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Catalogue: Help

The CISTI Catalogue can be searched at any time on the Web at You can choose to use the Z39.50 protocol to search the Catalogue. See details at Z39.50 Access to CISTI Catalogue.



There are two types of searches available: Keyword searches and Begins With searches.

Keyword Searching

Keyword searching involves looking for a word or phrase anywhere within the search field. A search on multiple words such as cathodic protection, which are recognized as a phrase, will only retrieve records containing the words cathodic protection side-by-side.

Keyword searches retrieve a maximum of 32,000 items.

You can submit a keyword search from the Catalogue home page or the advanced search page. The Advanced Keyword Search offers more search fields and lets you perform more complicated searches with limits and combinations of adjacency, truncation, proximity and Boolean operators.

  • Main page: keywords anywhere
  • Advanced keyword search: keywords anywhere, in title, in author, in subject, in series, or in notes.

Begins With Searching

Begins With searching, also known as browsing, displays a portion of the selected index and retrieves a maximum of 32,000 items.

Browsing can be done from the Catalogue home page and from individual search pages. Go to the search page of one of the specific fields for more information.


Cataloguing is done in English, but some bibliographic data, such as title, are entered in the original language of the document.

To retrieve items in more than one language, use the advanced keyword search, and search for terms in more than one language, for example:  marsh or marais

It may be useful to limit your search to a specific language. For example, to find records that only include the French term vague, it would be best to limit your search to "Language": French to exclude records with the English term vague.

Limiting your search

There are several ways to limit your search:

  • By a Subset of the Catalogue - to limit your search to a particular collection.
  • After Getting Results from a Browse - when too many results are retrieved.
  • Before an Advanced Keyword Search.

By a Subset of the Catalogue

Information resources are grouped into different collections according to their nature or format. Fifteen of these collections are identified by subsets in the catalogue.

  • CISTI, Canada
  • Internet Resources
  • BRI, Biotechnology Research Inst., Que.
  • HIA, Herzberg Inst. of Astrophysics, B.C.
  • IBD, Inst. for Biodiagnostics, Man.
  • IFCI, Inst. for Fuel Cell Innovation, B.C.
  • IMB, Inst. for Marine Biosciences, N.S.
  • IMI, Industrial Materials Inst., Que.
  • IMTI, Integ. Manufacturing Tech. Inst., Ont.
  • IOT, Inst. for Ocean Technology, Nfld.
  • IRC, Inst. for Research in Construction, Ont.
  • NRC Learning Centre
  • PBI, Plant Biotechnology Institute, Sask.
  • CAL, Canadian Agriculture Library, Ottawa
  • NRC Virtual Library Resources

You can change the subset of the catalogue to be searched on any search page. By default, searches are carried out in all subsets of the Catalogue.

After Getting Results from a Browse

Any time browsing retrieves more than one record, you will see the Limit Search button on the results screen. Limits will be applied to the pool of records found. On the limit page you can limit by:

  • Language
  • Conference publications
  • Type of publication
  • Keywords in author, title, subject
  • Location
  • Year

Before an Advanced Keyword Search

It is possible to apply the following limits before submitting your search:

  • Year
  • Catalogue subset
  • Location
  • Language
  • Conference publications
  • Type of publication
  • Publisher

Table of Contents

Table of Contents information, which is regularly updated, is available for more than 33,000 books and conference proceedings.

Authors and titles listed in the Table of Contents are searchable through searches by author, title or keyword.

Atomic and Nuclear Clusters is an example of conference proceedings with Table of Contents information. Note that the authors are hypertext links.

Repeating Previous Searches

From the results screens you can re-submit searches done within your current session by selecting one of your searches from the Search History drop down box.


Viewing Results

Results will be displayed differently depending on the search type and the number of results found.

Search Type Number of Results Display
Keyword 1 Full record
2 or more List of items in chronological order. Brief or extended results can be viewed.
Browse 1 Full record
2 or more A subset of the selected index. Brief or extended results can be viewed.

No Results Found

If your browse term is not found in the selected index, try searching a keyword search.

If the item you need is not in the Catalogue, CISTI may be able to get you a copy through its Document Delivery Service. Contact us for more information.

