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World-Leading Science,World-Leading People

World-leading science, the kind that leads to major, life-altering discoveries, begins with world-leading people. NRC has a workforce of almost 4,000 of the best and brightest minds and is working to hire more through a new program called New Horizons, New Opportunities.

Two researchers have recently been hired as a result of the initiative; both come from outside Canada.

Dr. Guy Austing Dr. Guy Austing, a former scientist at Japan's Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and the author of a long list of publications in refereed journals, is another recent hire under the program. Dr. Austing has joined the NRC Institute for Microstructural Sciences (NRC-IMS) in Ottawa. NRC-IMS plays a strategic role in the development of next generation hardware for the Canadian high tech sector and has research strengths in photonics and semiconductor design. Dr. Austing is recognized worldwide as one of the leaders in the field of semiconductor quantum dot devices for spintronics and quantum computing applications. Dr. Austing will be conducting research with the Quantum Physics group at IMS.

Dr. Lizann BolingerDr. Lizann Bolinger, a former Associate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Iowa, has joined the NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics (NRC-IBD) in Winnipeg. NRC-IBD specializes in the development of medical devices and imaging diagnostics, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy. Such imaging techniques are used both for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as breast cancer, colon cancer and arthritis. Dr. Bolinger has an international reputation in the field of MR technology development. At NRC-IBD, she will pursue her interest in the non-invasive assessment of disease and disease treatment.

"It's great to be part of the NRC-IBD team. I'm very excited to be able to continue developing new medical diagnostic tools with magnetic resonance," said Dr. Bollinger. "NRC's New Horizons initiative will provide opportunities for many other researchers, like myself, to join a world-class research organization."

NRC continues to stake out new and strategically important research areas. The goal of the New Horizons initiative is to recruit 50 outstanding researchers within the next five years. The initiative specifically targets outstanding young scientists and engineers with the potential to become world leaders in their field, as well as renowned established researchers. NRC is helping to ensure Canada has enough highly qualified people with the skills for a more competitive, knowledge-based economy.

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Date Modified: 2003-04-11
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