En 1913, la Commission géologique du Canada (, ministère des Mines (le prédécesseur du ministère des Mines et des Ressources, et de Ressources naturelles Canada), a commencé la publication des Bulletins du Musée, dans des collections numérotées distinctement, dans les disciplines de géologie, de biologie et d'anthropologie. Des Rapports annuels du Musée s'ajoutèrent à la collection, à partir du Bulletin 50, pour l'année 1926, et se poursuivirent jusqu'en 1956. Bien que la Division du Musée du ministère des Mines n'aient pas été désignée Musée national du Canada avant 1927, les Bulletins publiés de 1923 à 1969 ont parus avec cette marque d'éditeur. De 1946 à 1968, le musée a été administré par le ministère des Ressources et du Développement économique, le ministère du Nord canadien et des Ressources nationales, le Secrétariat d'État du Canada et finalement la Société des Musées nationaux du Canada.

Pendant 40 ans, les Bulletins du Musée national du Canada ont toujours été publiés, quels que soient les divers ministères qui les éditaient. En 1963, une Collection d'histoire s'est ajoutée aux Bulletins en 1968, puis des Publications sur la culture traditionnelle s'y sont jointes. Le 1er avril 1968, une nouvelle société d'État, les Musées nationaux du Canada, était constituée comprenant le Musée national de l'Homme, le Musée national des sciences naturelles, le Musée national des sciences et de la technologie et la Galerie nationale du Canada. Le Musée national de l'Homme a poursuivi la publication de la Série des bulletins des Musées nationaux du Canada jusqu'en 1971.

Ne sont mentionnés ici que les Bulletins qui comportent des articles traitant d'archéologie, de culture traditionnelle, d'ethnologie et d'histoire canadiennes. Sauf indication contraire, les Bulletins étaient publiés dans la langue de l'auteur et étaient brochés. Des articles séparés, qui se trouvaient dans les Bulletins, étaient également souvent offerts en tirés à part et brochés.

Les renseignements de plusieurs des livres qui suivent sont présentés tels que publiés avant 1974. Ainsi, elles peuvent inclure des terminologies qui, de nos jours, sont considérées inexactes ou inconvenantes.



The Geological Survey of Canada (, Department of Mines (predecessor of the Department of Mines and Resources and Natural Resources Canada), began publishing Museum Bulletins in 1913 in separately numbered series for the disciplines of geology, biology, and anthropology. Annual Reports of the museum were added to the series commencing with Bulletin 50 for the year 1926 and continued until 1956. Although the museum branch of the Department of Mines would not be officially designated the National Museum of Canada until 1927, Bulletins published from 1923 to 1969 appeared with this imprint. From 1946 until 1968, the Museum was administered by the Department of Resources and Development, the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, the Department of the Secretary of State, and finally the Corporation of the National Museums of Canada.

National Museum of Canada Bulletins would continue to be published for forty years irrespective of the various government departments that published them. In 1963, a History Series was added to the Bulletins and, in 1968, a Folklore Series was introduced. On 1 April 1968, a new Crown Corporation, the National Museums of Canada, was formed creating the National Museum of Man, the National Museum of Natural Science, the National Museum of Science and Technology and the National Gallery of Canada. The National Museum of Man continued to publish in the National Museums of Canada Bulletin Series until 1971.

Listed here are only those Bulletins that included papers dealing with Canadian archaeology, folklore, ethnology and history. Unless otherwise noted, Bulletins were published in the language of the author and were paper bound. Individual papers contained in the Bulletins were also often printed and bound separately.

For many of the following books the captions appear as originally published prior to 1974. They may include terminology not considered correct or appropriate today.

Museum Bulletin 1, Anthropological Series 1. Victoria Memorial Museum.1913. GSC (Geological Survey of Canada) Publication 1240. 200 pages, 87 illustrations. Includes:

WINTEMBERG, W. J. Article XVII. "The Archaeology of Blandford Township, Oxford Country, Ontario," part XVII, p. 187-200, 1 map (published separately, GSC Publication 1240j).

Bulletin No 1 du Musée, No 1 de la série anthropologique. Musée commémoratif Victoria.1915. Publication no 1515 de la Commission géologique du Canada (CGC). 226 pages, 87 illustrations.

Museum Bulletin 2, Anthropological Series 2, 1914. GSC Publication 1342. 140 pages, 4 folded sheets, 51 illustrations. Includes:

RADIN, P. Article IV. "Some Aspects of Puberty Fasting Among the Ojibwa," p. 69-78 (published separately, GSC Publication 1342d).

An essay on the distinctive features of Ojibwa puberty fasts based on research among the Ojibwa of eastern and southeastern Ontario in 1912.

Bulletin No 2 du Musée, No 2 de la série anthropologique, 1916. CGC Publication no 1343. 149 pages, 4 feuilles pliées, 51 illustrations.

Museum Bulletin 6, Anthropological Series 3. GSC Publication 1476.

STEFANSSON, V., 1914. Prehistoric and Present Commerce Among the Arctic Coast Eskimo. 29 pages, 1 map (map published separately, GSC Publication 1302).

Three things chiefly determine the character of Eskimo commerce: the geographic conditions, the character of the natural resources, and the distribution of the peopled area. In Eskimo country, the great highway of travel is the sea, not as water but as ice. Trade networks and centres of trade are examined.

Museum Bulletin 9, Anthropological Series 4. GSC Publication 1492.

KNOWLES, F. H. S., 1915. The Glenoid Fossa in the Skull of the Eskimo. 25 pages, 12 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-10304-4 / 978-0-660-10304-4.

This paper shows that in the skulls of the Eskimo who have lived under the primitive conditions of existence, the surface of articulation with the mandibles is not concave as in the skulls of modern highly civilized races.

Museum Bulletin 10, Anthropological Series 5. GSC Publication 1501.

RADIN, P., 1915. The Social Organization of the Winnebago Indians: An Interpretation. 40 pages, 2 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-10305-2 / 978-0-660-10305-1. Reprinted 1974, Facsimile Edition.

The social organization of the Winnebago is based on a twofold division of the tribe that seems to represent a historic social grouping. The author makes the analysis of this division.

Museum Bulletin 16, Anthropological Series 6. GSC Publication 1535.

RADIN, P., 1915. Literary Aspects of North American Mythology. 51 pages.

The author demonstrates the precise nature of literary elements in mythology, for in primitive mythology ".We are often dealing with literature in the true sense of the word." For that reason Radin finds it necessary to apply to it the same methods of analysis and criticism that we apply to our own.

Museum Bulletin 19, Anthropological Series 7. GSC Publication 1565.

SAPIR, Edward, 1915. A Sketch of the Social Organization of the Nass River Indians. 30 pages, 1 photograph.

This is a study of the four exogamous phratries of the Nass River Indians. The phratries are subdivided into smaller groups that may be termed clans or families.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 37, Anthropological Series 8.

SMITH, Harlan I., 1923. An Album of Prehistoric Canadian Art. 195 pages, 84 photographs.

An illustrated description of more than 350 specimens, mainly pottery and stone artifacts representative of the art of the five major cultural areas of Canada.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 47, Anthropological Series 9.

Some Shell-Heaps in Nova Scotia. ISBN 0-660-10306-0 / 978-0-660-10306-8. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Edition. Includes:

SMITH, Harlan I. "The Archaeology of Merigomish Harbour, Nova Scotia," p. 1-104, 21 photographs.

WINTEMBERG, W. J. "The Eisenhauer Shell-Heap, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia," p. 107-128, 10 photographs.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 50. Annual Report 1926, 1928. 126 pages, ISBN 0-660-02009-2 / 978-0-660-02009-9. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the Museum."

COLLINS, W. H. "The National Museum of Canada," p. 32-70, 10 photographs, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02459-4 / 978-0-660-02459-2).

A history of museum work undertaken by the Government of Canada prior to 1926.

JENNESS, Diamond. "Archaeological Investigations in Bering Strait," 10 pages, 4 photographs (published separately).

SMITH, Harlan I. "Restoration of Totem Poles in British Columbia," p. 81-83.

Bulletin No 50 du Musée national du Canada. Rapport Annuel 1926, 1928. 126 pages, ISBN 0-660-02012-2 / 978-0-660-02012-9.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 51, Anthropological Series 10.

WINTEMBERG, W. J., 1928. Uren Prehistoric Village Site, Oxford County, Ontario. 97 pages, 23 photographs, 3 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-10307-9 / 978-0-660-10307-5.

A detailed examination of an early fourteenth century Iroquois village site in southwestern Ontario.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56. Annual Report for 1927, 1929. 107 pages, ISBN 0-660-02010-6 / 978-0-660-02010-5. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the Museum."

JENNESS, Diamond. "Notes on the Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland," p. 36-39, 2 photographs.

An account of a field trip undertaken to locate any existing remains of the extinct Beothuk Indians and to discover the contacts between the Beothuks and other Indian and Eskimo groups.

SMITH, Harlan I. "Kitchen-Middens of the Pacific Coast of Canada," p. 42-46.

A report on the distribution and antiquity of prehistoric shell middens on the Pacific Coast.

SMITH, Harlan I. "Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighbouring Tribes of British Columbia," p. 46-68.

A description of the medicinal uses to which flora and fauna are put by the Bella Coola, Gitksan, Carrier and Sekani in British Columbia.

WINTEMBERG, W. J. "Preliminary Report on Field Work in 1927."

Bulletin No 56 du Musée national du Canada. Rapport Annuel 1927. 107 pages, ISBN 0-660-02013-0 / 978-0-660-02013-6.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 59, Anthropological Series 13.

BOILEAU GRANT, J. C., 1929. Anthropometry of the Cree and Saulteaux Indians in Northeastern Manitoba. 78 pages, 5 illustrations, 5 photographs, ISBN 0-660-10308-7 / 978-0-660-10308-2.

A study of the physical characteristics of two living Algonkian-speaking populations, the Cree and the Saulteaux of northeastern Manitoba.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 60, Anthropological Series 11.

BLOOMFIELD, L., 1930. Sacred Stories of the Sweet Grass Cree. 346 pages. Reprinted 1976 by AMS Press (New York, NY), ISBN 0-404-11821-6 / 978-0-404-11821-1, and 1993 by Fifth House (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), ISBN 1-895618-27-4 / 978-1-895618-27-3,

Thirty-six Sweet Grass Cree stories, collected in 1925, are written in Cree followed by a translation in English.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 61, Anthropological Series 12.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1929. Totem Poles of the Gitksan, Upper Skeena River, British Columbia. 275 pages, 33 illustrations, 1 map, ISBN 0-660-10309-5 / 978-0-660-10309-9. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Edition.

A description and an analysis of the totem poles of the Gitksan, who practised the art of carving and erecting tall wooden memorials to their dead. This study reveals the remarkable growth of this aboriginal art and culture and its diffusion around the rim of the Pacific Ocean..

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 62. Annual Report for 1928, 1929. ISBN 0-660-02011-4 / 978-0-660-02011-2. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the Museum."

JENNESS, Diamond. "The Ancient Education of a Carrier Indian," p. 22-27.

One aspect in the life of the Carrier Indians (their education system) is used to illustrate the manner in which the culture spread and its revolutionary effect on the people who came into contact with it.

Bulletin No 62 du Musée national du Canada. Rapport Annuel, 1928. ISBN 0-660-02020-3 / 978-0-660-02020-4.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 64, Anthropological Series 14.

BOILEAU GRANT, J. C., 1931. Anthropometry of the Chipewyan and Cree Indians in the Neighbourhood of Lake Athapaska. 59 pages, 5 photographs, 3 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-10310-9 / 978-0-660-10310-5.

A study of the physical characteristics of an Athapaskan-speaking population and an Algonkian-speaking population in the Lake Athabasca area.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 65, Anthropological Series 15.

