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Depository Services Program

Changes to the Statistics Canada Publishing Program

Prepared for the Depository Services Program
by: Mary McCoy, Statistics Canada

Stastistics Canada's annual publications review has been completed for 1995/96. A major consideration in this review was the increasing cost of paper. The following list of publication changes relects consolidations of publications as well as changes in medium. - June 16, 1995

Listing of Supplementary Documents / Liste de documents supplémentaires
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 91000
Release Date: April 1991
Description: This publication has been discontinued.

Index to Statistics Canada Surveys and Questionnaires / Index des enquêtes et questionnaires de Statistique Canada
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: May 1994
Description: This publication has been discontinued as part of the publishing program but will be produced on demand as: 12F0046 Index to Statistics Canada Surveys and Questionnaires / Index des enquêtes et questionnaires de Statistique Canada

National Income and Expenditure Accounts - Quarterly Estimates / Comptes nationaux des revenus et dépenses - Estimations trimestrielles
Frequency: Quarterly
Description: This publication has absorbed: 13-014 Financial Flow Accounts, Quarterly Estimates and 72-005 Estimates of Labour Income
New Title for this publication: English Title: National Economic and Financial Accounts - Quarterly Estimates; French Title: Comptes économiques et financiers nationaux - Estimations trimestrielles

Financial Flow Accounts, Quarterly Estimates / Comptes des flux financiers
Frequency: Quarterly
Last Issue: 94004
Release Date: April 1995
Description: This publication was absorbed by: 13-001 National Economic and Financial Accounts - Quarterly estimates / Comptes économiques et financiers nationaux - Estimations trimestrielles

Farm Cash Receipts / Recettes monétaires agricoles
Frequency: Quarterly
Description: This publication has absorbed: 62-003 Farm Product Price Index
New title for this publication: English title: Farm Cash Receipts and Product Price Index; French title: Recettes monétaires agricoles et indice des prix des produits

Industrial Capacity Utilization Rates in Canada / Taux d'utilisation de la capacité industrielle au Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
Last Issue: 94004
Release Date: March 1995
Description: This publication has been discontinued.

Production of Selected Biscuits / Production de certains biscuits
Frequency: Semi-annual
Last Issue: 94002
Release Date: February 1995
Description: This publication has been discontinued.

Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics / Statistique du transport des voyageurs par autobus et du transport urbain
Frequency: Monthly
Last Issue: 94012
Release Date: February 1995
Description: The frequency for this publication will change from monthly to quarterly with issue 95001 (Volume 48, Number 1). Expected release date: June 1995.

Communications / Communications
Frequency: NSP
Last Issue: 94004
Release Date: March 1995
Description: The frequency for this publication will change from NSP (non-standard publication) to quarterly with issue 95001 (Volume 25, Number 1). Expected release date: June 1995.

Private and Public Investment in Canada / Investissements privés et publics au Canada
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by new microfiche product 61-2050XMB.

Private and Public Investment in Canada - Revised / Investissements privés et publics au Canada - Revisé
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 61-2060XMB.

Capital Expenditure by Type of Asset / Dépenses en immobilisations par type d'actif
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 61-2230XMB.

Private and Public Investment in Canada / Investissements privés et publics au Canada
Frequency: Annual Expected
Release Date: February 1996
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 61-205.

Private and Public Investment in Canada - Revised / Investissements privés et publics au Canada - Revisé
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: July 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 61-206.

Capital Expenditure by Type of Asset / Dépenses en immobilisations par type d'actif
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: March 1996
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 61-223

Farm Product Price Index / Indice des prix des produits agricoles
Frequency: Monthly
Last Issue: 95002
Release Date: March 1995
Description: This publication has been absorbed by: 21-001 Farm Cash Receipts and Product Price Index / Recettes monétaires agricoles et indice des prix des produits

Exports by Country / Exportations par pays
Frequency: Quarterly
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 65-0030XMB.

Exports by Commodity / Exportations par marchandise
Frequency: Monthly
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 65-0040XMB.

Imports by Country / Importations par pays
Frequency: Quarterly
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 65-0060XMB.

Imports by Commodity / Importations par marchandise
Frequency: Monthly
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 65-0070XMB.

Exports by Country / Exportations par pays
Frequency: Quarterly
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 65-003.

Exports by Commodity / Exportations par marchandise
Frequency: Monthly
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 65-004.

Imports by Country / Importations par pays
Frequency: Quarterly
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 65-006.

Imports by Commodity / Importations par marchandise
Frequency: Monthly
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 65-007.

Exports: Merchandise Trade / Exportations: Commerce de marchandise
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 65-2020XMB.

Imports: Merchandise Trade / Importations: Commerce de marchandise
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 65-2030XMB.

Exports: Merchandise Trade /Exportations: Commerce de marchandise
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 65-202.

