment terminates after that date.

For information on pension transfer values, please refer to Treasury Board Secretariat Circular 97-1, dated February 27, 1997, and Superannuation Manual Administration Bulletin 1997-005 published by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) on April 30, 1997.

II. Background

Recent amendments to the PSSA changed the vesting requirements under the legislation from 5 years to 2 years and permit employees who leave the Public Service to choose to receive their earned pension benefits in the form of a pension transfer value rather than as a future monthly benefit.

PSSA benefits are deducted from disability benefits payable under both the DI Plan and the LTD portion of the PSMIP. In light of the PSSA amendments, the Board of Management of the DI Plan and the Board of Trustees of the PSMIP recently recommended the following approaches to the treatment of PSSA benefits under the disability plans.

III. Policy

1. Treatment of Returns of Contributions Based on Less than Two Years of Service

Effective April 30, 1997, only returns of contributions based on 2 years of service or less will not be offset from long-term disability benefits under the plans. In the past, returns of contributions based on 5 or less years of service were excluded from the offset provisions of the plans.

2. Treatment of Other PSSA Benefits (Immediate Annuity, Annual Allowance, Return of Contributions Based on 2 or More Years of Service, Cash Termination Allowances, and Pension Transfer Values)

The treatment of these benefits is standardized under both the DI and the LTD disability plans and depends on whether or not the disability claimant has applied for a PSSA disability benefit and whether or not a PSSA disability benefit is approved.

Claimants who cease to be employed fall into three categories:

1. Those whose application for disability retirement under the PSSA is approved;

2. Those who application for disability retirement under the PSSA is not approved; and

3. Those who choose not to apply for disability retirement under the PSSA.

Category 1 - Claimants whose Application for Disability Retirement under the PSSA Is Approved

The current provisions of the disability plans will continue to apply. Currently, the immediate annuity on account of disability is offset from DI/LTD benefits immediately and a lump sum benefit payable on account of disability (return of contributions or cash termination allowance) is offset in monthly amounts equal to the immediate annuity until a total amount equal to the lump sum benefit has been deducted from the DI/LTD benefit.

Category 2 - Claimants whose Application for Disability Retirement under the PSSA Is NOT Approved

Employees in this category have a range of pension options. Depending on the option chosen, the benefit will be offset from DI/LTD benefits as follows.

Immediate pension benefits (annual allowances and immediate annuities) will, as at present, be offset immediately from DI/LTD benefits.

Deferred annuities payable at age 60 would, as at present, be offset at age 60.

The actuarial transfer value, in the case of claimants who have been turned down for a PSSA disability benefit, will be offset at age 60 by the monthly pension amount that the individual would have received at that time by way of a deferred annuity. However, the offset will cease once the total amount of the actuarial transfer value has been deducted from the DI/LTD benefit.

Returns of contributions based on more than two years service, will be offset in the same manner as an actuarial transfer value.

Category 3 - Claimants who Choose Not to Apply for Disability Retirement under the PSSA

Where a claimant who ceases to be employed chooses not to apply for disability retirement under the PSSA, either because of an entitlement to an unreduced pension benefit, or because the individual chooses a deferred annuity, a return of contributions, or the pension transfer value, the monthly DI/LTD benefit will be offset immediately by the monthly amount of the immediate annuity to which the individual would be entitled, if an application for a PSSA disability retirement were made and approved

However, if the claimant proves to the Insurer that an application for a disability retirement had been made but was not approved, the pension benefit chosen, (immediate annuity, annual allowance, return of contributions, deferred annuity, or pension transfer value,) will be offset in the manner specified in Category 2 above.

IV. Counselling of Employees who Are Ceasing to be Employed

It is extremely important that terminating employees who are receiving DI/LTD benefits are thoroughly counselled as to the effects of their PSSA choices on their disability benefits.

Where possible, employees must be made aware well in advance of termination of the manner in which their PSSA benefits will be offset from their DI/LTD benefits. Employees could be provided with the chart contained in Appendix A. However, terminating employees should also be made aware, preferably in writing, that in virtually all circumstances, it is assumed that they could be entitled to an immediate annuity on account of disability under the PSSA and that this amount will be offset from their DI/LTD benefits. It is only if the employee proves that his or her application for disability retirement under the PSSA was declined that the benefit paid will be offset as described in Category 2 above.

It is also important that employees who wish to undergo an assessment for PSSA disability retirement do so in advance of termination so that their options and the effects of those options on their DI/LTD benefits will be clear at the time of termination.

Employees should also be informed concerning the fact that receipt of an immediate pension benefit will permit them to retain coverage under the Public Service Health Care Plan. An option for an immediate pension benefit could result in future pension benefits for eligible survivors.

V. Further Information

Necessary amendments to the relevant policies will be made as quickly as possible to reflect the above. The text of the DI booklet which is published as Appendix D of the policy on Disability Insurance Plan will be amended to reflect this approach as well. Revised PSMIP booklets will be available shortly and will include the above information.

Similarly, the Insurance Administration Manual issued by Public Works and Government Service Canada will be amended to include the above information.

The contracts of insurance with Sun Life of Canada and National Life of Canada will be amended as quickly as possible with the effective date being the coming into force of the revised Regulations to the PSSA.

VI. Inquiries

Policy inquires concerning the above should be directed to:


Bev Bell - (613) 952-3262

Inquiries on individual circumstances should be directed to the Client Inquiry Services, Superannuation Directorate, Public Works Government Services Canada, Shediac, N.B. - Telephone (506) 533-5800.

Appendix A

Treatment of Benefits payable under the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA) as Offsets under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan and the Long-term Disability(LTD) Portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP)

   Circumstance          PSSA Option           Offset from DI/LTD    


I. Termination     (1) Return of            (1) No offset.

with Less than 2   Contributions                                     

years Service                                                        

II. PSSA           (1) Immediate Annuity    (1) Offset immediately

Disability         or                       by full amount           

Retirement         (2) Lump Sum Payment     (2) Offset immediately   

Approved                                    by amount equal to

                                            immediate annuity until  

                                            full amount of lump sum  

                                            has been offset

III. PSSA          (1) Deferred Annuity at  (1) Offset at age 60     

Disability         Age 60                   (2) Offset when payable  

Retirement         (2) Annual Allowance     (3)&(4 ) Monthly offset

Applied for but    (3) Actuarial Transfer   at age 60 by amount      

Not Approved       Value                    equal to deferred        

                   (4) Return of            annuity but capped when

                   Contributions            total of actuarial       

                                            transfer value or lump   

                                            sum has been offset

IV. Application    (1) Deferred Annuity at  (1)(2)(3) & (4) Offset   

for PSSA           Age 60                   immediately by amount    

Disability         (2) Annual Allowance     of equivalent immediate

Retirement not     (3) Actuarial Transfer   annuity unless claimant  

Made               Value                    proves that an

                   (4) Return of            application for a

                   Contributions            disability retirement

                                            had been declined.       

                                            Capped when total of

                                            actuarial transfer

                                            value or return of

                                            contributions has been


                                            Where such proof is

                                            provided, offsets as in

                                            II above.