JENNESS, Diamond, 1932. Indians of Canada. 452 pages, 132 illustrations, 1 map. Reprinted 1935, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1967, and 1972. Reprinted 1977 by Canadian University Paper Book 203, University of Toronto Press (Toronto, Ontario), Cloth, ISBN 0-8020-2286-3 / 978-0-8020-2286-8 and paper, ISBN 0-8020-6326-8 / 978-0-8020-6326-7. Reprinted 2001 as audio and text computer laser optical discs, 20 hours 34 minutes, Daisy 2 recording standard, ISBN 0-616-07357-7 / 978-0-616-07357-5 and ISBN 0-616-07358-5 / 978-0-616-07358-2 by CNIB (Toronto, Ontario), Reprinted 2003 as 273 mb computer data files, MP3 compression, remote access through VisuCAT, ISBN 0-616-16661-3 / 978-0-616-16661-1 by CNIB (Toronto, Ontario).

This classic book by Diamond Jenness contains valuable information on every phase of daily life covering the political, social, cultural, and economic aspects of Indian and Eskimo life, for the layman and the specialist. The third and subsequent editions included five additional up-dating pages as Appendix C.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 67. Annual Report for 1929, 1931. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the National Museum."

LEECHMAN, Douglas. "Technical Methods in the Preservation of Anthropological Museum Specimens," p. 127-158.

A brief paper on collecting, cleaning and preserving anthropological specimens in the field and in the laboratory.

WINTEMBERG, W. J. "Distinguishing Characteristics of Algonkian and Iroquoian Cultures," p. 65-125, 17 photographs, 1 illustration.

An illustrated description of the prehistoric implements attributed to the Algonkian and Iroquoian cultures in Ontario and Quebec.

Bulletin No 67 du Musée national du Canada. Rapport Annuel, 1929, 1931. ISBN 0-660-02462-4 / 978-0-660-02462-2.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 68. Annual Report 1930, 1931. 91 pages, ISBN 0-660-02385-7 / 978-0-660-02385-4. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the National Museum."

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 70. Annual Report 1931, 1931. 119 pages. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the National Museum."

JENNESS, Diamond. "Three Iroquois Wampum Records," p. 25-29, 1 photograph, (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02286-9 / 978-0-660-02286-4).

A description and the historical background of three wampum records acquired in 1930 from Chief W.D. Loft, a Mohawk of Caledonia, Ontario.

OSGOOD, C. B. "The Ethnography of the Great Bear Lake Indians," p. 31-97, 4 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02299-0 / 978-0-660-02299-4).

Based on investigations in 1928, this monograph considers the material culture, social organization and religious beliefs of the Athapaskans.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 71. Annual Report 1932, 1933. 25 pages, ISBN 0-660-02208-7 / 978-0-660-02208-6. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada," p. 1-25.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 73. Annual Report 1933, 1934. 30 pages, ISBN 0-660-02207-9 / 978-0-660-02207-9. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada," p. 1-30.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 75, Anthropological Series 16.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1935, 1936, 1964. Folk Songs of Old Quebec. 72 pages.

Fifteen folk songs from the province of Quebec most of which are very old. Their origin and arrival in Canada are traced by the author.

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Bulletin No 75 du Musée national du Canada, No 16 de la série anthropologique.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1965. Chansons populaires du vieux Québec. 61 pages.

Quinze chansons folkloriques de la province de Québec, pour la plupart très anciennes. L'auteur en retrace l'origine et leur arrivée au Canada. Bien qu'il soit appelé seconde édition, il s'agit d'une traduction de celui de 1935.

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Marius Barbeau: A Glimpse of Canadian Culture.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 76. Annual Report 1934, 1935. 25 pages, ISBN 0-660-02206-0 / 978-0-660-02206-2. Includes:

COLLINS, W. H. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada," p. 1-25.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 78, Anthropological Series 17.

JENNESS, Diamond, 1935. The Ojibwa Indians of Parry Island: Their Social and Religious Life. 115 pages.

A report on a seven week investigation on Parry Island during the summer of 1929. The Ojibwa population of the island is more or less divided into two groups: families that immigrated recently from further north and west, and older families who claim to be the earliest inhabitants of the district.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 81, Anthropological Series 18.

BOILEAU GRANT, J. C., 1936. Anthropometry of the Beaver, Sekani and Carrier Indians. 43 pages, 6 illustrations, 6 photographs, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-10311-7 / 978-0-660-10311-2.

A report on the fieldwork undertaken in 1929 to obtain information on the physical characters and physical proportions of the Beaver Indians, with the object of extending the knowledge to the Dene stock. To this stock also belong the Chipewyan.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 82. Annual Report for the National Museum for Fiscal Year 1935-36, 1936. 24 pages, ISBN 0-660-02205-2 / 978-0-660-02205-5.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 83, Anthropological Series 19.

WINTEMBERG, W. J., 1936. Roebuck Prehistoric Village Site, Grenville County, Ontario. 178 pages, 19 photographs, 4 illustrations, 2 maps. Reprinted 1972, Facsimile Edition.

A detailed examination of a St. Lawrence Iroquois site.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 84, Anthropological Series 20.

JENNESS, Diamond, 1937. The Sekani Indians of British Columbia. 82 pages, 14 photographs, 3 illustrations.

The author spent four weeks in the summer of 1924 at McLeod Lake and Fort Grahame, collecting information on the Sekani: material culture, physical appearance, social organization, customs, and religious beliefs.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 86, Anthropological Series 21.

JENNESS, Diamond, 1937. The Indian Background of Canadian History. 46 pages, 5 illustrations.

Part I of this work is a theoretical approach to the concept of race and civilization and an analysis of the major factors that have influenced the development of human groups. Part II deals with prehistory of the American Indians: their arrival, their possible migration routes, and their movements over the continent.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 87, Anthropological Series 22.

KNOWLES, Francis H. S., 1937. Physical Anthropology of the Roebuck Iroquois with Comparative Data from Other Indian Tribes. 75 pages, maps.

A physical anthropological study of the skeletal material recovered from the prehistoric Roebuck site, Grenville County, Ontario.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 89. Annual Report for the National Museum for Fiscal Year 1936-37, 1937. 29 pages, ISBN 0-660-02438-1 / 978-0-660-02438-7.

Bulletin No 89 du Musée national du Canada. Rapport du Musée national sur l'année financière 1936-37, 1937. 29 pages, ISBN 0-660-02204-4 / 978-0-660-02204-8.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 90, Anthropological Series 23.

JENNESS, Diamond, 1938. The Sarcee Indians of Alberta. 98 pages, 8 photographs, 8 illustrations.

A description of Sarcee daily life, social structure, life cycle, societies, religion and beliefs derived from field notes made in 1921.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 91. Annual Report for the National Museum for the Fiscal Year 1937-38, 1938. 22 pages, ISBN 0-660-02202-8 / 978-0-660-02202-4.

Bulletin No 91 du Musée national du Canada. Rapport du Musée national sur l'année financière 1937-38, 1938. 22 pages, ISBN 0-660-02203-6 / 978-0-660-02203-1.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 93, Anthropological Series 24.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1938. Assomption Sash. 52 pages, 18 photographs, 5 illustrations. Reprinted 1972, Facsimile Edition.

A discussion of the cultural origins, history, and art of finger weaving the ceintures fléchées (arrow sashes) and garters made by North American Indians and French-Canadians.

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National Museum of Canada Bulletin 94, Anthropological Series 25.

WINTEMBERG, W. J., 1940. Lawson Prehistoric Village Site, Middlesex County, Ontario. 104 pages, 18 photographs, 7 illustrations.

A detailed report on a mid-sixteenth century Neutral Iroquois village site.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 95. Annual Report for the National Museum 1938-39, 1939. 23 pages, ISBN 0-660-02201-X / 978-0-660-02201-7.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 107, Anthropological Series 26.

BARBEAU, Marius, Arthur Lismer and Arthur Bourinot, 1947. Come A Singing! Canadian Folk Songs. 60 pages, 26 illustrations. Reprinted 1959, 1963 and, as Facsimile Edition, 1973, $5.95, ISBN 0-660-00096-2 / 978-0-660-00096-1.

The thirty Canadian songs that make up this songbook were taken from the National Museum of Canada repertory and from the published collections of W. Roy MacKenzie and Helen Creighton.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 109, Anthropological Series 27.

WINTEMBERG, W. J., 1948. The Middleport Prehistoric Village Site. 178 pages, 1 illustration, 19 photographs, 1 map, ISBN 0-660-02330-X / 978-0-660-02330-4.

A detailed report on an early fifteenth century Iroquois site in Brant County, Ontario.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 112. Annual Report for the National Museum 1939-47, 1949. 118 pages, ISBN 0-660-02217-6 / 978-0-660-02217-8. Includes:

"Bibliography of W.J. Wintemberg 1899-l947," p. 9-14 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02318-0 / 978-0-660-02318-2).

LEECHMAN, Douglas. "Bibliography of Harlan I. Smith 1889-1936," p. 39-41 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02166-8 / 978-0-660-02166-9).

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 113. Annual Report for the National Museum of Canada for Fiscal Year 1947-48, 1949. 46 pages, ISBN 0-660-02216-8 / 978-0-660-02216-1. Includes:

EMERSON, J. N. "Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Kant Site, Renfrew County, Ontario," p. 17-22.

A brief report on a Point Peninsula culture burial and habitation site in the Ottawa Valley.

LEECHMAN, Douglas, and Frederica de Laguna. "An Archaeological Survey of the North Bank of the St. Lawrence River between Cornwall and Cardinal, Ontario, June 19 to July 11, 1947," p. 23-28.

A report of the first archaeological site survey of an area to be flooded by the St. Lawrence Seaway.

LEECHMAN, Douglas, and Frederica de Laguna. "The Parker Site," p. 29-30.

A brief description of a stratified archaeological site in Northumberland County on the Trent River, Ontario.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 116, Anthropological Series 28.

WINTEMBERG, W. J., 1950. Folklore of Waterloo County, Ontario. 68 pages, ISBN 0-660-02329-6 / 978-0-660-02329-8.

Published after the author's death, this bulletin enumerates, alphabetically, idioms, sayings, superstitions, rhymes and beliefs, taboos, omens and portents, animal and plant lore, charms, folk-names, folktales, and children's games and rhymes.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 117, Anthropological Series 29.

CREIGHTON, Helen, 1950. Folklore of Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. 163 pages. Reprinted 1976 by McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Toronto, Ontario), ISBN 0-07-082334-0 / 978-0-07-082334-1, http: / / / .

The volume deals with the life, legends, customs, and beliefs of a particular county settled largely by people of German descent.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 118. Annual Report for the National Museum of Canada for Fiscal Year 1948-49, 1950. ISBN 0-660-02213-3 / 978-0-660-02213-0. Includes:

BRASSARD, F. "Return of the Soldier Husband," p. 66-71, 1 photograph, 1 illustration.

A study of a French-Canadian folksong from Quebec which unfolds, in about thirty lines, the human drama of a soldier who, having been away from home many years leaving behind a bride or a fiancée, comes back only to find her married or about to be married.

COLLINS, Henry B. "Excavations at Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories (preliminary report)," p. 18-43, 10 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02143-9 / 978-0-660-02143-0).

An account of Thule and Dorset house structures and artifacts from the Crystal II site.

LACOURCIÈRE, Luc, and Félix-Antoine Savard. "Canadian Folk Tales Recorded During the Summer of 1948 in Charlevoix and Beauce Counties."

A brief outline of the summer's fieldwork in these two counties during which time many folk tales were recorded.

LEECHMAN, Douglas. "Aboriginal Tree-Felling," p. 44-49, 1 photograph, 3 illustrations.

An account on the use of stone tools intended to help archaeologists determine the purpose of stone celts and how they were used.

MCCLELLAN, Catherine, and Dorothy Rainer. "Ethnological Survey of Southern Yukon Territory," p. 50-53.

An account of a survey conducted by the authors in the southern Yukon Territory in search of general ethnographic material.

MICHÉA, Jean P. "Explorations in Ungava Peninsula," p. 54-58.

A report on a survey of the Ungava Peninsula which yielded important data on the physical geography, the archaeology, the ethnography, and the linguistics of the Eskimos.

RIOUX, Marcel. "The Meaning and Function of Folklore in Île Verte," p. 60-62.