Full Record Display

CISTI's Catalogue includes records of resources in the CISTI collection and in the collections of its partners, the Canadian Agriculture Library, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC), the Korea Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (KISTI), the Science and Technology Policy Research Information Center (STPI) in Chinese Taipei and SUNMEDIA in Japan. The records of the partners in Asia (ISTIC, KISTI, STPI and SUNMEDIA) are in English and some data may also be in the original language, ie Chinese, Japanese or Korean (CJK). To set up your browser to display the CJK characters, see Viewing Non-Latin Characters.

The following information is found in the full record display of CISTI records:


Call Number

Various coding systems are used for items in the Catalogue:

  • Library of Congress Classification: An alphanumeric classification system created by the Library of Congress used for shelving by subject.
    Ex. TA680 A525.
  • P: Code given by the Canadian Agriculture Library for their periodical collection, which is filed by title.
  • Universal Decimal Classification: Numerical classification system used by the Canadian Agriculture Library and by the Institute for Research in Construction (NRC) for shelving by subject.
    Ex. 630.971 S759 1980.


  • AVAILABLE: Item is available for loan or photocopies.
  • IN LIBRARY: Item is not for loan but photocopies can be requested.
  • NOT FOR LOAN: Item is not for loan but photocopies can be requested.
  • NRC USE ONLY: Item is available to NRC staff only.
  • **** USE ONLY: Item is available only to staff of NRC Institute indicated by ****.
  • 1 copy ordered for...: Item has been ordered but not yet received.
  • 1 copy being processed for...: Item is being processed by library staff.
  • DUE (date): Item is due on this date. Any item on loan for the regular one month period can be put on hold until returned. If the item requested is on loan for an extended period to an NRC researcher, it can be recalled for you.
  • RESTRICTED: Access to electronic text is restricted to subscribers with a site license.
  • FREE ACCESS: Access to the electronic text is available to all.

Ordering Items

Through its document delivery services, CISTI provides copyright cleared documents from its own collection, from various partner collections and from other global sources. To order an item, access the full record display of that item in the catalogue and click on Order this Item. Specific item availability information is included with each item record.

Note that new users must register before ordering.

Complete information on CISTI's Document Delivery Service is available at:


Exporting Records

Exporting is a feature that can be used to save your search results and create bibliographies to print or e-mail.

"Cookies" must be enabled in order to export records and view full-text electronic journal articles.

Marking and Saving the records

Records that you save will only be saved for 30 minutes. Be sure to export your records within a half hour.

From the results list screen

There are two ways to save records displayed on the results page being viewed:

  1. To save all displayed records (up to 12), click on Save All on Page.
  2. To save some of the displayed records, mark the records by clicking in the boxes located on the left side of the titles, and click on Save Marked Records.

From the full record screen

  1. Click Save this Record.

After you have made your selections, two additional buttons will appear at the top of the screen: Clear Saved Records and View/Export Saved Records.


Clearing Saved Records

To clear ALL saved records, click Clear Saved Records.

To clear SOME saved records:

  1. Click View/Export Saved Records.
  2. In your list of saved records, click in the boxes located on the left side of the titles to mark records to remove from the list.
  3. Click on Remove Marked Records from This List


Viewing/Exporting the Saved Records

  1. At the top of screen click View/Export Saved Records .
  2. Select a record format. You have the option to export your list in Full, Brief, MARC, Pro-cite, or End-note formats.
    • Full Display will export the entire bibliographic record
    • Brief Display will create a list with the author, title, publisher, and call number
    • MARC will export the entire MARC catalogue record
  3. Select a location to export:
    • E-Mail: saved records will be e-mailed to the e-mail address you provide.
    • Screen: saved records will display on your Internet browser screen.
    • Local disk: saved records will be transfered and saved as a file.
      • Click Save File in the Download dialog box.
      • Choose the file folder location and type the filename in the Save As dialog box.
      • Click Save.
  4. Click Submit.

CISTI Catalogue Search Pages

* Advanced Keyword * Author * Report Number
* Title * Subject * Control Number
* Series Title * ISSN/ISBN/CODEN * Call Number

Other Collections

* CISTI Partners
* SmartLibrary (Search 9 Ottawa area catalogues simultaneously)

Date Modified: 2007-10-03
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