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Transforming Technology into New Business Opportunities

NRC Business Case Challenge 2006
  Beating a Monster of the Mind  
  Hydrogen on Demand  
  You Have Emergency E-Mail  
  Transforming Technology into New Business Opportunities  

NRC recently held its fourth successful Business Case Challenge. Last month, we highlighted some new licensing opportunities presented at the challenge. The competition also included a category for teams that plan to start a new venture based on their technology and turn remarkable research into new business opportunities.

You can learn more about each of the entries in this issue of NRC Highlights. There you will find descriptions of a promising new treatment and potential cure for Alzheimer's disease and a new way of producing hydrogen on demand as a safe source of emergency back-up power. You can also learn about an information management system that gives officials the tools they need to make vital decisions in the wake of a natural disaster.

Participation in the Business Case Challenge gave the teams the opportunity to carefully consider the potential market and licensees for their work, evaluating their competition, and identifying key targets for commercialization. 

Technology transfer is very important to NRC. With 20 research institutes participating in innovative projects across the country, NRC is proud to support commercialization efforts that transform research and technologies from its labs into new companies, partnerships and industry collaborations. Since 1995, NRC has created 60 new companies, resulting in hundreds of new jobs and millions of dollars of investment in Canada. The annual Business Case Challenge is just one way that NRC is putting Science at Work for Canada.

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Date Published: 2006-08-01
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