The author, using folksongs and folktales as examples, demonstrates that the term 'folklore' when applied to the old French-Canadian peasant culture, has a different meaning and function than when applied to primitive societies in Île Verte.

RIOUX, Marcel. "Anthropological Field Work at Île Verte, Quebec," p. 59.

An introduction to the fieldwork conducted at Île Verte together with a short description of the island.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 119, Anthropological Series 30.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1950, 1964. Totem Poles According to Crests and Topics, Vol. I. 433 pages, 186 photographs, paper and cloth editions (Reprinted 1990, paper, ISBN 0-660-12902-7 / 978-0-660-12902-0).

BARBEAU, Marius, 1950,1964. Totem Poles According to Location, Vol. I1. 447 pages, 375 photographs, paper and cloth editions (Reprinted 1990, paper, ISBN 0-660-12903-5 / 978-0-660-12903-7).

A comprehensive list of the totem poles, frontals and grave pillars in British Columbia and Alaska, arranged by motif in Volume I, and by location in Volume II.

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National Museum of Canada Bulletin 123. Annual Report 1949-50, 1951. 261 pages, ISBN 0-660-02209-5 / 978-0-660-02209-3. Includes:

COLLINS, Henry B. "Excavations at Thule Culture Sites near Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island, Northwest Territories," p. 49-63, 8 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02248-6 / 978-0-660-02248-2).

A report on the first excavation of Thule house structures on Cornwallis Island.

HAMBLETON, Josephine. "The Raven, Bear and Frog Totem Pole - A Masterpiece of Haida Art," p. 80-83, 1 photograph.

A description of an argillite carving by Isaac Chapman.

LACOURCIÈRE, Luc, and F.A. Savard. "Canadian Folk Songs Collected at Baie-des-Rochers (Charlevoix)," p. 84-87.

An outline of the fieldwork done recording the traditional folksongs that have been preserved orally in this area of Quebec.

LEE, Thomas E. "A Preliminary Report on an Archaeological Survey of Southwestern Ontario in 1949," p. 42-48.

A brief report on an archaeological survey of southwestern Ontario in which the sites are arranged by periods.

MACNEISH, Richard S. "An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Northwest Territories," p. 24-42.

A preliminary report on the first archaeological survey in the Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Mackenzie River, and Lake Athabaska areas.

MANNING, T. H. "A Mixed Cape Dorset-Thule Site on Smith Island, East Hudson Bay," p. 64-71, 4 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02312-1 / 978-0-660-02312-0).

A report on the excavation of a Thule house on northeastern Hudson Bay that contained some Dorset material.

RIOUX, Marcel. "Persistence of a Tutelo Cultural Trait Among Contemporary Cayuga of Grand River Ontario," p. 72-77.

The author describes a Tutelo ceremony, a complementary rite of the spirit adoption or redressing ceremony.

SARGENT, Margaret. "Folk and Primitive Music in Canada," p. 75-79.

Notes regarding the progress that has been made so far in this field are presented to facilitate future research in Canadian folk and primitive music.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 124, Anthropological Series 31.

MACNEISH, R. S., 1952. Iroquois Pottery Types. 166 pages, 33 photographs, 27 illustrations, 8 tables.

The original study that demonstrated the insitu development of Iroquois culture based upon the analysis of pottery types. A general synthesis of Iroquois cultural development is proposed.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 126. Annual Report 1950-51, 1952. 227 pages, ISBN 0-660-02229-X / 978-0-660-02229-1. Includes:

ALCOCK, F. J. "General Activities."

COLLINS, Henry B. "Archaeological Excavations at Resolute, Cornwallis Island, Northwest Territories," p. 48-63, 7 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02249-4 / 978-0-660-02249-9).

A report on fieldwork in 1950 on four abandoned Eskimo village sites.

DOYON, Madeleine. « Rondes et danses à l'Île-aux-Coudres », p. 105-109.

L'article consiste en un résumé d'enquête sur le terrain parmi les gens isolés sur une île du Saint-Laurent avant la venue d'une modernisation matérielle

LACOURCIÈRE, Guy et Félix-Antoine Savard. « Le folklore acadien », p. 99-104.

Après une première mission chez les Acadiens de la région de Shippegan au Nouveau-Brunswick, en 1950, les deux chercheurs non seulement parlent des résultats de leurs enquêtes, mais aussi présentent un intéressant tour d'horizon de travaux effectués sur la littérature orale des Acadiens.

LEE, Thomas E. "A Preliminary Report on an Archaeological Survey of Southwestern Ontario for 1950," p. 64-75, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02272-9 / 978-0-660-02272-7).

A general interpretation of the data recovered during a survey of southwestern Ontario in 1950.

LEECHMAN, Douglas. "Folklore of the Vanta-Kutchin," p. 76-93.

A collection of eleven tales collected among the Vanta-Kutchin, a branch of the Loucheux tribe, with brief notes on guardian spirits, culture hero, showman, magic, dreams, omens, premonitions and philosophy.

MACNEISH, Richard S. "A Possible Early Site in the Thunder Bay District, Ontario," p. 23-47, 5 photographs, 2 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02280-X / 978-0-660-02280-2).

A description of a Palaeo-Indian period (Plana) quarry site on the north shore of Lake Superior.

RIOUX, Marcel. "Relations between Religion and Government Among the Longhouse Iroquois of Grand River Ontario," p. 94-98 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02284-2 / 978-0-660-02284-0).

On the basis of modern attitude of the Lower Cayugas and the Onondagas toward the ideal and behavioural patterns concerning the relations of church and government, the author attempts to determine which represents the closer pattern of the Pre-Contact Iroquois society.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 127, Anthropological Series 32.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1953. Haida Myths Illustrated in Argillite Carvings. 417 pages, 328 illustrations.

This work, with Bulletins 139 and 152, is the first of three volumes on Haida argillite carvings. It includes twelve narratives of the most popular myths of the Haida and 328 photographs of argillite.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 128. Annual Report for the National Museums of Canada for Fiscal Year 1951-52,1953. 286 pages, ISBN 0-660-02227-3 / 978-0-660-02227-7. Includes:

ALCOCK, F. J. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada."

LACOURCIÈRE, Luc, et Félix-Antoine Savard. « Mots et choses d'Acadie », p. 98-102.

Les auteurs présentent, dans cette étude, la situation du folklore chez les vieillards acadiens. Ils publient un « joli butin » de trouvailles aussi bien ethnolinguistiques que coutumières. Quelques termes de la pêche au homard montrent la richesse du vocabulaire régional, les problèmes de tradition, d'invention et d'assimilation.

LEE, Thomas E. "A Preliminary Report on the Sheguiandah Site, Manitoulin Island," p. 58-67, 2 photographs, 1 illustration.

A preliminary description of the multi-component Sheguiandah quarry site on Manitoulin Island, Ontario.

LEE, Thomas E. "An Archaeological Examination of a Historic Site near Hawkesbury, Ontario," p. 68-80, 2 photographs, 4 illustrations.

A paper on what is believed to be the site of Dollard's fort destroyed by the Iroquois in the battle of the Long Sault.

MACNEISH, Richard S. "Archaeological Reconnaissance in the MacKenzie River Drainage," p. 23-29, 4 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02257-5 / 978-0-660-02257-4).

The second in a series of reports on archaeological surveys in the Mackenzie River drainage.

O'BRYAN, Deric. "Excavation of a Cape Dorset Eskimo House Site, Mill Island, West Hudson Strait," p. 40-57, 7 photographs, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02250-8 / 978-0-660-02250-5).

A description of a small collection of Dorset material.

RIOUX, Marcel. « Sur le sens de l'évolution socio-culturelle de l'Île Verte », p. 81-93 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02291-5 / 978-0-660-02291-8).

L'auteur veut vérifier les théories de H. Becker sur la typologie sociale, théorie qui divise les sociétés en « profanes » et « sacrées selon leur acceptation ou non-acceptation des nouveautés culturelles ».

ROY, C. « Le carnaval-carême en Gaspésie », p. 94-97.

A l'occasion du carnaval, tous les hameaux étaient en liesse et les habitants étaient convoqués d'une danse à un repas et d'un repas à une danse, trois fois par jour. Le festin de Mardi Gras mettait fin aux jours de bombance auxquels on se livrait avant l'arrivée du « Carême-noir ».

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 130, Anthropological Series 33.

LEECHMAN, Douglas, 1954. The Vanta-Kutchin. 35 pages, 22 photographs. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02334-2 / 978-0-660-02334-2. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02454-3 / 978-0-660-02454-7.

The fieldwork for this study was undertaken in the village of Old Crow in the Northern Yukon during the summer of 1946. The Vanta-Kutchin-People of the Lakes - are a subgroup of the Loucheux.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 131, Anthropological Series 34.

WHEELER, Eric P., 1953. List of Labrador Eskimo Place Names. 105 pages, ISBN 0-660-02333-4 / 978-0-660-02333-5.

An attempt to standardize the spelling of place names. The elimination of errors and inconsistencies should remove one of the major obstacles to the general use of Eskimo place names. Certain names, or their compounds, seem to be universal. Others, though abundant enough in the section where they occur, seem to be confined to certain sections of the coast.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 132. Annual Report for the National Museums of Canada for Fiscal Year 1952-1953, 1954. 313 pages, ISBN 0-660-02226-5 / 978-0-660-02226-0. Includes:

ALCOCK, F. J. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada."

DOYONS, Madeleine. « Enquête menée dans la Beauce auprès de maîtres-bûcherons », p. 77-82 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02298-2 / 978-0-660-02298-7).

L'article consiste en un résumé de témoignages de trois bûcherons qui ont vécu dans les chantiers de ce comté de la Province de Québec.

LEE, Thomas E. "The Giant Site, Manitoulin Island," p. 66-71, 1 photograph, 1 illustration.

A brief description of a large quarry site similar in some respects to the nearby Sheguiandah site.

MACNEISH, R. S. "The Stott Mound and Village," p. 20-65, 6 photographs, 8 illustrations (published separately).

A report on the excavation of a burial mound with log-roofed pits, superimposed over a village site related to the Blackduck Focus.

RIOUX, Marcel. "Anthropology and Folklore," p. 72-76 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02258-3 / 978-0-660-02258-1).

The author examines the relationship that exists between the two disciplines, folklore and anthropology.

Bulletin No 133 du Musée national du Canada, No 35 de la série anthropologique.

RIOUX, Marcel, 1954, 1965. Description de la culture de l'île Verte. 98 pages, 6 illustrations. Papier, ISBN 0-660-02332-6 / 978-0-660-02332-8. Relié, ISBN 0-660-02449-7 / 978-0-660-02449-3. Réimprimé 2005 par les Édition de l'Élan (Trois-Pistoles).

Cette monographie a été rédigée à la suite d'une enquête sur le terrain en 1948; elle traite des origines, des coutumes et du folklore des gens de cette île.

Bulletin No 134 du Musée national du Canada, No 36 de la série anthropologique.

ROY, C., 1955. La littérature orale en Gaspésie. 389 pages, 1 carte.

Présenté en 1952 à l'Université de Paris (Sorbonne) pour l'obtention d'un doctorat, ce travail traite de la tradition orale, des noms de lieux dans la tradition, de la médecine populaire, des présages et des conjurations, du monde surnaturel, des dires, des contes et des chansons.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 136. Annual Report for the National Museums of Canada for Fiscal Year 1953-54, 1955. 122 pages, ISBN 0-660-02223-0 / 978-0-660-02223-9. Includes:

ALCOCK, F. J. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada."

COLLINS, Henry B. "Excavations of Thule and Dorset Culture Sites at Resolute, Cornwallis Island, Northwest Territories," p. 22-35, 5 photographs, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02297-4 / 978-0-660-02297-0).

A report of excavations on Thule and Dorset sites.

LEECHMAN, Douglas, Margaret Hess and R.L. Fowler. "Pictographs in Southwestern Alberta," p. 36-53, 12 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02251-6 / 978-0-660-02251-2).

A descriptive analysis of the pictographs found on twelve sites.

MACNEISH, R. S. "Two Archaeological Sites on Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories," p. 54-84, 6 photographs, 2 illustrations (published separately).

