Professor Geist on video

As we mentioned earlier this week, Professor Michael Geist spoke at the closing session of the Conference. He noted that we already live in a world where surveillance is common place, and our personal data trail crosses borders and oceans and lives in countless databases.

“Chertoff came to us and said “this is my world, this is my vision, what are you prepared to do about it?”

We have posted the video of Professor Geist’s speech on YouTube, and you can view it below.

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Videos are posted in the language of the original speaker.

2 Responses to “Professor Geist on video”

  1. Kempton Says:

    Great video. Keep up the great work.

  2. Future of Privacy « Kempton’s blog Says:

    […] Michael Geist spoke on the Future of Privacy. [via Office of the Privacy Commissioner] By the way, there was a funny and yet chilling reference to the movie The Bourne Ultimatum at […]

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