Government of Canada


This section explores differences based on the specific programs or services used by surveyed clients. The program/services are presented below, including the number of respondents in each group (identified in brackets):

  • Canada Pension Plan Retirement Pension (CPP Retirement) (N = 597)
  • Canada Pension Plan Disability Pension (CPP Disability) (N = 150)
  • Employment Insurance (EI) (N = 1,660)
  • Employment Programs/Assistance (N = 652)
  • Old Age Security (OAS) (N = 678)
  • Passport (N = 724)
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN) (N = 639)
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) (N = 172)
  • 1-800 O’Canada (N = 416)

When reviewing the results in this section of the report, it is important to keep in mind that the number of respondents rating each service varied widely, from a low of 147 for CPP Disability to a high of 1,660 for Employment Insurance.


There were considerable differences in terms of awareness of Service Canada, the number of programs/services used, the type and number of channels used, as well as total number of contacts. There were also noteworthy differences in the extent to which problems were encountered (most often by Employment Programs/Assistance, EI and GIS clients), and in the extent to which clients were informed of other services/programs that might be of interest or use to them (GIS, SIN clients were informed of this least often, Employment Programs/Assistance and 1-800 O’Canada most often).

Clients who used the 1-800 O’Canada phone line were the most likely to provide positive feedback on service received from Service Canada. Along with users of EI, they were most likely to express satisfaction with the overall quality of service received. They were also most likely to provide strongly positive feedback on all 15 service-related issues, least likely to have encountered problems with service, and most likely to attribute a positive impact to the new model of service delivery represented by Service Canada. Conversely, clients who made contact regarding a CPP Disability pension were most likely to provide negative feedback on nearly all service-related issues (13 of 15 issues), although the differences were not usually very large.

Relatively Widespread Satisfaction with Quality of Service Across All Service Lines

Clients who had accessed service related to more than one program or service during the previous six months were asked to rate their satisfaction with the overall quality of service received for each program/service accessed (5-point scale: 5 = very satisfied; 1 = very dissatisfied).

Approximately three-quarters or more of service users expressed satisfaction with the overall quality of service received from Service Canada for each of the programs/services included in this survey. Moreover, satisfaction was more likely to be strong than moderate for each service accessed.

Clients were most satisfied with service received related to a Social Insurance Number (90%), followed closely by 1-800 O’Canada (89%). There was also widespread satisfaction among those who contacted Service Canada for service related to Old Age Security and CPP Retirement pensions (85% each), a passport (83%), and CPP Disability (81%). Majorities of those who contacted Service Canada for each of these services expressed strong satisfaction with the overall quality of service received (53-71%). Approximately three-quarters of those who contacted Service Canada regarding Employment Insurance (78%) and Employment Programs/Assistance (73%) expressed satisfaction with the overall quality of service received.

Dissatisfaction among users of these services was relatively limited, ranging from 4-11%.


Q30-36: You mentioned that you had been in contact with Service Canada for [insert service]. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received during the last six months related to the Canada Pension Plan? Please use a 5-point scale, where ‘1’ is very dissatisfied, and ‘5’ is very satisfied, and ‘3’ is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

The following table presents the Common Measurements Tool index scores for each of these programs/services:

Common Measurements Tool - Index Scores
Program/Service Mean Scores
(out of 5)
CMT Index Score
(out of 100)
1-800 O’Canada 4.53 88.25
Old Age Security/
Guaranteed Income
4.47 86.75
Social Insurance Number 4.45 86.25
CPP Retirement 4.43 85.75
Passport 4.33 83.25
Overall 4.31 82.75
CPP Disability 4.17 79.25
Employment Insurance 4.13 78.25
Employment Programs/Assistance 4.03 75.75

Variations in Other Key Areas

Awareness of Service Canada

The following graph presents awareness of Service Canada by program/service used. As can be seen, awareness is highest among Employment Programs/Assistance and 1-800 O’Canada clients. It is lowest among GIS and CPP Disability clients.


Q2: What is the name of that department?

Q3: Service Canada, created in September 2005, has primary responsibility for providing services to Canadians on behalf of the Government of Canada. Have you heard of this organization?

Reasons for Contacting Service Canada

The following table presents the number of different  program or services used by type of service/ program. As can be seen, clients who obtained service related to a CPP Retirement pension, EPB/Employment Assistance or a passport were the most likely to have used any other program or service.