A report on the excavations on the Franklin Tanks and Great Bear River sites.

RUSSELL, Loris S. "Additions to the Molluscan Fauna of the Kishenehn Formation, Southeastern British Columbia and Adjacent Montana, " p. 102-119, 7 illustrations, 3 photographs (published separately).

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 138, Anthropological Series 37.

RIOUX, Marcel, 1957, 1961. Belle-Anse. 125 pages, 8 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-00136-5 / 978-0-660-00136-4. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-00132-2 / 978-0-660-00132-6.

Belle-Anse has a number of characteristics common to several Gaspé parishes. The author focuses on the analysis of cultural values rather than those determined by social structure, and examines Redfield's hypothesis used by most anthropologists studying small communities in the process of urbanization.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 139, Anthropological Series 38.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1957. Haida Carvers in Argillite. 214 pages, 229 photographs, ISBN 0-660-00131-4 / 978-0-660-00131-9. Reprinted 1974, Facsimile Edition.

This constitutes the second volume on Haida art published by the Museum and spotlights the work and life of more than forty nineteenth and early twentieth century argillite carvers from Skidegate and Masset. (Based on the author's field work in 1939 and 1947.)

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 141, Anthropological Series 39.

JENNESS, Diamond, 1956. The Corn Goddess and Other Tales from Indian Canada. Illustrated by Winnifred K. Bentley. 111 pages, 53 illustrations, 1 map, paper. Reprinted 1960, 1973, 1975.

The author relates twenty-five Iroquois, Ojibwa, Sekani, Carrier, Coast Salish, and Eskimo legends.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 142. Annual Report 1954-55, 1956. 180 pages, ISBN 0-660-02230-3 / 978-0-660-02230-7. Includes:

ALCOCK, F. J. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada."

COLLINS, Henry B. "Archaeological Investigations on Southampton and Coats Island, Northwest Territories," p. 82-113, 12 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02256-7 / 978-0-660-02256-7).

A report on the excavation at Native Point on Dorset and Sadlermiut sites.

MACNEISH, Richard S. "Summary of Archaeological Investigations in Southeastern Manitoba," p. 25-45, 2 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02281-8 / 978-0-660-02281-9).

A brief summary of the prehistory of Southeastern Manitoba.

MACNEISH, Richard S. "Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Delta of the MacKenzie River and Yukon Coast," p. 46-81, 6 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02295-8 / 978-0-660-02295-6).

A brief description of thirty sites in which the artifacts are described by type and correlated in tabular form to five house types.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1954," p. 166-180 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02419-5 / 978-0-660-02419-6).

RIOUX, Marcel. « Notes sur l'urbanisation d'une communauté québécoise », p. 114-120 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02266-4 / 978-0-660-02266-6).

C'est un bref résultat d'enquête sur le terrain effectuée en 1951 sur la vie socio-culturelle de la communauté de Laval-sur-Montmorency.

ROY, Carmen. « La pêche en Gaspésie (technologie et terminologie) », p. 121-126.

C'est un schéma d'études sur les techniques de la pêche et de la terminologie en usage.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 147. Annual Report 1955-56, 1957. 140 pages, ISBN 0-660-02228-1 / 978-0-660-02228-4. Includes:

ALCOCK, F. J. "General Activities of the National Museum of Canada."

COLLINS, Henry B. "Archaeological Investigations of Southampton and Walrus Islands, Northwest Territories," p. 22-61, 13 photographs.

A preliminary report on 1955 research of Dorset and Sadlermiut cultures in Southampton Island and Walrus Island, Keewatin District.

DULONG, Gaston. « Rapport de l'enquête linguistique faite à Cap-Pelé (Nouveau-Brunswick) », p. 65-66.

La morphologie de la langue parlée à Cap-Pelé est nettement archaïque et adhère surtout aux formes verbales.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1955," p. 124-140.

RIOUX, Marcel. « Rapport préliminaire de l'étude sur la culture acadienne du Nouveau-Brunswick », p. 62-64.

Étude ethnographique des processus culturels sous jacents à l'évolution d'un petit groupe canadien français isolé, celui des Acadiens du Nouveau-Brunswick.

ROY, Carmen. « Les Jeux en Gaspésie », p. 67-83.

Cet échantillonnage des jeux en Gaspésie traite surtout des jeux de société agrémentant les longues soirées d'hiver. Au caractère parfois rustique des jeux d'hommes s'ajoute celui plus traditionnel des jeux mixtes et des jeux d'enfants.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 148, Anthropological Series 40.

WALLIS, Willson D. and Ruth S. Wallis, 1957. The Malecite Indians of New Brunswick. 54 pages, 5 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-02335-0 / 978-0-660-02335-9.

The present-day reserves and small settlements are within the focus of old Malecite territory, at one time extending as far north as Rivière du Loup on the St. Lawrence and in some places westward into the state of Maine. After a very slow start the Malecite moved quickly toward complete acceptance of the Canadian way of life.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 149. Biological Series 51.

MCATEE, W. L., 1957, 1959. Folk-Names of Canadian Birds. 74 pages.

A study that lists the folk-names of Canadian birds and their origin.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 151. Anthropological Series 41 / Bulletin No 151 du Musée national du Canada. No 41 de la série anthropologique.

BARBEAU, Marius, Joy Tranter, Maurice Blackburn, Marjorie Borden and / et Grace Melvin, 1958. Roundelays / Dansons à la ronde. 104 pages, illustrated / illustré, bilingual / bilingue. Reprinted / Réimprimé 1963.

The book contains folk dances and games collected in French Canada and in New England among Canadian emigrants. Most of these songs and games ─ for which music and words in French and English are given ─ originated in France before 1660 and continue to exist only in the oral tradition of North America's French settlements. / Les danses et les jeux mimés de cette collection ont été recueillis au Canada et parmi les émigrants canadiens aux Etats-Unis. La plupart de ces danses et chansons nous viennent de la France d'avant 1660 et n'existent plus qu'oralement chez les Français de l'Amérique du Nord. On nous donne la musique et les mots en anglais et en français pour chacune de ces chansons.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 152, Anthropological Series 42.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1958. Medicine Men on the North Pacific Coast. 95 pages, 90 photographs. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Edition.

The first part indicates the importance of the themes of the medicine men for the argillite carvers and describes an imposing collection of such carvings. Isaac Tens tells of his experience as a medicine man. The second part consists of three tales about medicine men recorded by William Beynon, and two articles, one by J.R. Swanton and one by Waldemar Jochelson.

Bulletin No 153 du Musée national du Canada, No 43 de la série anthropologique.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1957. Trésors des anciens Jésuites. 242 pages, illustré. Relié, ISBN 0-660-02336-9 / 978-0-660-02336-6. Papier, ISBN 0-660-02337-7 / 978-0-660-02337-3.

C'est un catalogue raisonné des trésors des anciens Jésuites: argenteries; ornements brodés; hauts reliefs et parements sculptés, retables, tabernacles, balustrades, chaires, statues de bois; reliquaires, wampum, meubles, divers objets; objets en métal ou en ivoire; tableaux, images; manuscrits; livres.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 157, Anthropological Series 44.

MACNEISH, Richard S., 1958. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Southeast Manitoba. 184 pages, 20 photographs, 24 illustrations, 8 tables, ISBN 0-660-02023-8 / 978-0-660-02023-5.

A detailed examination of the prehistory of Southeast Manitoba.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 162, Anthropological Series 45. Contributions to Anthropology, 1957. Designated Contributions to Anthropology 1, 1960. 203 pages, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02446-2 / 978-0-660-02446-2. Includes:

BORDEN, Charles E. "DjRi-3, An Early Site in the Fraser Canyon, British Columbia," p. 101-118, 5 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02302-4 / 978-0-660-02302-1).

A preliminary report on a sequence of continuous occupation in British Columbia from 9000 B.C.

FORBIS, Richard. "Some Late Sites in the Oldman River Region, Alberta," p. 119-164, 7 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02442-X / 978-0-660-02442-4).

A report on four late prehistoric period sites in southern Alberta, together with an account of the excavations.

MACNEISH, Richard S. "The Callison Site in the Light of Archaeological Survey of Southwest Yukon," p. 119-164, 6 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02314-8 / 978-0-660-02314-4).

A description of the excavations and artifacts recovered at the Callison site and ninety-six other sites in southwest Yukon.

MCILWRAITH, P. "Bibliography of Anthropology Literature for 1956 and 1957," p. 165-203 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02425-X / 978-0-660-02425-7).

TAYLOR, JR., William E. "A Description of Sadlermiut Houses Excavated at Native Point, Southampton Island, Northwest Territories," p. 53-100, 10 photographs, 5 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02327-X / 978-0-660-02327-4).

A description of Sadlermiut origins from either Thule or Dorset based on architectural and artifactural considerations.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 163, Anthropological Series 46.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1974. Indian Days on the Western Prairies. 234 pages, 165 illustrations, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02022-X / 978-0-660-02022-8.

Seventy transcribed Indian narratives, recorded in 1926, make up the largest part of this publication. A historic account of the first European settlers and of the Indian way of life the settlers encountered and an index to the art reproduced are included.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 165, Anthropological Series 47.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1960. Huron-Wyandot Traditional Narratives in Translations and Native Texts. 338 pages, 14 photographs. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02339-3 / 978-0-660-02339-7. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02340-7 / 978-0-660-02340-3.

Forty Huron-Wyandot texts and their English translations are presented.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 167, Anthropological Series 48. Contributions to Anthropology, 1958. Designated Contributions to Anthropology II, 1960. 131 pages, 16 photographs, 4 illustrations, 1 map, ISBN 0-660-02338-5 / 978-0-660-02338-0. Includes:

CHOWN, Bruce and Marion Lewis. "Blood Groups in Anthropology with Special Reference to Canadian Eskimos and Indians," p. 66-79 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02319-9 / 978-0-660-02319-9).

Sera from Indian and Eskimo populations were tested and examined against ten blood group systems and were compared with the results of other worldwide studies.

LAUGHLIN, W. S., and William E. Taylor, Jr. "A Cape Dorset Culture Site on the West Coast of Ungava Bay," p. 1-28, 10 photographs, 1 illustration (published separately).

An archaeological and physical anthropological description of the first Dorset Culture burial to be discovered.

LEE, Thomas E. "The Lucas Site, Inverhuron, Ontario," p. 29-65, 5 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02262-1 / 978-0-660-02262-8).

A report on a multi-component site on the shore of Lake Huron.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1958," p. 114-131 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02424-1 / 978-0-660-02424-0).

RACHLIN, C. King. "The Historic Position of the Proto-Cree Textiles in the Eastern Fabric Complex, An Ethnological-Archaeological Correlation," p. 80-89, fold-out (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02307-5 / 978-0-660-02307-6).

The protohistoric Cree textile complex is seen as representative of a long continuing 'subsistence culture' rather than as a deteriorated manifestation of the higher prehistoric eastern cultures.

ROGERS, Jean H. "Notes on Mistassini Phonemics and Morphology," p. 90-113(published separately, ISBN 0-660-02267-2 / 978-0-660-02267-3).

A descriptive presentation of the material collected during four months of 1953-1954 spent with a bilingual informant and nine months with a unilingual family on their hunting lands in south-central Quebec.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 170, Anthropological Series 49.

MAXWELL, M. S., 1960. An Archaeological Analysis of Eastern Grant Land, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories 109 pages, 23 photographs, 10 illustrations, 2 maps. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02032-7 / 978-0-660-02032-7. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02033-5 / 978-0-660-02033-4.

An analysis of Late Dorset / early seasonal Thule investigation disproving Lake Hazen being on a route to Greenland.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 172. Biological Series 65. Contributions to Zoology, 1959. 1961. Includes:

MCALLISTER, D. E. "Fish Remains from a 600 Year Old St. Lawrence River Iroquois Site," 5 pages, 2 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02304-0 / 978-0-660-02304-5).

