Government of Canada


This section reports on client perceptions of their most recent service interaction with Service Canada. Surveyed clients that had multiple interactions with Service Canada during the previous six months were asked a small set of questions about their most recent interaction. Those who had only one service interaction were not asked these questions; however, the responses of these respondents about their channel use and satisfaction levels provided earlier in the survey have been added here to provide complete data about clients’ most recent service interaction.

Phone Most Likely to Have Been Used for Most Recent Contact

Nearly half (48%) of surveyed clients conducted their most recent service interaction with Service Canada by phone. Fewer than half this number used any other channel. In declining order of frequency, this included in-person contact (22%), the Internet (15%), mail/fax (10%), and email (2%).


Q65: Was your most recent service interaction with Service Canada by [insert channel]?

Widespread Satisfaction With Service Received During Most Recent Interaction

The large majority (84%) expressed satisfaction with the overall quality of service received during their most recent service interaction with Service Canada, with over half (59%) expressing strong satisfaction. Those who were not satisfied were almost equally divided between those who were neutral (8%) and those who were dissatisfied (6%).

Note that these results are virtually identical to those expressed with respect to the overall quality of service received when the focus was on all interactions related to a particular program or service.


Q67: How satisfied were you with the overall quality of service you received during this most recent contact with Service Canada? Please use a 5-point scale, where 1 is very dissatisfied, and 5 is very satisfied.

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