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The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner is the regulatory body for the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act), the Health Information Act (HIA) and the Personal Information Protection Act (Private Sector Privacy). The Commissioner also conducts inquiries under the Access to Motor Vehicle Information Regulation (AMVIR).

Order F2004-025

Posted:  Dec/06/2006
Adjudicator orders the Calgary Police Service to disclose further records 

Investigation Report H2006-IR-002

Posted:  Dec/05/2006
Calgary Health Region found in contravention of Health Information Act over stolen laptop 

Order F2006-024

Posted:  Nov/30/2006
Commissioner finds Calgary Police Service has custody and control of records 

Order P2006-004

Posted:  Nov/28/2006
Information and Privacy Commissioner declines to monitor the Law Society in the discharge of its duties to share information with a complainant 

Information and Privacy Commissioner opens investigation into alleged information breach by Alberta Energy and Utilities Board

Posted:  Nov/24/2006

Charges laid under the Health Information Act

Posted:  Nov/23/2006

Commissioner launches investigation into stolen Calgary Health Region laptop

Posted:  Nov/09/2006
Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner has confirmed that his office is investigating the theft of a laptop computer from the home of an employee of the Calgary Health Region. The computer contains....  More

Investigation Report F2006-IR-003

Posted:  Nov/06/2006
Investigator finds Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security disclosed an individual’s personal information in contravention of the FOIP Act. 

Order F2005-025

Posted:  Nov/03/2006
Adjudicator finds that NAIT was authorized to disclose personal information 

Order F2006-012

Posted:  Oct/30/2006
Commissioner orders Edmonton Police Service to respond to requests 

Order F2006-013

Posted:  Oct/30/2006
Commissioner orders Edmonton Police Service to respond to requests 

Order P2005-003

Posted:  Oct/17/2006
Commissioner rules tenant's personal information was properly released 

Orders F2006-003 & P2006-003

Posted:  Oct/12/2006
Commissioner rules on complaint against a School Council 

Order P2005-002

Posted:  Oct/11/2006
Commissioner rules computer firm breached Personal Information Protection Act 

News Release: Commissioner urges City of Calgary to be diligent about surveillance cameras

Posted:  Oct/06/2006
Alberta Information and Privacy Commissioner, Frank Work, has written a letter to the Mayor of Calgary urging due diligence if the City plans to install video surveillance cameras in public places. 

Order H2006-003

Posted:  Sep/29/2006
Adjudicator finds custodian fulfilled duty to assist 

Order F2005-014

Posted:  Sep/28/2006
Adjudicator finds Athabasca University released more personal information than authorized 

Order F2004-026

Posted:  Sep/27/2006
Commissioner issues ruling on Alberta Labour Relations Board 

Investigation Report P2006-IR-005

Posted:  Sep/26/2006
An investigation by the OIPC found that MD Management Ltd. contravened PIPA after an incident in which a laptop containing personal information of 8,000 physicians was stolen from an employee's vehicle....  More

Order F2005-019

Posted:  Sep/26/2006
Adjudicator finds Alberta Children's Services conducted an adequate search for records 

Privacy Rights in Schools: A Perspective from Alberta's Privacy Commissioner

Posted:  Sep/22/2006

Investigation Report P2006-IR-004

Posted:  Sep/14/2006
Information and Privacy Commissioner's investigation finds an Alberta union properly safeguarded personal information. 

Investigation Report F2006-IR-002

Posted:  Sep/13/2006
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner ruled that the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) is allowed to ask for identification prior to releasing records to applicants under the Freedom of Information....  More

Order H2006-002

Posted:  Sep/13/2006
Adjudicator upholds decision not to identify a confidential source 

Order F2005-018

Posted:  Sep/12/2006
Commissioner finds that Alberta Justice met its duty to assist and properly decided to withhold records 

Order F2004-024

Posted:  Aug/28/2006
Commissioner upholds Alberta Finance's decision to refuse access to draft actuarial report that helped set the rate for basic automobile insurance in 2003 

Order F2006-021 and H2006-001

Posted:  Aug/25/2006
Commissioner upholds decision not to release Hospital Incident Report 

Order P2005-001

Posted:  Aug/21/2006
Commissioner rules computer firm breached Personal Information Protection Act *On August 25, 2006 the Commissioner issued a correction to Order P2005-001. The correction is already reflected on this website....  More

Order F2005-024

Posted:  Aug/16/2006
Adjudicator finds David Thompson Health Region conducted an adequate search for records 

Order H2004-003

Posted:  Aug/15/2006
Commissioner upholds decision not to release Hospital Incident Reports 

Commissioner's decision upheld on judicial review

Posted:  Jul/28/2006
Judicial review of order F2005-009 

News Release: Commissioner launches investigation into stolen laptop

Posted:  Jul/27/2006
Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner has initiated an investigation into a stolen laptop computer which contains financial and other personal information about possibly 8,000 clients of MD Management,....  More

New on the Website

Posted:  Jul/26/2006
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has added “Case Summaries” to the Orders and Investigation Reports menu. Case Summaries provide a snapshot of select cases determined to have educational....  More

Order H2005-006

Posted:  Jul/21/2006
Alberta's Information and Privacy Commissioner has confirmed a decision not to correct or amend clinical charts in Physician Notes 

Order H2005-007

Posted:  Jul/21/2006
Alberta's Information and Privacy Commissioner has confirmed a decision not to correct or amend discharge summaries in Hospital Records 

News Release Ryerson Study

Posted:  Jul/12/2006
Commissioner responds to Ryerson study on workplace monitoring. 

Order F2005-017 and H2005-001

Posted:  Jun/26/2006
Commissioner issues important ruling on the authority of a guardian versus a mature minor 

Order F2005-020

Posted:  Jun/23/2006
Commissioner finds that Alberta Health and Wellness did not comply with the time limit for responding to an access request 

Review of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)
Jul 19 2006
A Legislative all-party committee is currently reviewing the PIPA. The committee will be consulting  More

Private Sector Privacy in a Changing World (PIPA Conference 2007)
Sep 20 2007
This conference follows the highly successful 2006 event in Calgary, Alberta. Over 300 delegates from  More


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