Council of the Haida Nation View Regional Map

Council of the Haida Nation

Member Bands

Old Masset Village Council (formerly Massett Band)

: Old Masset (also known as Haida Village) is approximately 5 km northwest of the village of Masset, on the east shore of Masset Sound, on Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. (26 reserves on 907.7 hectares.)

Number of Band Members
: 2,631 (Source: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence June 2007, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)

Skidegate Band Council

: At Skidegate Mission, on the southeast corner of Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. (11 reserves on 670.4 hectares.)

Number of Band Members
: 1,409 (Source: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence June 2007, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)


Negotiating status
: Negotiating a comprehensive treaty settlement within the British Columbia Treaty Commission six-stage treaty process.

Negotiating affiliation
: Negotiating on behalf of its two member bands, Old Massett Village Council and Skidegate Band Council.

: Both member bands are located on Graham Island in the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii). Old Masset is located at the north end, outside the town of Masset. Skidegate is on the southeast corner of the island, outside Queen Charlotte City.

Total band members
: 4,040 (Source: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence June 2007, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)


The Council of the Haida Nation entered the treaty process in December 1993. In April 2005, the Parties completed Stage 2 of the BCTC process, the determination of the readiness of the three parties - Canada, BC and the Council of the Haida Nation - to negotiate a treaty.

Other Activities

Land Use Planning

In April 2005, the Province and the Council of the Haida Nation signed a Letter of Understanding that set out interim consultation measures and included a commitment to negotiate longer-term agreements. Stemming from the Letter of Understanding, discussions took place to reach agreement on:
  • An interim consultation protocol on forestry activity.
  • Economic opportunities for the Haida through long-term forest tenure.
  • Interim protection of cultural cedar and wildlife habitat areas pending completion of a Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands land use plan.

In addition to the Letter of Understanding discussions, the Integrated Land Management Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands initiated the second phase of the Islands’ land use planning process. A community stakeholders group submitted its land use plan recommendations report to government and, as required in B.C.’s land use planning process, government-to-government talks to finalize the land use plan took place with the Council of the Haida Nation.

In May 2007, a draft Strategic Land Use Agreement (SLUA) initialled by the provincial government and the Council of the Haida Nation moved Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands closer to resolution of long-standing land use and resource management issues. Intended to address the recommendations of the earlier Haida Gwaii land use planning process, the initialling of the draft SLUA is an outcome of government-to-government discussions initiated by the Province under the 2005 letter of understanding with the Haida Nation, and is an important step forward in the process of ratifying a final agreement.

The draft agreement recommends:

  • Permanent protection for approximately 225,000 ha of land for natural, cultural, spiritual and recreational values, while balancing environmental sustainability with the social and economic needs of the Islands’ communities.
  • The analysis, testing, and establishment of land use objectives implementing ecosystem based management or EBM.
  • A timber harvest of at least 800,000 m3 per year to maintain social and community stability.
  • Following ratification of the agreement, the establishment of appropriate committees to ensure locally driven implementation and monitoring of the agreement and EBM practices.

The next step in the process will be for the government and the Haida to begin public, community and stakeholder consultations with local governments, residents and industry sectors before a final decision is reached on ratifying the agreement.

Provincial government and Haida representatives intend to host a number of public meetings and consultations on the draft SLUA over the summer before assembling final recommendations for ratification.

Information on land-use initiatives for Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands may be accessed at the following links:


Court Decisions involving the Council of the Haida Nation and BC Government may be accessed at the following links:

In May 2006, the Ministry of Forests and Range temporarily suspended harvesting within new proposed protected areas as part of the process to reach a lasting land use plan for the area. Approximately 56,000 hectares of Crown land are affected by the designation enacted under Part 13 of B.C.’s Forest Act. The suspension of harvesting assists the Province in meeting its legal obligations to consult with the Haida on land and resource decisions that may affect their interests.

In October 2006, the Chief Forester temporarily reduced allowable annual cuts on the Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands by a total of 424,500 cubic metres. The reductions followed orders-in-council that designated 83,000 hectares on the Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands off-limits to timber harvesting and forest development activities while land-use planning is under way.

Social and Cultural Initiatives

In June 2006, a two-day signing ceremony on Haida Gwaii celebrated the Haida Nation becoming the 24th delegated Aboriginal Child and Family Services agency in British Columbia. The delegation enabling agreement (DEA) between the Haida Children and Family Service Society, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development gives the Haida Child and Family Services Society the authority to deliver designated child and family services to their community.

In July 2006, the Province contributed $4 million towards the Haida Heritage Centre at Qay’llnagaay (pronounced Kay-AL-nuh-guy) project to showcase Haida art and culture. The funding supported research, design and construction of cultural exhibits at the centre, which was completed in January 2007. The centre lies at the heart of a long-term economic development strategy developed by the Skidegate Band, which includes a resort hotel, golf course, RV park and cabins, and new opportunities for tour guides.

Planned Meetings

As dates are established for open public meetings, they will be publicized through the local media and posted on the B.C. Treaty Commission Website Negotiations Calendar.