
(from left) Terry W. Ivany, President and Chief Executive Officer and Marc LeFrançois, Chairman of the Board
VIA finished 1996 with a new spirit of vitality and growth, and a commitment to explore the fresh thinking that will take passenger rail in Canada into the next century. In 1997, we delivered on that commitment. The spirit of growth continued to flourish, with the largest increase in ridership in years, and an improved bottom line for the fifth year running. More importantly, we have set the stage for managing and growing passenger rail in new, innovative ways for the benefit of all Canadians.

In fact, VIA is now at a pivotal point in its history. Some years ago, VIA faced the daunting challenge of meeting sharply reduced funding targets. We decided to meet this challenge without cutting services. We set out to eliminate unnecessary costs. We worked to improve quality and performance throughout our network. We adopted a single-minded determination to give customers a valuable, relevant, and rewarding passenger service that not only meets but exceeds their expectations.

In 1997, we once again met our goals. We have successfully transformed VIA Rail into a low-cost, high-quality passenger service. Now, the challenge is to go further - to take VIA Rail into the next century as a passenger service moving toward self-sufficiency.

This is no longer an impossible dream, but a real opportunity. As we look to the future, it is clear that passenger rail has an important place in a national transportation network that is both fiscally and environmentally sustainable. Recognizing VIA’s success, and potential, the Government of Canada has called on us to map out a vision for passenger rail and its place in the transportation network of the 21st century.

The initiatives we launched in 1997 point the way forward. They reflect the professionalism and dedication of every one of my colleagues at VIA Rail.

That professionalism and dedication was evident in the response of the train crew following a tragic accident near Biggar, Saskatchewan in September. Many individuals put their own safety on the line to help injured passengers. Every VIA employee was deeply saddened by the tragedy and is committed to preventing any such accident in the future.

VIA’s Board of Directors and our shareholder, the Government of Canada, provided invaluable support and encouragement throughout 1997. That support will continue to be critical as VIA looks to the future with a bold determination to do business differently.

The results we have achieved in 1997 prove the value of this approach. They demonstrate, in practical terms, VIA’s accomplishments and potential as a redefined service, empowered to provide Canadians with modern, efficient passenger transportation.

    Marc LeFrançois
    Chairman of the Board

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