Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Minister's Message

Since Confederation, national governments have built infrastructure to allow Canadians to travel, communicate and do business across our vast country. Government investments in infrastructure created Canada’s early canals, national railway, the telegraph system, the St. Lawrence Seaway, ports, airports and the Trans Canada Highway - the very foundations for building a nation and helping it grow and prosper.

It’s as true today as it was when Canada was built - strong infrastructure makes a nation strong. And it’s just as true that this is a national mission. Canada’s New Government recognizes that the time has come to exercise leadership to build a modern Canada founded upon world-class public infrastructure.

Infrastructure drives productivity, supports trade and fuels economic growth. It is critical to achieving our environmental goals and vital to building strong, competitive communities. But much of our public infrastructure is nearing the end of its expected lifespan and needs upgrading or replacing. Without significant investments in the country’s critical physical assets, there’s a risk that Canada will fall behind in the global economy and face challenges in maintaining a high quality of life for all Canadians.

In 2006, Canada’s New Government announced a long-term fiscal plan called Advantage Canada. This plan outlined several priority areas the government would focus on in the years ahead, including: a Tax Advantage (lower, more competitive rates); a Fiscal Advantage (reduce and eliminate debt); an Entrepreneurial Advantage (lower taxes, less red tape): Knowledge Advantage: (highly-educated and trained knowledge workforce) and finally, an Infrastructure Advantage: (to ensure the seamless flow of people, goods and services).

To realize this Infrastructure Advantage, Canada’s New Government is making an historic infrastructure investment of $33 billion under the new Building Canada plan. Building Canada will invest in infrastructure that will support a stronger economy, a cleaner environment and more prosperous communities. In short— a stronger, safer, and better Canada.

This comprehensive long-term infrastructure plan provides a framework for the federal government to collaborate with provinces, territories and municipalities to take action that is going to make a real difference in the everyday lives of Canadians. Infrastructure matters to Canadians - whether it’s safer roads, shorter commutes to work, or cleaner water and air to help keep families healthy.

The Building Canada plan will provide tangible benefits to improve the lives of Canadians, while supporting the nation’s most important economic and environmental goals. It will provide a long-term structure and funding for governments to plan and deliver results that matter to Canadians: clean air and water, safer roads, shorter commutes, and prosperous, liveable communities.

Building Canada is an unprecedented plan to address the challenges of funding public infrastructure and help ensure Canada is strongly positioned for prosperity, global competitiveness and a sustainable, healthy society well into the 21st century.

Lawrence Cannon
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities