National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

Highlights - August 2006

NRC Highlights

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In a crisis, a new NRC technology will get the right information to the right people when they need it most.

 You Have Emergency E-Mail

In a crisis, a new NRC technology will get the right information to the right people when they need it most. EM-FLOW is an emergency management software tool that will give decision makers the crucial situational awareness they need, exactly when they need it.

The hydrogen on demand technology could be used to create take-anywhere chargers for devices such as multi-media phones.

 Hydrogen on Demand

The much anticipated hydrogen-powered fuel cell revolution has a problem: the hydrogen. This clear, colourless gas is highly explosive and flammable. Safety codes greatly restrict the indoor storage of pressurized hydrogen. But a unique NRC technology could soon overcome this fuel hurdle with an ingenious approach: make the hydrogen on demand.

NRC's Business Portfolio Office responsible for NRC's Business Case Challenge 2006. From l. to r.: Sylvie Brunette, Clement Langemeyer, Elizabeth White and Keith Gilchrist.

 Transforming Technology into New Business Opportunities

Technology transfer is very important to NRC. With 20 research institutes participating in innovative projects across the country, NRC is proud to support commercialization efforts that transform research and technologies from its labs into new companies, partnerships and industry collaborations.

Photo of the Month
Photo of the Month

Testing Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

NRC scientists are exploring ways to maximize fuel cell efficiency. In proton exchange membrane fuel cells the membrane acts as an electrolyte, or medium, transporting protons from the positive to the negative electrode.

   View more photos from NRC Picture Perfect Science

Date Published: 2006-08-24
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