National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of Canada
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Institute for National Measurement Standards
General FAQ
Mechanical Metrology FAQ
Time Services FAQ
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Institute for National Measurement Standards

Frequently Asked Questions

Time Services FAQ
Mechanical Metrology FAQ

General FAQ

1. How can I view the pdf-formatted documents which are posted on this site?
2. Is INMS ISO certified?
3. How can I obtain published international and Canadian standards?

1. How can I view the pdf-formatted documents which are posted on this site?

You require Adobe Acrobat Reader software which is available at no charge from

2. Is INMS ISO certified?

Canada, along with all of the world's major industrialized countries, is a signatory of the Convention du Mètre, an international, intergovernmental agreement under which uniformity of measurement is assured. Signing of the Convention in 1875 resulted in the establishment of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) at Sèvres, outside of Paris. The BIPM is the international centre for metrology laboratories and, as such, regularly coordinates international comparisons of national measurement standards to demonstrate the technical competence of participating national laboratories.

Currently, these comparisons are the only means of demonstrating the quality of the measurement capabilities of national laboratories. NRC is a regular participant in national measurement standard comparisons, either bilateral, directly with another national laboratory, or multilateral comparisons, with several other national laboratories, coordinated by the BIPM.

To further demonstrate their dedication to quality, many national laboratories, NRC included, are in the process of documenting and implementing quality management systems for their routine calibration services in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

Any further questions regarding how the quality of calibration services provided by INMS is controlled should be addressed to Carlos Maggi (613) 991-2400, by fax at (613) 952-1394, or by e-mail at

3. How can I obtain published international and Canadian standards?

The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and IHS Canada / Micromedia Limited have formed a strategic partnership to give Canadian companies access to the standards they need to compete in global markets. To place an order, contact:

Global Info Centre Canada
240 Catherine Street, Suite 305
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2G8
phone: (613) 237-4250 or (800) 854-7179
fax: (613) 237-4251

See also for Canadian Procedural Documents (CAN-P) published by the SCC.

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