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Operational Space Medicine Crest

The crest of the Canadian Space Agency’s (CSA) Operational Space Medicine (OSM) Group highlights the Group's mission to provide medical support to Canadian Astronauts in the human exploration of space.

The wings embracing the serpent and staff of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing, symbolize the OSM Group's responsibility to preserve the health, safety and well-being of Canadian astronauts.

The diagonal line of the five planets visible to the naked eye from the Earth, the moon and the sun (symbolized by the white sunlit crescent of the moon), represent the ‘seven heavenly bodies’. The observation of these seven wandering bodies relative to the stationary stars marked the beginning of the study of our solar system. In mankind's continued search for an understanding of the universe, the OSM Group supports human exploration of space during the International Space Station Era and beyond. The resulting advancements in the field of medicine will benefit man in space and on Earth.

This crest was designed by Canadian artist Paul Fjeld.

Updated: 2006/08/18 Important Notices