National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of Canada
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Institute for National Measurement Standards
Time Services
Accreditation Services (CLAS)
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CRMs: Certified Reference Materials
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Acoustical Standards
Chemical Metrology
Chemical Metrology - Research Projects
Dimensional Metrology
Electrical Power Measurements
Electrical Standards
Frequency & Time Standards
Ionizing Radiation Standards
Mass Standards
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Institute for National Measurement Standards

CHEMICAL METROLOGY - Research Projects

The Chemical Metrology Group provides a recognized, primary centre of reference in Canada for the accuracy and validity of chemical measurements in appropriate scientific and technological fields.

The main objectives of the Group are to:

  • perform research and development in selected areas of organic and inorganic trace analysis, in collaboration with Canadian instrument manufacturers when possible;
  • participate in comparisons with the national laboratories of other countries and cooperate with international organizations to ensure uniformity of chemical analysis procedures;
  • maintain strong linkages with Canadian and foreign environmental analytical laboratories through production of environmental certified reference materials, and through technical support of laboratory proficiency testing and accreditation activities;
  • operate a national facility for the elemental analysis of high purity materials by glow discharge mass spectrometry.

Chemical Metrology activities include development of reliable methodologies for inorganic and organic trace analysis with emphasis on environmental applications, development of new types of analytical instrumentation for potential commercialization, and provision of certified reference materials (CRM) to verify procedures for the determination of inorganic and organic contaminants in environmental samples.

Core competencies include analytical atomic spectrometry and inorganic mass spectrometry, gas and liquid chromatography, organic mass spectrometry, and chemical separations for both organic and inorganic trace analysis.

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