An analysis of the fish-bones from "a Roebuck type culture" Iroquoian site located about eight miles southeast of the Roebuck site, Ontario.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 173, Anthropological Series 50. Contributions to Anthropology, 1959. Designated Contributions to Anthropology IIA, 1961. 248 pages, 34 photographs, 34 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02031-9 / 978-0-660-02031-0. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02030-0 / 978-0-660-02030-3. Includes:

BALIKCI, Asen. « Relations inter-ethniques à la Grande Rivière de la Baleine, Baie d'Hudson 1957 », p. 64-107 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02253-2).

Dans une perspective diachronique, l'auteur analyse les tendances dynamiques d'acculturation par l'études des relations inter-individuelles.

BARBEAU, Marius. "The Language of Canada in the Voyages of Jacques Cartier 1534-38," p. 108-229 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02311-3 / 978-0-660-02311-3).

This is a comparative study of the aboriginal vocabularies appended to the reports on the first and second voyages of Jacques Cartier.

DULONG, Gaston. « Chéticamp, Ilot linguistique du Cap Breton », p. 12-41 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02293-1 / 978-0-660-02293-2).

L'article consiste en une liste de mots et d'expression relevés du parler commun de ces gens, la morphologie et la prononciation de la langue parlée, une liste d'anglicismes et un alphabet phonétique.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1959," p. 230-248 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02423-3 / 978-0-660-02423-3).

RIOUX, Marcel. "Kinship Recognition and Urbanization in French Canada," p. 1-11 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02310-5 / 978-0-660-02310-6).

The author discusses the kinship system related to the cultural values of a society, whether French Canada is as urbanized as the United States, and if the French Canadian kinship system has begun to shrink.

WALLIS, Wilson D. "Historical Background of the Micmac Indians of Canada," p. 42-63 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02450-0 / 978-0-660-02450-9).

An account of the geographical distribution of the Micmac from the opening of the seventeenth century to 1954, of their contacts with the French and the British, their reactions to these contacts, and the effects of French and Iroquois on the development of their personality traits.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 174, Anthropological Series 51.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1961, 1975. Tsimysan Myths. 97 pages, 21 illustrations.

The author narrates fourteen Tsimshian myths and describes the Haida carvings they inspired.

La version imprimée est épuisée.
Disponible en ligne au
Marius Barbeau : Un aperçu de la culture canadienne.
The paper version is out of print.
Available online at
Marius Barbeau: A Glimpse of Canadian Culture.

Bulletin No 175 du Musée national du Canada, No 52 de la série anthropologique.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1962, 1975. Le rossignol y chante. 485 pages, 77 illustrations, 5,95 $, ISBN 0-660-00140-3 / 978-0-660-00140-1.

Cette tranche importante de la chanson folklorique française au Canada comprend un choix de textes et de mélodies recueillis de 1916 à 1918, et en 1922 sur le bas Saint-Laurent en Acadie.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 176, Anthropological Series 53.

HELM, June, 1961. The Lynx Point People: The Dynamics of a Northern Athapaskan Band. 193 pages, 8 illustrations, 6 tables. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02029-7 / 978-0-660-02029-7. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02028-9 / 978-0-660-02028-0.

A study of the community life of the Lynx Point People based on the social life of one small band community and the cultural values that shape their life.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 178, Anthropological Series 54.

HONIGMANN, John, 1962. Social Networks in Great Whale River: Notes on an Eskimo, Montagnais-Naskapi and Euro-Canadian Community. Appendix by Frances N. Ferguson. 110 pages, 9 photographs, 2 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02027-0 / 978-0-660-02027-3. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02026-2 / 978-0-660-02026-6.

A study of the social structure of the Great Whale River Eskimos with comments on the demography and the relations between the Eskimos and Indians. Life values, the family, sex roles, recreation, and beliefs are discussed. Includes as Appendix, Great Whale River Eskimo Personality as Revealed by Rorschach Protocols by Francis N. Ferguson.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 179, Anthropological Series 55.

SLOBODIN, Richard, 1962. Band Organization of the Peel River Kutchin. 97 pages, 4 photographs, 3 illustrations, 2 maps. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02025-4 / 978-0-660-02025-9. Cloth, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-02024-6 / 978-0-660-02024-2.

A study of certain aspects of a North American hunting people. Prerequisite to the discussion are an outline of the people's social history and a description of the habitat.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 180, Anthropological Series 57. Contributions to Anthropology, 1960. Part 1. Designated Contributions to Anthropology III, 1962. 190 pages. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02043-2 / 978-0-660-02043-3. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02042-4 / 978-0-660-02042-6. Includes:

ANDERSON, J. E. "The Development of the Tympanic Plate," p. 143-153, 7 photographs (published separately).

A study that examines the development of the tympanic plates in terms of its usefulness as a racial marker.

CHOWN, B., and M. Lewis. "The Blood Group and Secretor Genes of the Eskimo of Southampton Island," p. 181-190, 2 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02321-0 / 978-0-660-02321-2).

A report on a blood group survey of Southampton Island Eskimos done in 1959. Two subpopulations, the Aivilik and the Okomiut, are identified.

FORBIS, R. G. "The Old Women's Buffalo Jump, Alberta," p. 56-123, 5 photographs, 19 illustrations (published separately).

A description of excavations and the material analysis that resulted in a systematic typology for the northern small side-notched projectile point from the Northern Plains.

LOWTHER, G. R. "An Account of an Archaeological Site on Cape Sparbo, Devon Island," p. 1-19, 2 photographs, 2 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02259-1 / 978-0-660-02259-8).

A report on the excavation of a relatively pure Arctic Small Tool Tradition site on Devon Island with some Dorset affinities.

MAXWELL, M. S. "Pre-Dorset and Dorset Sites in the Vicinity of Lake Harbour, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories," p. 20-55, 7 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02252-4 / 978-0-660-02252-9).

An early attempt to refute the presence of the Indian elements in the development of the Dorset culture.

MERBS, C. E., and W.H. Wilson. "Anomalies and Pathologies of the Sadlermiut Eskimo Vertebral Column," p. 154-180, 8 photographs, 4 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02260-5 / 978-0-660-02260-4).

A description of the anomalies and pathologies of Sadlermuit Eskimo vertebral columns recovered from the Southampton Island area, Keewatin District.

WRIGHT, James V. "A Distributional Study of Some Archaic Traits in Southern Ontario," p. 124-142, 5 illustrations, 5 maps (published separately).

A study of the distribution of gouges, bannerstones, ground slate points and bayonets, plummets, semilunar blades, and grooved axes in southern Ontario.

Bulletin No 182 du Musée national du Canada, No 56 de la série anthropologique.

ROY, Carmen, 1962. Saint-Pierre et Miquelon : une mission folklorique aux Îles. 192 pages. Papier, ISBN 0-660-02040-8 / 978-0-660-02040-2. Relié, ISBN 0-660-02041-6 / 978-0-660-02041-9.

Les traditions orales des Acadiens du Canada font depuis quelques années l'objet de recherches de la part du Musée national du Canada. La présente étude doit être considérée comme un travail de reconnaissance, aux fins d'évaluer l'importance des îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon par rapport à l'étude d'ensemble, ainsi que d'enregistrer et d'interpréter les particularités distinctives des Acadiens du Canada français.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 184, Anthropological Series 58.

WRIGHT, James V., and J.E. Anderson, 1963. The Donaldson Site. 113 pages, 43 illustrations. Paper, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-02038-6 / 978-0-660-02038-9. Cloth, $5.95, ISBN 0-660-02039-4 / 978-0-660-02039-6.

A detailed description of the archaeology and physical anthropology of a Saugeen culture site near Lake Huron.

Bulletin No 188 du Musée national du Canada. No 1 de la série des bulletins d'histoire.

SÉGUIN, Robert-Lionel, 1963. Moules du Québec. 141 pages, 75 photographies. Papier, ISBN 0-660-02037-8 / 978-0-660-02037-2. Relié, ISBN 0-660-02036-X / 978-0-660-02036-5.

Le bulletin contient une classification des moules domestiques et liturgiques, qu'il commente abondamment.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 189, Anthropological Series 59.

ARIMA, Eugene Y., 1963. Report on an Eskimo Umiak Built at Ivuyivik, Quebec in the Summer of 1960. 83 pages, 32 photographs, 10 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02035-1 / 978-0-660-02035-8. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02034-3 / 978-0-660-02034-1.

A study based on a Labrador Eskimo umiak which was built at Ivuyivik on the northwest tip of Quebec in the summer of 1960. While it performed well enough in the water, it had certain features that did not conform to the author's preconceived ideas of an 'uthentic Eskimo umiak.'

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 190, Anthropological Series 60.

VOGET, F. W., Edward S. Rogers, Jean Machéa and June Helm, 1963. Contributions to Anthropology, 1960. Part II. Designated Contributions to Ethnology III, 1963. 246 pages, 10 photographs, 13 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02049-1 / 978-0-660-02049-5. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02443-8 / 978-0-660-02443-1. Includes:

DAY, Gordon M. "The Tree Nomenclature of the Saint Francis Indians," p. 37-48 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02289-3 / 978-0-660-02289-5).

The Saint Francis Indians (Odanak) are strongly acculturated, but this band represents the last source of new data about its homeland in northwestern New England and about a moribond culture. Their native language is an Algonkian dialect, whose nearest relative is Penobscot.

DULONG, Gaston. « Recherches sur quelques vocables franco-ontariens », p. 157-172 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02285-0 / 978-0-660-02285-7).

C'est un lexique constitué d'une centaine de vocables franco-canadiens dans lequel on indique le sens, les endroits où on les a recueillis au Canada, ainsi que les provinces de la France où ces vocables ont été signalés par quelques dialectologues.

HELM, June, G.A. DeVos and T. Maprette. "Variations in Personality and Ego Identification Within a Slave Indian Kin - Community," p. 94-138, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02288-5 / 978-0-660-02288-8).

An attempt to demonstrate manifest variations in personality in terms of certain family and primary determinant groups entering into the formation of personality within a small community of Slave Indians.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1960," p. 240-264 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02422-5 / 978-0-660-02422-6).

MICHÉA, Jean. « Les Chitra-gottinéké : essai de monographie d'un groupe Athabascan des montagnes Rocheuses », p. 49-93, 12 illustrations, 7 photographies, 1 carte (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02292-3 / 978-0-660-02292-5).

L'essai de monographie qui sert de matière à cette étude repose sur des enquêtes effectuées en 1957-1958 dans le district du Mackenzie. L'auteur nous fournit des précisions sur les mouvements, l'existence, les techniques, et l'organisation sociale de cette tribu.

PEACOCK, Kenneth. "Native Songs of Newfoundland," p. 213-239 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02264-8 / 978-0-660-02264-2).

A study that includes twelve musical transcriptions and comments on twelve Newfoundland folksongs that reflect the life of the people.

PROCTOR, George A. "Old Time Fiddling in Ontario," p. 173-208, 3 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02278-8 / 978-0-660-02278-9).

Fiddle music styles in the counties of Glengarry, Haliburton, and Dufferin, Ontario, are presented with music for twelve selections.

PROCTOR, George A. "Musical Styles of Gaspé Songs," p. 209-212 (published separately).

A brief analysis of the musical styles of sixty-one songs selected and transcribed from the Carmen Roy collection in the National Museum of Man.

ROGERS, Edward S., and Jean H. Rogers. "The Individual in Mistassini Society from Birth to Death," p. 14-36 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02294-X / 978-0-660-02294-9).

From July 1953 until August 1954 the author carried out ethnographic research among the Mistassini of south-central Quebec. The paper records those observations and informants' statements regarding the life cycle of the individual. An attempt is made to trace the changes an individual undergoes from birth to death and to record the socialization process.

SÉGUIN, Robert-Lionel. « Le milieu matériel du Canada français aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles », p. 139-155 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02308-3 / 978-0-660-02308-3).

Un inventaire du milieu matériel est reconstitué d'après les documents contemporains particulièrement les baux à cheptel, les marchés de charpente ou de maçonnage, les ventes de matériaux et les actes notariés.

VOGET, F. W. "American Indian Reformations and Acculturation," p. 1-13 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02261-3 / 978-0-660-02261-1).

