
Many companies have learned the hard way that you can’t shrink your way to greatness. For VIA, that has been a fundamental truth from the beginning, when we decided to rationalize and streamline operations without compromising service to our customers or reducing our network. We know that the key to VIA’s future is growth – increasing our ridership, securing a place for passenger rail in the transportation market of the future.

VIA’s strategic plan sets out ambitious goals for growth. In 1997, we surpassed our target, with the largest ridership increase in years. And we continued to look to the future, with initiatives that will help secure the growth we need.


VIA Préférence, our frequent traveller program launched in 1996, attracted almost 100,000 new members in 1997. The program is a key tool for keeping and expanding a loyal base of customers, and we strengthened the program through new partnerships with Hertz, Novotel, Bell and Radisson Hotels Canada. The partnerships help create a new synergy between VIA and the travel industry – with partners rewarding their customers with VIA Préférence points which can be redeemed for free travel on VIA services.

We also negotiated an agreement with Amtrak to create joint North American Railpasses in 1998, valid for travel on both carriers’ networks throughout the continent. Recognizing the potential for growth through U.S. and offshore markets, VIA continued to promote Canadian destinations through a network of 45,000 independent travel agents in the U.S., affiliated agencies such as American Express, and national travel bureaus. Our partnership with the Canadian Tourism Commission provided extensive U.S. coverage of VIA’s services through vacation publications and a large circulation newsletter.

We continued to take part in joint promotions with federal, provincial and municipal tourism authorities across Canada. VIA was a key sponsor of Canada Day activities, including the Ottawa celebrations, as well as sponsoring traditional travel-related events such as the Quebec Winter Carnival, the Canadian Tulip Festival in Ottawa and several sporting events. At the same time, we launched a new partnership with Home Hardware – our first promotion campaign focusing on the non-traditional retail sector, allowing us to reach potential customers through the chain’s 960 stores across Canada. Home Hardware featured VIA in television commercials, a weekly flyer distributed to more than six million readers, as well as catalogues and posters. This successful partnership will be renewed in 1998.

In the second year of partnerships with Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade, VIA continued to develop community-based programs and special projects with businesses throughout the Quebec City - Windsor corridor. VIA also extended an interline agreement with the Trentway Wager bus company, transforming VIA’s Cobourg and Brockville stations into intermodal facilities handling both train and bus departures. This enhances VIA’s efforts to extend integrated services to customers throughout southwestern and eastern Ontario.


Our continued growth depends not only on attracting new customers, but making fans of our existing customers – ensuring that every single person who travels by VIA is delighted with our service and willing to come back.

That means learning to listen and respond to our customers’ suggestions and complaints. With the help of Hepworth and Company, a consulting firm specializing in managing customer relationships, VIA launched a comprehensive review of our approach to handling customer feedback – identifying the key drivers of customer satisfaction, overcoming barriers to service excellence, and increasing customer loyalty.

We also continued to respond to customer demand through new products and service improvements. In the spring of 1997, we added new frequencies to the Ottawa-Toronto service, providing more convenient departures and arrivals. We restored dedicated service between Toronto and Kingston to serve the long-distance commuter market. We expanded our daylight service between Jasper and Prince Rupert to include deluxe service, responding to the demands of the growing adventure and eco-tourism markets. We extended partnerships with travel wholesalers to selectively increase capacity on the Canadian between Edmonton and Vancouver, and tailor service more effectively to demand.

Booking seats on VIA – easier than ever
In February ‘97, VIA officially launched VIA Resernet on the Internet – becoming the first ground transportation company in the world to offer a self-booking service for travellers.

We completed the design of a new, more effective reservation system, to replace Reservia in 1998.

We enhanced access for customers with improved delivery service, offering tickets by mail within five days of booking.

We are exploring new ticketing technologies that will allow customers to use automated ticketing machines, avoiding line-ups during peak periods in our stations.

A 6-Pak for Students
VIA introduced a new student product in the fall of 1997. 6-Pak includes a bundled set of three return tickets at a 50 per cent discount, and merchandise bonus coupons. The product stimulates additional travel and attracts new users through on-campus promotions.

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