Video Tracker, Video Tracking, Target Tracking and Measurement Systems and Solutions

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Since 1991, IMAGO has set the standard in high performance portable video target trackers and trajectory measurement systems.

Today, IMAGO's fully integrated target tracker and integrated tracking systems are used by defence labs throughout the world. That is because they recognize that our tracking solutions have the qualities required to deliver consistently superior performance. They are portable, flexible, affordable, customizable and upgradable .

IMAGO's hallmark product is the IMAGO 1000 Video Target Tracker. The IMAGO 1000's tracker and control algorithms are optimized to work together to provide the best possible performance. Resulting in a integrated system that tracks better in clutter, tracks three times faster and tracks significantly more accurately than any other portable video target tracking system.

The IMAGO LC, is a low cost alternative to the IMAGO 1000. It offers the same level of quality as the IMAGO 1000 but with lower performance that still exceeds the performance of competing tracking systems.

The IMAGO 1000 Target Tracking System offers a full set of calibration tools that allow it to be accurately surveyed into a local coordinate system. Combining these tools with the IMAGO 1000 and either a laser rangefinder or multiple IMAGO 1000s, you have a highly accurate Miss Distance or 3D Trajectory Measurement System.

When you bring an IMAGO Tracking System to the field, you are bringing IMAGO's field experience. We work with our customers to ensure that the tracker and tracking system are equipped with the right tools and strategies for successful trials.