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ADM (Fin CS)
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Integrated Management Action Plan (IMAP) Update

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Area to be Strengthened Status
1.Strengthen Financial Control Framework
  • Implementation of Comptrollership Action Plan
  • See Update to Comptrollership Action Plan
2. Strengthen and reinforce the role of Comptrollers
  • Accountability and Comptrollership Directive
  • Strengthening Accountability and Comptrollership in Defence directive published in Jun 04 for implementation in each L1 organization. Implementation updates were obtained from L1 Comptrollers in fall 04. Further updates will be requested for targeted areas on a go forward basis.
3. Connecting output to the expenditures
Giving visibility to what is spent in the IM/IT envelope IM Group produces an annual costing of all departmental IM/IT activities and distributes this to all L1s.   The costing for FY03/04 was recently completed and distributed.
Aligning the IM/IT Plan to the Defence Objectives Work is completed on aligning upper-tier IM work items to Defence objectives. Work continues to effect better alignment at lower levels.
Implementing a disciplined process to ensure IM requirements are planned and managed to the need IM Group is leading development of the IM Strategic Plan, which identifies and prioritizes all IM/IT requirements across the department.
Rationalizing the IT Infrastructure  - implementing an Enterprise Environment across the DND/CF On-going, This initiative (which is prioritized and reviewed by the Information Management Oversight Committee) includes implementation of a common network operating system across DND, defence baseline software, common email system and common incident management system.
Rationalizing the IT Infrastructure - consolidating IT support to the NCR under the IM Group as the Enterprise Service Provider Nine L1s have signed agreements to transfer support activities and resources to IM Group; with remaining expected to sign by end FY 04/05. A Corporate Support Standard for all IT and Telecom in the NCR is also being developed and will be funded through the IM/IT Corporate Account.
Rationalizing the IT infrastructure – consolidating the Support for Enterprise Applications under the IM Group FMAS and HRMS in-service support activities transferred to IM Group as of Jan 04. CFSS in-service support transferred Jul 04. MASIS was to transfer by end Oct 04 with other systems being negotiated for transfer by end FY 04/05.
ADM(IM) is revitatlizing the Finance Functional Chain within the IM Gp to ensure that there is an effective and routine means for the exchange of financial information and advice between the Im Gp Compt, Division Compts and Unit finance officers. Under the auspices of the Compt Revitalization initiative, a resource “gap” of 19 finance and procurement specialist personnel was identified.  The IM Gp is in the process of classifying and staffing these positions.
4. Produce Department-wide training on comptrollership and accountability
  • Expenditure Management Course (FAA Section 32,33, & 34)
  • The course was made available on the DWAN in Apr 04 and has been completed by over 16,000 individuals. An Internet version is being developed.
  • Strengthen the financial management training and development framework to ensure better support to military and civilian comptrollers and resource managers
  • A national Training Needs Assessment (TNA) was conducted at the National Defence Comptrollers’ Training and Development Forum (Oct 04) with learning sessions planned based on outcome of the TNA
  • The Resource Managers’ Course is now available on the DWAN through the e-course application. Since Apr 04, over 800 individuals have completed the course.
  • The fall 04 Annual National Defence Comptrollers Training and Development Forum was expanded to 250 participants.
5. Improve financial communication and guidance  
  • A Modern Comptrollership Review of the MAT Group is being conducted
  • The review is ongoing and will be completed in Feb 05.
  • The IM Group has produced a comprehensive IM/IT Corporate Account Management Procedures document
  • The first version of this document was issued in Jul 03. A new version will be released shortly which further delineates responsibilities.
6. FAA Section 33 See Comptrollership Action Plan Update
7. Procedures, controls, and performance monitoring of procurement and contracting
  • A DOCC has been formed to provide oversight of the contractual framework within DND and associated financial controls and practices.
  • The DOCC is co-chaired by ADM(FinCS) and ADM(Mat) and continues to meet on a regular basis to deal with these issues.
  • MAT Group is focusing on strengthening its leadership
  • Successful candidates in the leadership continuity program (LCP) have had learning plans developed. Appeals have delayed staffing of new PG Trainees. New ENG trainees are planned for Apr 05.
  • Work on the Group Succession Plan Framework in underway as of fall 04 for presentation to Senior Management in Dec 04- Jan 05.
  • IM and MAT groups are reinforcing accountabilities for the exercise of authorities related to contracting and procurement
  • On-going; DCPol lectures as SME. The new Procurement Administration Manual will also increase awareness.
  • The IM/IT Corporate Account Management Procedures document clearly delineates the division of responsibilities between the IM Gp (Manager and Technical Authority of Corporate Account) and ADM(Mat) (Procurement Authority).   
  • MAT Group is setting up training standards for the exercise of contracting authority and has implemented mandatory training for its Contracting Officers
  • Fully Implemented
  • Specific-to-need training on contracting practices
  • In progress. DC Pol has developed on-line presentations and a two-day course. On-line certification is being developed.
  • On-site contract review and assistance
  • Fully implemented
The Mat Group is establishing new and reinforcing existing departmental standards for contracting process, procedures and management:

DC Pol Website guidance

Fully implemented
Directives, Advisory Bulletins through ADM(Mat) to all L1s and equivalents Fully implemented
Directorate of Major Service Delivery Procurement (DMSDP) established Fully Implemented
Director of Materiel Acquisition and Support Program (DMASP)  to develop formal definitions of Procurement and Procurement Process Completed, to be included in PAM, Chap 1
Develop Procurement Administration Manual In-progress, Jun 05
Develop mandatory awareness training on procurement initiation and contracting direct with trade In progress, Jun 05
Procurement training package for department In progress, Apr 05
Clarify local/central procurement versus local/central materiel management In progress, Jun 05
Website Best Practices/Lessons Learned Ongoing
MA&S Book of Knowledge Ongoing
High Risk Contract Framework In progress, Jun 05
Annual high-risk contract status report. In progress, Nov 04, DC Pol will commence responsibility for annual review in Apr 05.
Enforce use of CFSS for local procurement at Bases and Units. Compliance and monitoring to start by Mar 05.
8. Life Cycle asset management
  • In 2004-05 the asset model will be developed for IM/IT assets.
  • IM/IT assets have been incorporated into the existing asset model using information from the SCIP. The model is considered a prototype at this time.
9. Active monitoring
  • C Fin O/DB actively monitors all financial accounts to review appropriateness of coded transactions and identify unusual transactions.
  • Monthly reports are provided to L1s on an exception basis for personnel-related expenditures. Further reports are planned in the areas of direct coding and revenues.