A study of American Indian acculturation from the point in adjustment when people seemed to be turning away from the traditional tribal models and accommodating themselves to 'present' conditions.

Bulletin No 192 du Musée national du Canada. No 2 de la série des bulletins d'histoire.

SÉGUIN, Robert-Lionel, 1963. Les granges du Québec du XVIIe et XIXe siècles. 128 pages, 60 photographies, ISBN 0-660-02048-3 / 978-0-660-02048-8.

C'est une description de l'architecture, des métiers et des techniques requis pour la construction de la grange au Québec ainsi que son folklore.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 193, Anthropological Series 61.

SANGER, David, James Pendergast and J.E. Anderson, 1963. Contributions to Anthropology, 1961-62. Part I. Designated Contributions to Anthropology IV (Archaeology and Physical Anthropology). 261 pages, 43 photographs, 32 illustrations, paper, ISBN 0-660-02046-7 / 978-0-660-02046-4. Includes:

ANDERSON, J. E. "The People of Fairty: An Osteological Analysis of an Iroquois Ossuary," p. 28-129, 33 photographs, 10 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02274-5 / 978-0-660-02274-1).

A physical anthropology study of the material from an A.D. 1400 ossuary near Toronto that contained more than 500 individuals.

HARP, JR., Elmer. "Evidence of Boreal Archaic Culture in Southern Labrador and Newfoundland," p. 184-261, 12 photographs, 8 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02447-0 / 978-0-660-02447-9).

A report on the archaeological data collected in 1940-50 and 1961 from the Strait of Belle Isle coast of southern Labrador and western Newfoundland which suggests that the Boreal archaic formed a base from which the 'Historic' Beothuk Culture emerged.

PENDERGAST, James F. "The Payne Site," p. 1-27, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02275-3 / 978-0-660-02275-8).

A site report on a Southern Division Huron site, circa A.D. 1400, in Prince Edward County, Ontario.

ROUSSELIÈRE, O.M.I., Father Guy-Marie. "Palaeo-Eskimo Remains in the Pelly Bay Region, Northwest Territories," p. 162-183, 1 photograph, 9 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02276-1 / 978-0-660-02276-5).

A paper on Pre-Dorset sites in northeastern Keewatin.

SANGER, David. "Excavations at Nesikep Creek (EDRK:4), A Stratified Site near Lillooet, B.C.: Preliminary Report," p. 130-161, 7 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02322-9 / 978-0-660-02322-9).

A study of the first stratified site of this nature to be located in this part of the plateau.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 194, Anthropological Series 62.

MCILWRAITH, T. F., R. Cohen and M. M. R. Freeman, 1964. Contributions to Anthropology, 1961-62. Part II. Designated Contributions to Anthropology IV (Ethnology). 280 pages, 15 photographs, 37 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-02047-5 / 978-0-660-02047-1. Includes:

ARIMA, Eugene Y. "Notes on the Kayak and its Equipment at Ivuyivik, Quebec," p. 221-261, 10 photographs, 16 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02265-6 / 978-0-660-02265-9).

A description of the construction of a kayak and the renovation of an old kayak. A list of terms for kayak parts and accessories is given.

BALIKCI, Asen. « Les Esquimaux de la péninsule du Labrador : études ethnographiques », p. 262-280 (édité séparément, ISBN 0-660-02296-6 / 978-0-660-02296-3).

Bien que de nombreux traits sociaux, moyens de transport, habitations et vêtements, modes de résidence.aient été transformés par les contacts interculturels, il semble que dans ses relations interpersonnelles l'Esquimau d'aujourd'hui agit comme l'ont fait ses ancêtres.

COHEN, R. and J. W. VanStone. "Dependency and Self-sufficiency in Chipewyan Stories," p. 29-55, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02326-1 / 978-0-660-02326-7).

An analysis of the dependency motivations and material independency in the Chipewyan folklore at the beginning of the twentieth century.

COUTURE, A., and J. O. Edwards. "Origin of Copper Used by Canadian West Coast Indians in the Manufacture of Ornamental Plaques," p. 199-220, 20 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02254-0 / 978-0-660-02254-3).

An account of a visual and metallographic examination of nine copper specimens to determine whether they are of Indian or European copper.

FREEMAN, M. M. R. "Observations on the Kayak-Complex, Belcher Islands, Northwest Territories," p. 92-154, 6 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02279-6 / 978-0-660-02279-6).

A study of the use of the kayak in the contemporary cultural setting and of the changes that have occurred in its manufacture and use.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1961," p. 1-28 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02421-7 / 978-0-660-02421-9).

ROGERS, Jean H. "Survey of Round Lake Ojibwa Phonology and Morphology," p. 92-154 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02290-7 / 978-0-660-02290-1).

A study of the dialects spoken by the Round Lake people, on the basis of data collected during 1958-1959.

ROY, C. « Les acadiens de la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent », p. 155-198. (édité séparément).

Ce rapport a pour but de démontrer les raisons qui ont amené l'installation des Acadiens sur la rive nord du Saint-Laurent, les influences que cette population a subies et comment le milieu a affecté le folklore de la région.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 195, Anthropological Series 63.

ROGERS, Edward S., 1963. The Hunting Group - Hunting Territory Complex among the Mistassini Indians. 95 pages, 7 tables, 1 chart, 3 maps, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02045-9 / 978-0-660-02045-7.

An analysis of the factors that have influenced the adoption of certain hunting grounds by the Mistassini and the composition of their hunting groups.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 196, Anthropological Series 64.

DAMAS, D., 1963. Igluligmiut Kinship and Local Groupings: A Structural Approach. 216 pages, 47 illustrations, 7 tables, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02044-0 / 978-0-660-02044-0.

A discussion of the social environment of the Igluligmiuts. An emphasis on the comparison of parental terminologies in central east Arctic seems to indicate that there is no simple correlation between the terminologic distributions and the ecological factors.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 197, Anthropological Series 65.

PEACOCK, Kenneth, 1965. Songs of the Newfoundland Outports, Vols. 1, 2, 3. 3 volumes, 1035 pages, 39 illustrations. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-00150-0 / 978-0-660-00150-0. Paper, ISBN 0-660-00097-0 / 978-0-660-00097-8.

A collection of four hundred traditional and native Newfoundland songs regarding daily life and natural calamities. Songs are grouped by subjects with occasional explanatory comments on their origins and symbolic implications.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 198, Anthropological Series 66.

CREIGHTON, Helen, and Calum MacLeod, 1964. Gaelic Songs in Nova Scotia. 308 pages, 21 illustrations, paper, ISBN 0-660-00080-6 / 978-0-660-00080-0. Reprinted with new preface, 1979, ISBN 0-660-00144-6 / 978-0-660-00144-9, $3.95.

An annotated collection of ninety-three Scottish Gaelic songs, with English translations, that have been composed by old-world and local bards and sung by native folk singers.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 200, Anthropological Series 67.

HARP, Jr., Elmer, 1964. The Cultural Affinities of the Newfoundland Dorset Eskimo. 183 pages, 34 photographs, 11 illustrations, 1 chart. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02051-3 / 978-0-660-02051-8. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02052-1 / 978-0-660-02052-5.

A detailed description of the tools, chronology, and affinities of the Newfoundland Dorset Eskimos.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 201, Anthropological Series 68.

LEACH, MacEdward, 1965. Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast. 332 pages, 18 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-00099-7 / 978-0-660-00099-2. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02050-5 / 978-0-660-02050-1.

In the ports of Newfoundland and Labrador many traditional English-language folksongs are still being sung as well as the local ballads that reflect the mariner's life. This book contains the texts and scores of one hundred and thirty-eight songs primarily from British, Irish and American sources.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 202, Anthropological Series 69.

BALIKCI, Ansen, 1964. Development of Basic Socio-Economic Units in Two Eskimo Communities. 114 pages, 4 maps, ISBN 0-660-02064-5 / 978-0-660-02064-8.

This study has two objectives: first, to state the ecology of the economic relational behind the formation of certain social groupings among the Netsilik and Povungnituk Eskimos, and secondly, to test in the Eskimo area the applicability of a hypothesis formulated by Julian Steward and Robert Murphy regarding the development of the basic functioning groups among the Northeastern Alongonkians in Canada and the Mundurucu of the Amazon Basin.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 204, Anthropological Series 70. Contributions to Ethnology V, 1963-64, 1967. Designated Contributions to Anthropology V (Ethnology). 217 pages, 49 photographs, 19 illustrations, 5 maps. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02063-7 / 978-0-660-02063-1. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02062-9 / 978-0-660-02062-4. Includes:

ARIMA, Eugene Y. "Itivimiut Sled Construction," p. 99-123, 9 photographs, 4 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02452-7 / 978-0-660-02452-3).

Description of the construction of the Eskimo plank sled now used around Povungnituk, Quebec.

GUEMPLE, D. Lee. "The Pacalik Kayak of the Belcher Islands," p. 124-190, 40 photographs, 15 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02277-X / 978-0-660-02277-2).

A detailed description of the construction of a two-hole kayak: cutting and fitting of the frame, preparation and sewing of the kayak cover, and assembly of the entire craft.

MCFEAT, T. S. "The Object of Research in Museums," p. 91-99 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02263-X / 978-0-660-02263-5).

A discussion on the question of appropriateness of ethnology to museum research as opposed to ethnohistory and on the concept of 'specimen' described as 'object and data'.

MCILWRAITH, T. F. "Bibliography of Canadian Anthropology for 1961-62," p. 191-217 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02420-9 / 978-0-660-02420-2).

ROGER, Edward S. "Subsistence Areas of the Cree-Ojibwa of the Eastern Subarctic: A Preliminary Study," p. 59-90, 3 maps (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02282-6 / 978-0-660-02282-6).

The aim of this paper is to examine the food economy of the Indians of the eastern subarctic for evidence of basic subsistence patterns and to attempt an approximate mapping of subsistence areas.

VOUDRACH, Paul. "Good Hope Tales," p. 1-58, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02305-9 / 978-0-660-02305-2).

Athapaskan tales narrated by Paul Voudrach with summaries and analysis by Ronald Cohen and Helga Osterreich. Cohen and Osterreich also compare these tales with Chipewyan folktales.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 205, Anthropological Series 71.

HELM, June, Nancy O. Lurie, and Gertrude Kurath, 1966. The Dogrib Hand-Game. 101 pages, 18 photographs, 22 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02060-2 / 978-0-660-02060-0. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02061-0 / 978-0-660-02061-7.

A description of a complex game very popular among the Indians of the West Coast and the interior. The musical and choreographic aspects of the game are described by Gertrude Kurath.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 206, Anthropological Series 72. Contributions to Anthropology 1963-1964, Part 1, 1966. Designated Contributions to Anthropology V (Archaeology and Physical Anthropology). 257 pages, 58 illustrations, 33 tables. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02059-9 / 978-0-660-02059-4. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02058-0 / 978-0-660-02058-7. Includes:

DEMIRJIAN, A. "A Study of the Morphology of the Glenoid Fossa," p. 1-25, 9 illustrations (published separately).

A sample of nine different racial groups show that the depth of the glenoid (mandibular) fossa was shallowest in female skulls and that morphological differences exist in terms of racial origin.

EMERSON, J. N. "The Payne Site: An Iroquoian Manifestation in Prince Edward County, Ontario," p. 126-257, 11 photographs, 47 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02268-0 / 978-0-660-02268-0).

A description of the material from an early prehistoric Huron site. Castellation and pipe typologies are proposed and a ceramic analysis technique is described in detail.

KENNEDY, Clyde C. "Preliminary Report on the Morrison's Island Site," p. 100-125, 4 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02269-9 / 978-0-660-02269-7).

A description of a Laurentian Archaic village site and cemetery in the Ottawa Valley, Quebec.

PENDERGAST, J. F. "The Berry Site," p. 26-53, 5 tables, 2 photographs, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02317-2 / 978-0-660-02317-5).

A site report on a mid-fourteenth century St. Lawrence Iroquoian site in Huntingdon County, Quebec.

WRIGHT, James V. "The Pic River Site," p. 54-99, 4 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02271-0 / 978-0-660-02271-0).

