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If you have dreamed of travelling to the Moon or Mars in the future, stay tuned! The next step toward the future of space exploration is the 9th NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operation. This research mission will assess new ways to deliver medical care to a remote location, as would be done in a long space flight.

NEEMO 9 is an exciting mission for Canada to take part in. You are invited to read the mission journal of commander and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Dr. Dave Williams. Watch as crew test state-of-the-art medical care technologies developed by Canadian researchers for diagnosis and treatment of a patient who is thousands of kilometres away.

This just in...
The NASA JSC (Johnson Space Center) Digital Learning Network for NEEMO 9 mission, for which Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Dr. Dave Williams was the mission Commander, received the 2007 Media Achievement Award. Congratulations to all! – June 2007.

Background Dave Williams Resources
Aquarius Undersea Lab
Advanced Medical Technologies
Topside Report
News Release
Commander's Journal: 
Dr. Dave Williams' Diary
Images and videos
Educational resource:
From Aquanauts to Astronauts

The NEEMO 9 mission team includes medical practitioners and astronauts, but all become "aquanauts" for the undersea mission. Remote medical care testing is part of the main objective, which is to prepare for exploration and navigation on the Moon. The habitat environment offers a chance to try out exploration techniques, such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and technologies for gathering and sorting rock samples.

NEEMO 9 is a joint project involving McMaster University's Centre for Minimal Access Surgery, the U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center, the National Space Biomedical Research Institute, the Canadian Space Agency, and NASA.

Updated: 2007/06/27 Important Notices