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KEYWORDS:   microvariability
8 Matches found
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Click on the picture to enlarge it.   MOST Microsatellite and Space Telescope
This animation shows the launch, deployment and insertion into orbit of the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) Microsatellite and Space Telescope aboard an ...
  RM Video Format
Click on the picture to enlarge it.   MOST Microsatellite and Space Telescope
August 1, 2002 -- The MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars), microsatellite will be used to conduct ultraprecise measurements of the varying brightness of stars, ...
  JPG Graphics Format
Click on the picture to enlarge it.   MOST Model
The MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars)microsatellite will be used to conduct ultraprecise measurements of the varying brightness of stars, allowing scientists ...
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Click on the picture to enlarge it.   Prof. Jaymie M. Matthews during MOST testing at UTIAS
August 2002 - Prof. Jaymie Matthews during testing of the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) microsatellite and space telescope at the University of Toronto ...
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Click on the picture to enlarge it.   MOST during testing at UTIAS
January 2003 - Canada's first microsatellite, housing its first space telescope, MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars). No bigger than a suitcase and costing ...
  JPG Graphics Format
Click on the picture to enlarge it.   MOST microsatellite and space telescope at UTIAS
January 2003 - Canada's first microsatellite, housing its first space telescope, MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars). No bigger than a suitcase and costing ...
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Updated: 2003/08/18 Important Notices