A report on a western Algonkian stratified site on the north shore of Lake Superior.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 208, Anthropological Series 73.

PENDERGAST, James F., 1966. Three Prehistoric Iroquois Components in Eastern Ontario: The Salem, Grays Creek and Beckstead Sites. 247 pages, 23 photographs, 44 illustrations, 103 tables. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02057-2 / 978-0-660-02057-0. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02056-4 / 978-0-660-02056-3.

Three site reports involving a detailed description of artifacts from three prehistoric St. Lawrence Iroquois sites constitute the major study of St. Lawrence Iroquoian ceramics.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 209, Anthropological Series 74.

VANSTONE, J. W., 1965. The Changing Culture of the Snowdrift Chipewyan. 133 pages, 8 photographs, 4 illustrations, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02055-6 / 978-0-660-02055-6.

Like other communities similarly situated, the Snowdrift Community, which depends heavily on outside sources of supply, is developing along particular lines that have little or nothing to do with ethnic background. The pattern of directed culture changes and the resulting deculturation have largely eliminated ethnic differences throughout the entire area.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 210, Anthropological Series 75.

WRIGHT, James V., 1966. Ontario Iroquois Tradition. 195 pages, 19 photographs, 16 illustrations, 20 tables, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-02054-8 / 978-0-660-02054-9. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Edition.

A major work proposing a general synthesis of the prehistoric development of the Huron-Petun and the Neutral-Erie.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 211, Anthropological Series 76.

PEACOCK, Kenneth, 1966. Twenty Ethnic Songs from Western Canada. 91 pages, 20 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02053-X / 978-0-660-02053-2. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-00098-9 / 978-0-660-00098-5.

A compilation of songs of five different ethnic groups - Doukhobor, Mennonite, Hungarian, Ukrainian, and Czech, presented in their original language with line by line English translations.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 213, Anthropological Series 77.

BOCK, Philip K., 1966. The Micmac Indians of Restigouche: History of Contemporary Description. 95 pages, 4 illustrations, 10 tables, 1 map.

A description of the culture on a Micmac Reserve that gives a historical background to show the continuities from aboriginal times to the present.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 214, Anthropological Series 78. Contributions to Anthropology: Linguistics 1 - Algonquian, 1967. 162 pages, 11 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02073-4 / 978-0-660-02073-0. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02072-6 / 978-0-660-02072-3. Includes:

DAY, Gordon M. "Historical Notes on New England Languages," p. 107-112.

A survey of the work done on the Algonkian dialects of New England and of the work that remains to be done.

FRANTZ, D. E. "Blackfoot Paradigms and Matrices," p. 140-146.

A paper intended to illustrate the analysis of some of the more complex and problematic Blackfoot paradigms using the matrix technique.

GODDARD, Ives. "The Algonquian Independent Indicative," p. 66-106.

The paper deals with that part of the Algonkian verb known as the independent indicative. The discussion is preceded by a description of the general features of Algonkian verbs and the place of the independent indicative in the system.

GODDARD, Ives. "Notes on the Genetic Classification of the Algonquian Languages," p. 7-12.

This is an account of the studies done since 1912 on the kinship of Algonkian languages and appraisal of the Proto-Algonkian hypothesis.

HAAS, M. R. "The Proto-Algonkian Word for 'sun'," p. 60-65.

The Proto-Algonkian for the word 'sun'according to different linguists (Michelson, Hackett, and Bloomfield) and a study of its linguistics and historical importance are given.

SALZMANN, P. "Some Aspects of Arapaho Morphology," p. 128-134.

A study of the Arapaho noun inflection with particular attention to the intricate morphonomics of obviation and pluralization.

SALZMANN, P. "On the Inflection of Transitive Animate Verbs in Arapaho," p. 135-139.

The intention of this study is to bring a better understanding of this intricate aspect of Arapaho language.

SIEBERT, F. T. "The Original Home of the Proto-Algonquian People," p. 13-47, 10 maps.

A study directed at determining the home of the original Algonkian people before their general dispersion, approximately three thousand years ago. The Algonkian stock is the largest linguistic group in North America, comprising about thirty-four living and extinct languages, and geographically the most widely distributed.

SIEBERT, F. T. "Discrepant Consonant Clusters Ending in -k in Proto-Algonquian, A Proposed Interpretation of Saltatroy Sound Changes," p. 48-59.

The author proposed to replace the typographically awkward ck with sk.

TAYLOR, A. R. "Some Observations on a Comparative Arapaho-Atsina Lexicon," p. 113-127.

A comparative Arapaho-Atsina lexicon of two hundred and sixty-one terms with comments is the basis for this study, which furnishes a point of departure for comparison of the two Arapaho dialects still existent.

TAYLOR, A. R. "Initial Change in Blackfoot," p. 147-156.

A discussion of the types of vowel alternations which are restricted to the initial syllables of certain finite verbal forms and are, at least in part, cognate with the phenomena describe by Bloomfield and others.

TEETER, Karl V. "Preliminary Report on Malecite - Passamaquoddy," p. 157-162.

A progress report on research undertaken in 1963 toward a reasonably full description of the language.

TEETER, Karl V. "Genetic Classification in Algonquian," p. 1-6.

A study on theoretical and methodological questions concerning the genetic classification and the subgroup established in the Algonkian linguistic family, as well as the distant affinities between Alongkian and other linguistic families.

Bulletin No 215 du Musée national du Canada. No 3 de la série des bulletins de folklore.

SÉGUIN, Robert-Lionel, 1968. Le costume civil en Nouvelle-France. 330 pages, 11 photographies. Papier, ISBN 0-660-02456-X / 978-0-660-02456-1. Relié, ISBN 0-660-02455-1 / 978-0-660-02455-4.

La présente étude ne s'en tient pas uniquement à l'énumération et à la description des pièces vestimentaires et des tissus en usage, mais également à la place qui leur revient dans la vie sociale et économique du temps.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 217, Anthropological Series 79.

WRIGHT, James V., 1967. The Laurel Tradition and the Middle Woodland Period. 175 pages, 15 photographs, 4 illustrations, 38 tables. Paper, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-02071-8 / 978-0-660-02071-6. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02070-X / 978-0-660-02070-9.

A detailed description of the material associated with the Laurel culture and its neighbours.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 218, Anthropological Series 80.

ROGERS, Edward S., 1967. The Material Culture of the Mistassini. 156 pages, 18 photographs, 71 illustrations, 4 maps. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02069-6 / 978-0-660-02069-3. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02068-8 / 978-0-660-02068-6.

A description of specimens collected during a year's residence with the Mistassini and a study of the changes in the material culture thought to be a result of contact with Euro-Canadian culture.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 219, Anthropological Series 81.

SEARY, E. R., G.M. Story, and W.J. Kirwin, 1968. The Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland: An Ethno-Linguistic Study. 115 pages, 4 maps. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02067-X / 978-0-660-02067-9. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02460-8 / 978-0-660-02460-8.

A sociological and historical study of the oldest settled part of Newfoundland, that traces the area's racial and linguistic origins and affiliations; names, history, population, religion and occupations.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 220, Folklore Series 4.

KURATH, Gertrude P., 1968. Dance and Song Rituals of Six Nations Reserve, Ontario. 205 pages, 26 photographs, 57 illustrations. Paper, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-02066-1 / 978-0-660-02066-2. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02065-3 / 978-0-660-02065-5.

This report is primarily a choreographic and musical survey of Canadian Longhouse customs. It joins the arts of choreography and music in the descriptions and even in the analysis. It also presents the related art of costuming.

Museum l Museum of Canada Bulletin 224, Anthropological Series 82. Contributions to Anthropology VI: Archaeology and Physical Anthropology, 1969. 247 pages, 36 photographs, 23 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02078-5 / 978-0-660-02078-5. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02079-3 / 978-0-660-02079-2. Includes:

HUGHES, David R. "Further Observations on the Human Mandibular Remains from Sugluk and Mansel Islands," p. 186-194 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02303-2 / 978-0-660-02303-8).

The biometric and odontological characteristics of Dorset culture mandibles add confirmation to the Eskimo affinities of the Dorset people.

HUGHES, David R. "Human Remains from Near Manuels River, Conception Bay, Newfoundland," p. 195-207, 3 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02313-X / 978-0-660-02313-7).

On the basis of the limited biometric data available for this skeleton, it is tentatively suggested that the individual was an Indian and not an Eskimo or European.

KIDD, Robert S. "Archaeological Survey in the Lower Fraser River Valley, British Columbia," p. 208-247, 6 photographs (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02315-6 / 978-0-660-02315-1).

A survey of the area between Gale and Chilliwack, with particular attention paid to cobble-tool localities.

SANGER, David. "The Chase Burial Site EeQw-l, British Columbia," p. 86-185, 14 photographs, 11 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02324-5 / 978-0-660-02324-3).

A report on a late prehistoric burial site, with grave goods, assigned to the Kamloops Phase, A.D. 1250 to 1800.

WRIGHT, James V. "The Michipicoten Site," p. 1-85, 16 photographs, 8 illustrations (published separately).

An examination of a stratified eastern Algonkian site on the north shore of Lake Superior.

National Museum of Canada Bulletin 225, Anthropological Series 83.

ROHNER, Ronald P., 1967. The People of Gilford: A Contemporary Kwakiutl Village. 176 pages, 6 photographs, 4 illustrations, 56 tables.

A description of a people's way of life as well as a source book for contemporary Kwakiutl studies.

Bulletin No 226 du Musée national du Canada. No 5 de la séries des bulletins de folklore.

SÉGUIN, Robert-Lionel, 1968. La maison en Nouvelle-France. 92 pages, 20 photographies, 5 illustrations, relié.

En plus d'une étude de la construction des maisons, l'auteur fait une révision de la terminologie des métiers; l'étude comporte également une liste d'outils et un lexique des anciennes appellations artisanales.

Bulletin No 227 du Musée national du Canada. No 6 de la séries des bulletins de folklore.

SÉGUIN, Robert-Lionel, 1968. Les divertissements en Nouvelle-France. 79 pages, 17 photographies, ISBN 0-660-02077-7 / 978-0-660-02077-8.

C'est une étude des coutumes et des divertissements au XVIIe siècle tant chez le peuple que chez les personnes de qualité.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 228, Anthropological Series 84.

DAMAS, David, ed., 1969. Contributions to Anthropology: Band Societies. Proceedings of the Conference on Band Organization, Ottawa, 30 August - 2 September 1965. 295 pages, 7 illustrations, 9 maps. Includes:

BICCHIERI, M. G. "A Cultural Ecological Comparative Study of Three African Foraging Societies: The Net-hunting Bambuti, the Southern Kalahari Bushmen, and the Central East African Hadzapi," p. 172-183.

Investigation of the component features of band organization in the context of patrilineal hunting bands.

DAMAS, David. "Characteristics of Central Eskimo Band Structure," p. 116-141, 1 illustration, 1 map (published separately).

An analysis of the group structure among the Copper, Netsilik and Iglulik Eskimos for the period that extended into the 1920s.

EGGAN, Fred. "Typology," p. 261-287 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02287-7 / 978-0-660-02287-1).

A study of typologies demonstrating that Steward and Service typologies are restrictive.

GARDNER, P. M. "Paliyan Social Structure," p. 153-171 (published separately).

A study of three basic features of social structure among a food-gathering tribe of Madras, South India: bilateralism, aggression-avoidance and symmetry in interpersonal relations.

HELM, June. "Remarks on the Methodology of Band Composition Analysis," p. 212-217 (published separately).

A methodological approach to the spatial and social composition of the band.

HELM, June. "A Method of Statistical Analysis of Primary Relative Bonds in Community Composition," p. 218-239, 1 illustration (published separately).

A discussion of the significance of primary kin bonds between community co-residents conjugal pairs and a method of scoring male and female statuses within these bonds.

LEACOCK, E. "The Montagnais - Naskapi Band," p. 1-20, 2 maps (published separately).

A study of the various social, economic and ecological factors that influence the organization of a band.

MCFEAT, Tom. "Problems in the Study of Short-Term Evolution in Small Groups," p. 240-260 (published separately).

