National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of Canada
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Institute for National Measurement Standards
Time Services
Accreditation Services (CLAS)
Calibration Services
CRMs: Certified Reference Materials
Research & Development
Acoustical Standards
Acoustical Standards - Research Projects
Acoustical Standards - Facilities
Chemical Metrology
Dimensional Metrology
Electrical Power Measurements
Electrical Standards
Frequency & Time Standards
Ionizing Radiation Standards
Mass Standards
Optical Frequency / Wavelength
Photometry and Radiometry
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Institute for National Measurement Standards

Acoustical Standards

The Acoustical Standards Program maintains primary acoustical standards, performs calibrations, provides technical consultation and laboratory certification, and maintains and periodically upgrades calibration facilities.

Primary acoustical standards, acceleration standards and ultrasound standards are disseminated to regulatory agencies, government departments, and the industry, trade, and health sciences sectors. The Program encourages and facilitates collaborative research projects with industry and academia.

Primary acoustical standards for Canada are maintained using the reciprocity method in the audio range. In general, acoustical standards provide the technical infrastructure for federal and provincial government guidelines on hearing conservation, on the use of ultrasound for therapeutic and diagnostic applications, and for trade and industrial services. The emphasis is on the enhancement of acoustical metrology in Canadian industry and in the health sciences sector.


To achieve our goal of providing speedier and more precise calibration services to our clients, an environmental chamber has been manufactured to accommodate a commercial pressure reciprocity microphone calibration apparatus. MORE DETAIL

International comparisons with other standards laboratories

The Program participated in the international inter-comparisons in the calibration of microphones and accelerometers and the measurement of ultrasound power, organized by the Consultative Committee on Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (CCAUV). The Program was the pilot laboratory for the Interamerican Metrology System (SIM) inter-comparison on microphone calibration and participated in inter-comparisons of calibration of accelerometers and pistonphone sound calibrators.

Acoustical Instrument Calibration Club (AICC)

The Acoustical Instrument Calibration Club was formed in October 1994 at the INMS Acoustical Calibration and Traceability Course. The objective of the club is to foster closer links between INMS and its clients that are interested in acoustical calibrations, specifications, measurement procedures, and related national and international standards development. Members receive a newsletter biannually, and participate voluntarily at meetings. Membership is free. The latest newsletter is available upon request from Dr. George Wong.

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