Specialists in Advanced Composites Applications for the International Aerospace & Defense Market.
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Comtek's Burlington, Ontario facility.
Comtek's Phoenix, Arizona facility.

Comtek was founded in 1994 to provide repair, manufacturing and engineering services for aircraft structural parts, with a technological specialization in advanced composite and bonded metallic structures. The company is focused on the aerospace and defense market. Historically, the company has provided repair services for commercial airlines in North America and Europe, as well as performing advanced design and manufacturing work for well-know aerospace companies such as Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney, Goodrich, Honeywell, General Electric and DRS. This diversified business mix, coupled with recent advances in our proprietary, low cost composites manufacturing technology and the establishment of multiple locations from which to serve our customers, has positioned Comtek for rapid growth through increased penetration of our target markets.

Comtek's state-of-the-art facilities comprise 35,000 square feet at the company's headquarters in Burlington, Ontario, Canada and an additional 32,000 square feet in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. The company is actively seeking out additional locations in key geographic markets, and intends to grow both organically through the application of our technology and through acquisition.

We believe that a business mix of OEM manufacturing and the provision of proprietary aftermarket products and repair services to the airlines continues to be a successful strategy. Our primary focus in the growth of our manufacturing business is to participate in aerospace vehicle production as a supplier to Tier 1 and Tier 2 manufacturers as well as to the OEM's directly. Advanced composite materials have continued to take a greater role in the design of new aircraft. The relentless drive for lower costs and the pressure of higher fuel prices demands the increasing use of advanced composite structure. Comtek's low cost manufacturing technology, protected by patent, has already demonstrated major cost savings in the manufacture of parts for the Airbus 380, the largest transport aircraft in the world.

In the aircraft repair and maintenance marketplace, Comtek's comprehensive portfolio of repair designs and aftermarket products have set new standards for quality and durability in service. Our ability to quickly design and obtain airworthiness approval for new repair schemes and products has saved our airline customers millions of dollars in new part costs. With multiple repair stations, we can reduce shipping costs and turnaround times for our airline customers and quickly have mobile repair teams on site to perform repairs right on the aircraft.

Besides aerospace and defense, the technology that we have developed has wide application in a number of other industries. Diversification into these other industries, either directly or through licensing or joint venture agreements, is already in progress.

1360 Artisans Court
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 5Y2
Tel: 905-331-8121 Fax: 905-331-8125

3420 South 7th Street
Phoenix, Arizona, USA 8540
Tel: 602-232-2202 Fax: 602-232-2210

All site contents are copyright 2006 Comtek Advanced Structures.