Presentation of the concept of 'drift'as mechanism which so regulates change as to permit experimentation while preventing disintegration in small groups.

MCKENNAN, R. A. "Athapaskan Groupings and Social Organization in Central Alaska," p. 93-115 (published separately).

A reconstruction of traditional social structure of the Athapaskans through their main activity: caribou hunting.

ROGERS, Edward, S. "Band Organization Among the Indians of Eastern Subarctic Canada," p. 21-55, 3 illustrations, 4 maps (published separately).

A definition of the term 'band' based on a study of band structure and organization among the Cree-Ojibwa.

SLOBODIN, R. "Criteria of Identification of Bands," p. 191-211 (published separately).

A discussion pointing out the main distinctive features of a band organization using a Kutchin example.

SLOBODIN, R. "Leadership and Participation in a Kutchin Trapping Party," p. 56-92, 1 illustration, 2 maps (published separately).

A description of the party's structure and members with some discussion of its place in the society of a hunting people in modern times.

STEWARD, J. H. "Observations on Bands," p. 187-190 (published separately).

A case-by-case cross-cultural study using an empirical approach to the concept of band.

STEWARD, P. "Postscript to Bands: On Taxonomy. Processes and Causes," p. 288-295, 1 table (published separately).

A paper on the nature of bands and a warning against underestimating European influence on contemporary pre-farming societies.

WILLIAMS, B. J. "The Birhor of Hazaribagh," p. 142-152 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02320-2 / 978-0-660-02320-5).

An analysis of band composition and band movement among a group of hunting-gathering people in East-Central India.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 229, Anthropological Series 85.

WRIGHT, James V., and J. E. Anderson, 1969. The Bennett Site. 143 pages, 43 illustrations. Paper, $1.00, ISBN 0-660-02075-0 / 978-0-660-02075-4. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02076-9 / 978-0-660-02076-1.

A detailed report on the archaeology and physical anthropology of a late (mid-thirteenth century) Pickering culture site.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 230, Anthropological Series 86.

DAMAS, David, ed., 1969. Contributions to Anthropology: Ecological Essays. Proceedings of the Conference on Cultural Ecology, Ottawa, August 3-6, 1966. 188 pages, 4 illustrations, 6 maps, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02074-2 / 978-0-660-02074-7. Includes:

ANONYMOUS. "Methodology of Ecological Analysis," p. 173-183 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02309-1 / 978-0-660-02309-0).

A record of the speakers during this discussion.

BICCHIERI, M. G. "The Differential Use of Identical Features of Physical Habitat in Connection with Exploitative Settlement and Community Patterns: The Bambuti Case Study," p. 65-72, 1 map.

An analysis of the patterns of exploitation, spatial distribution, and social integration. The net hunting and archer bands of the Bambuti form the basic ethnological material for this analysis. the differentiation in hunting techniques supplies the comparative dimension that makes this clear-cut ethnographic exemplification.

CARSTENS, W. Peter. "Some Aspects of Khoikhoi (Hottentot) Settlement Patterns in Historico-ecological Perspectives," p. 95-101 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02283-4 / 978-0-660-02283-3).

The social organization and settlement patterns of the Khoikhoi are seen through three periods of their history: the territorial revolution, spatial and social (1700-1847), and the modes of adaptation to reservation systems and missionary regimes.

DAMAS, David "Introduction: The Study of Cultural Ecology and the Ecological Conference," p. 1-12 (published separately).

A study that expresses an overall view of the research in cultural ecology and an appreciation of the importance of the conference on ecology. It also examines the merits and limits of these methods of ecological analysis.

DAMAS, David. "Environment, History and Central Eskimo Society," p. 40-64, 1 map (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02300-8 / 978-0-660-02300-7).

The author uses the material from the three contiguous Central Eskimo societies of the Iglulik, Netsilik, and Copper Eskimo, to explore problems of the relationships of ecological factors to social features.

HELM, June. "Relationship between Settlement Pattern and Community Pattern and Discussion," p. 151-162 (published separately).

The paper describes these two concepts and their interplay.

LEE, R. B. "!Kung Bushmen Subsistence: An Input-Output Analysis," p. 73-94, 2 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02453-5 / 978-0-660-02453-0).

The ecological basis of a hunting and gathering economy is examined by means of an input-output analysis of work and consumption. An outline of the subsistence strategy of the Kung Bushmen who, with the simplest technologies, manage to live in the harsh environment of the Kalahari desert.

MURDOCK, P. "Correlations of Exploitative and Settlement Patterns and Discussion," p. 129-150 (published separately).

A collection of data on the mode of subsistence of 322 distinct cultures.

NETTING, Robert McC. "Ecosystems in Process: A Comparative Study of Change in Two West African Societies," p. 102-112 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02453-6 / 978-0-660-02453-4).

The paper comprises a chart of a co-variation of factors such as soil, terrain, techniques of agriculture, demography, work group organization which describes the change from subsistence cultivation to cash cropping.

RAPPAPORT, Roy A. "Some Suggestions Concerning Concept and Method in Ecological Anthropology," p. 184-188 (published separately).

Suggestions concerned with making ecological anthropology more operational by placing it within the framework of general ecology to enhance its understanding.

RAPPAPORT, Roy A. "Population Dispersal and Land Redistribution Among the Maring of New Guinea," p. 113-126 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02273-7 / 978-0-660-02273-4).

A description of the social and cultural means by which the Maring, a New Guinea people, disperse personnel over available land and redistribute land among local groups.

ROGERS, Edward S. "Historical Factors," p. 163-172 (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02306-7 / 978-0-660-02306-9).

A paper on the methodology of ecological analysis and the discussion that followed.

ROGERS, Edward S. "Natural Environment - Social Organization - Witchcraft: Cree Versus Ojibwa, A Test Case," p. 24-39, 1 illustration, 4 maps (published separately).

Social organization of the Cree and Ojibwa peoples who inhabited the eastern subarctic of Canada in relation to their natural environment and the practice of witchcraft hopefully shows that no strictly environmental explanation can account for their social organization throughout the entire area.

SANGER, D. "Development of the Pacific Northwest Plateau Culture Area," p. 15-23, 1 illustration (published separately).

A working paper designed to consider the influences of environmental and historical factors in the development of the Pacific Northwest Coast.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 231, Folklore Series 7.

PEACOCK, Kenneth, 1970. Songs of the Doukhobors: An Introductory Outline. 167 pages, 27 photographs, 4 records.

From the more than five hundred Doukhobor songs recorded in western Canada during the summers of 1963 and 1964, fourteen religious songs and thirteen folksongs are reproduced with English translations and musical transcriptions. An introduction to Doukhobor origins and beliefs as well as comments on the songs is included.

National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man Bulletin 232, Anthropological Series 87. Contributions to Anthropology VII: Archaeology and Physical Anthropology, 1969. 191 pages, 13 illustrations, 30 photographs, 1 map, ISBN 0-660-02448-9 / 978-0-660-02448-6. Includes:

GRUHN, Ruth. "Preliminary Report on the Mulbach Site: A Besant Bison Trap in Central Alberta," p. 128-156, 10 photographs, 6 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02270-2 / 978-0-660-02270-3).

A description of the excavations and artifacts from a Besant Phase bison-kill site near Stettler, Alberta.

KIDD, R. S. "The Archaeology of Fossil Bay Site, Sucia Island, Northwestern Washington State, in Relation to the Fraser Delta Sequence," p. 32-67, 8 photographs, 5 illustrations (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02255-9 / 978-0-660-02255-0).

A comparison of the Marple and developed Coast Salish phase in the Fraser River Delta area.

MCGHEE, R. "An Archaeological Survey of Western Victoria Island, Northwest Territories, Canada," p. 157-191, 9 photographs, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02316-4 / 978-0-660-02316-8).

An archaeological survey of western Victoria Island located twenty-one sites relating to Pre-Dorset, Dorset, Thule, and Copper Eskimo culture occupations.

WILMETH, Roscoe. "Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates," p. 68-127, 1 map (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02323-7 / 978-0-660-02323-6).

A compilation of radiocarbon dates pertinent to Canadian archaeology prior to the fall of 1967.

WRIGHT, James V. "Cree Culture History in the Southern Indian Lake Region," p. 1-31, 3 photographs, 1 illustration (published separately, ISBN 0-660-02325-3 / 978-0-660-02325-0).

An examination of northern Algonkian sites in northern Manitoba.

Bulletin No 233 des Musées nationaux du Canada. No 88 de la série anthropologique.

ROUSSELIÈRE, O.M.I., Guy-Marie, 1969. Les jeux de ficelle des Arviligjuarmuit. 182 pages, 10 photographies. Papier, ISBN 0-660-02081-5 / 978-0-660-02081-5. Relié, ISBN 0-660-02080-7 / 978-0-660-02080-8.

Description de 112 jeux de ficelle suivie d'une discussion sur leur origine, leur distribution et leur importance linguistique.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 234, Folklore Series 8.

KLYMASZ, Robert B.,1970. An Introduction to the Ukrainian-Canadian Immigrant Folksong Cycle. 106 pages, 3 records, illustrated.

The twenty-eight Ukrainian folksongs with English translations and musical transcriptions are representative of the Ukrainian immigrant experience in western Canada. The songs reflect the impact of the new experience on a traditional folk genre.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 235, Anthropological Series 90.

NUNGAK, Zebedee, and Eugene Y. Arima, 1969. Unikkaatuat Sanaugarngnik Atyingualiit Puvirngniturngmit: Eskimo Stories From Povungnituk, Quebec. 137 pages, 53 photographs, ISBN 0-660-00042-3 / 978-0-660-00042-8.

Povungnituk is one of the main centres of contemporary Eskimo carving in Canada. In 1958-1959, under the active encouragement of Rev. Father Steinmann, the carvers depicted their oral tradition in soapstone. These carvings and the stories related to them are here presented.

Bulletin No 235 des Musées nationaux du Canada. No 90 de la série anthropologique.

NUNGAK, Zebedee, and Eugene Y. Arima, 1975. Unikkaatuat Sanaugarngnik Atyingualiit Puvirngniturngmit: Légendes inuit de Povungnituk, Québec. 135 pages, 53 photographies, papier, ISBN 0-660-00058-X / 978-0-660-00058-9.

Povungituk est un des principaux centres de sculptures esquimaudes contemporaines au Canada. En 1958-1959, avec l'encouragement du Rév. Père Steinmann, les sculpteurs décrivirent leur tradition orale en stéatite. Ces sculptures et les récits relatifs sont ici présentés.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 235, Anthropological Series 90 / Bulletin No 235 du Musée national du Canada. No 90 de la série anthropologique.

NUNGAK, Zebedee, and Eugene Y. Arima, 1988. Inuit Stories - Povungnituk - Légendes Inuit. 159 pages, 65 photographs / photographies, bilingual / bilingue, $7.95 / 7,95 $, ISBN 0-660-50285-2 / 978-0-660-50285-4. Reprinted / réimprimé 1990, 1992, 2000.

Let the Inuit speak.forty-six stories from the sculptors of Povungnituk. Originally published in two separate French and English publications, this bilingual edition captures the spirit of the Inuit in striking photographs of soapstone carvings, accompanied by myths and legends as told by the sculptors themselves. / Laissons les Inuits parler.46 histoires racontées par les sculpteurs de Povungnituk. Publiée à l'origine séparément en français et en anglais, cette édition bilingue délimite de belle façon l'esprit des Inuits par des photographies éblouissantes de sculptures en stéatite, le tout accompagné de mythes et de légendes racontés par les sculpteurs eux-mêmes.

National Museums of Canada Bulletin 236, Folklore Series 9.

KLYMASZ, Robert B., 1970. The Ukrainian Winter Folksong Cycle in Canada. 156 pages, 4 records.

Fifty Ukrainian winter folksongs, including secular carols, religious carols, and mummer's songs, with English translations and musical transcriptions, make up the largest part of this publication. The author examines the evolution of this traditional genre as it is transplanted to a new environment.



Mise à jour : 24 avril 2007 / Last update: April 24, 2007
© Société du Musée canadien des civilisations
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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