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Chemical Metrology - Research Projects
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Institute for National Measurement Standards

Chemical Metrology - Research Projects

 On-line Sample Preparation for Atomic Spectrometry
 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectometry
 Trace Element Speciation
 Organochlorine Compounds in Environmental Samples
 Natural Health Products
 Volatile Element Generation
 International Intercomparisons
 Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry

On-line Sample Preparation for Atomic Spectrometry

Flow injection (FI) techniques are being pursued with the aim of automating many repetitive chemical processing steps in an effort to enhance throughput, minimize contamination, increase detection power, remove interferences and improve reliability of inorganic analytical measurements. Novel immobilized ligands are being synthesized on polymeric and silica substrates for use in the separation and concentration of trace elements from natural waters and dissolved samples.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Since 1984, we have collaborated with SCIEX in the development of instrumentation for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), with a particular interest in environmental applications. Well-equipped laboratories provide facilities for quadrupole, time-of-flight and sector field ICP-MS with support of clean room sample preparation. Current areas of research include the evaluation of various sample introduction devices (e.g., ETV, USN, HEN, MCN, FI, LA), the use of mixed-gas plasmas for the reduction of polyatomic ion interferences, and the application of hydride generation (HG), HPLC- and GC-ICP-MS to the study of elemental speciation.

Trace Element Speciation

The effect of trace elements in living systems, food and the environment, depends on the chemical form in which the element enters the system and the final form in which it is present. The form, or species, governs its biogeochemical characteristics. The production of CRMs for speciated arsenic, tin and mercury content has been facilitated as a result of the Group's research activities targeting novel sample preparation approaches, synthesis of isotope enriched species specific calibration standards, coupled instrumental techniques, multiple extraction methodologies and novel solid phase microextraction procedures.


FAIMS (high-Field Asymmetric waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry), is an enhanced method of separating ionized molecules, based on their size and shape, while drifting in strong electric fields. It can separate ions from each other, focus ions, and trap ions in three dimensions. A spin off company (Ionalytics Corporation, Ottawa) was created to commercialize this technique. The combination of FAIMS with MS eliminates the need for time-consuming separations by liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis currently required in many applications. In cooperation with Ionalytics Corp., applications of FAIMS to the mass spectrometerenvironmental and natural health product fields are being explored.

Organochlorine Compounds in Environmental Samples

The development of reliable, cost-effective methods for the determination of organochlorine compounds (PCB's, PCDD's and PCDF's) in environmental samples encompasses all aspects of such determinations, including extraction procedures (e.g., solvent extraction, SFE), clean-up and instrumental determination by GC-ECD (1- and 2-dimensional) and GC/MS.


FAPES (Furnace Atomization Plasma Emission Spectrometry) is a technique in which a sample is introduced into a helium or argon plasma supported within an ETV device. Both atomic emission and mass spectra of excited and ionized elements are detected. The technique combines the advantages of GF-AAS for liquid sampling (good detection limits, applicability to microlitre sample volumes) with those of microplasmas for gas sampling. Total element concentration as well as speciation information can be determined.

Natural Health Products

To address aspects of the safety, quality and efficacy of Natural Health Products, the Chemical Metrology Group is contributing to an international effort to validate analytical methodologies and provide Certified Reference Materials for the determination of biomarkers and active ingredients. Working in concert with AOAC International, Canadian industry and academia, selected matrices and analytes will be targeted for study.

Volatile Element Generation

Vapour generation for analytical application includes: hydride generation, alkylation, UV generation , halide generation, generation of metal carbonyls and cold vapour generation. Novel approaches to vapour generation have broadened the scope of elements accessible by this technique.

International Intercomparisons

The Chemical Metrology Group participates in numerous international intercomparison programs. From a national and international viewpoint, achieving and demonstrating measurement traceability is becoming increasingly important; intercomparisons of primary standards in the international arena serve as the foundation for traceability claims and capabilities underlying all Memoranda of Understandings and Mutual Recognition Agreements.

Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry

A national facility for elemental analysis of high-purity materials by glow discharge mass spectrometry continues to be a high priority service offered to Canadian and foreign industries.

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