Service Channels Used

Leaving aside those who used the 1-800 O’Canada phone line, respondents who contacted Service Canada regarding a CPP Retirement pension and a CPP Disability pension were most likely to have used the telephone (74-79%). That said, a majority of those who made contact for each of the other services also used the phone, with the exception of those who made contact about a SIN (48%). Those who contacted Service Canada about a SIN were most likely to have done so in-person (64%). In-person contact was also used by a majority of those who made contact regarding a passport and Employment Programs/Assistance. The Internet was most likely to be used by those making contact about EI and Employment Programs/Assistance services (55-57%). Mail and fax were most likely to be used by those making contact about CPP, the OAS, and the GIS (33-34%). Email was most likely to be used by those making contact regarding Employment Programs/ Assistance (20%).

The following graph presents the number of channels used by program/service. Single channel use was most common among CPP Disability and 1-800 O’Canada clients, and lowest for EI, Employment Programs/Assistance, and passport clients.


Q6: Did your contact concern any of the following programs or services?

Q8: During the last six months, in which of the following ways did you contact Service Canada? Please focus on contact with the government itself, nervice received through another organization delivering programs or services funded by the Government of Canada. How about [insert service channel]?


In terms of average number of contacts with Service Canada across all channels (both including and excluding web contact), EI and Employment Programs/Assistance clients were the most likely to have numerous contacts, particularly when website visits are included*. CPP, OAS and GIS clients are at the lower end of the spectrum.

* Average number of contacts have been rounded to closest full number.


Q9: How many times in the past six months did you [insert service channel]?

Perceptions of Service

Respondents who used the 1-800 O’Canada phone line were most likely to provide strongly positive feedback on all 15 service-related issues. The difference in strongly positive feedback between users of 1-800 O’Canada and those who contacted Service Canada for other services were widest regarding perceived courteousness of staff (84% vs. 57-67% of others), responsiveness to needs (75% vs. 50-62% of others), perceived knowledge and competence of staff (72% vs. 50-59% of others), being treated fairly (79% vs. 58-67% of others), and the perception that staff went the extra mile to get them what they needed (66% vs. 40-54% of others. Excluding users of 1-800 O’Canada, differences in strongly positive feedback between respondents who initiated contact for other services ranged from 7-15% across the various service-related issues. The difference was widest regarding the amount of time it took to get service.

On 13 of 15 issues, those who made contact regarding a CPP Disability pension were most likely to provide negative feedback. The only exceptions were the clarity/ease of understanding of information and the courteousness of staff. Negative feedback among those who made contact regarding a CPP Disability pension was most likely to stand out in relation to confidence that any personal information provided would be kept confidential (14% vs. 4-7% of others), the amount of time it took to get service (22% vs. 18% or fewer of others), and accessibility to service (13% vs. 5-9% of others).

Received What They Needed

CPP Disability and 1-800 O’Canada clients were the least likely to say they received everything the needed, while SIN and Passport clients were the most likely to say they got what they needed.


Q26: In the end, did you get what you needed?

Problems with Service

The likelihood of encountering problems with service during the past six months ranged from a high of 18% of those who made contact regarding Employment Programs/Assistance to a low of 10% of OAS clients and those who called 1-800 O’Canada.


Perceived Impact of Service Model on Quality of Service

The following graph presents information about the degree to which clients of different programs or services were informed by Service Canada staff about other programs or services that might be of interest to them. This was done least often for GIS and SIN clients, and most often for Employment Programs/Assistance and 1-800 O’Canada clients.


Q27: During the past six months, were there any problems with the service you received from Service Canada?

Q69: When you contacted Service Canada to obtain information or service during the past six months, did service staff inform you about any other programs, services or information that might be of value or use to you?

Users of 1-800 O’Canada were most likely to attribute a positive impact to the new model of service delivery represented by Service Canada (71%). A majority (51-57%) of those who contacted Service Canada for the following also attributed a positive impact to the new model: Employment Programs/Assistance, a CPP Retirement pension, the OAS, the GIS, and a passport. Thos who contacted Service Canada for a CPP Disability pension were least likely to think this (42%). Perceptions that the impact is negative varied little across client groups (3-7%).

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