Imports: Merchandise Trade / Importations: Commerce de marchandise
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 65-203.

International Travel National and Provincial Counts / Voyages internationaux
Frequency: Quarterly
Last Issue: 94004
Release Date: April 1995
Description: This publication has been discontinued.

Estimates of Labour Income / Estimations du revenu du travail
Frequency: Quarterly
Last Issue: 94004
Release Date: April 1995
Description: This publication was absorbed by: 13-001 National Economic and Financial Accounts - Quarterly Estimates / Comptes économiques et financiers nationaux - Estimations trimestrielles

Public Sector Employment and Remuneration / Emploi et rémunération dans le secteur public.
Frequency: Annual
Description: New Title for this publication: English Title: Public Sector Employment and Wages and Salaries; French Title: Emploi et salaires et traitement dans le secteur public

Hospital Morbidity / La morbidité hospitalière
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication has absorbed: 82-217 Surgical Procedures and Treatments
New Title for this publication: English Title: Hospital Morbidity and Surgical Procedures; French Title: La morbidité hospitalière et interventions chirurgicales
To be replaced by microfiche 82-2160XMB.

Surgical Procedures and Treatments / Interventions chirurgicales et traitements
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: March 1995
Description: This publication has been absorbed by: 82-216 Hospital Morbidity and Surgical Procedures / La morbidité hospitalière et interventions chirurgicales

Therapeutic Abortions / Avortements thérapeutiques
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 82-2190XMB.

Tuberculosis Statistics / La statistique de la tuberculose
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 82-2200XMB.

Cancer Statistics, 1987-91 / Statistiques du cancer, 1987-1991
Frequency: Occasional
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New publication.

Hospital Morbidity and Surgical Procedures / La morbidité hospitalière et interventions chirurgicales
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 82-216.

Therapeutic Abortions / Avortements thérapeutiques
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 82-219.

Tuberculosis Statistics / La statistique de la tuberculose
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 82-220.

Residential Care Facilities - Aged / établissements de soins spéciaux pour bénéficiaires internes - ƒgés
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication has absorbed: 83-238 Residential Care Facilities - Mental
New Title for this publication: English Title: Residential Care Facilities - Aged and Mental; French Title: établissements de soins spéciaux pour bénéficiaires internes - ƒgés et troubles mentaux
To be replaced by microfiche 83-2370XMB.

Residential Care Facilities - Mental / établissements de soins spéciaux pour bénéficiaires internes - troubles mentaux
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: December 1994
Description: This publication has been absorbed by: 83-237 Residential Care Facilities - Aged and Mental / établissements de soins spéciaux pour bénéficiaires internes - ƒgés et troubles mentaux

List of Canadian Hospitals / Liste des h“pitaux canadiens
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: August 1994
Description: This publication has been discontinued.

List of Residential Care Facilities in Canada / Liste des établissements de soins pour bénéficières internes Canada
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: September 1994
Description: This publication has been discontinued.

Hospital Statistics: Preliminary Annual Report / La statistique hospitalière: Rapport annuel préliminaire
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 83-2410XMB.

Hospital Annual Statistics / La statistique annuelle des h“pitaux
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 82-2420XMB.

Nursing in Canada, registered nurses / Personnel infirmier au Canada, infimier(e)s autorisé(e)s
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication has absorbed: 83-244 Nursing Education Program
New Title for this publication: English Title: Nursing in Canada: Registered Nurses and Nursing Education Programs; French Title: Personnel infirmier au Canada: Infirmier(ère)s autorisé(e)s et profil des programmes d'enseignement en science infirmière
To be replaced by microfiche 83-2430XMB.

Nursing Education Program / Profil des programmes d'enseignement en sciences infirmières
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: November 1994
Description: This publication has been absorbed by 83-243 Nursing in Canada: Registered Nurses and Nursing Education Programs Personnel infirmier au Canada: Infirmier(ère)s autorisé(e)s et profil des programmes d'enseignement en science infirmière

Mental Health Statistics / La statistique de l'hygiène mentale
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 83-2450XMB.

Hospital Indicators / Indicateurs des h“pitaux
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication will be replaced by microfiche product 83-2460XMB.

Residential Care Facilities - Aged and Mental / Etablissements de soins spéciaux pour bénéficiaires internes - ƒgés et troubles mentaux
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 83-237.

Hospital Statistics: Preliminary Annual Report / La statistique hospitalière: Rapport annuel préliminaire
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: August 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 83-241.

Hospital Annual Statistics / La statistique annuelle des h“pitaux
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 83-242.

Nursing in Canada: Registered Nurses and Nursing Education Programs / Personnel infirmier au Canada: Infirmier(ère)s autorisé(e)s et profil des programmes d'enseignement en science infirmière
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: June 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 83-243.

Mental Health Statistics / La statistique de l'hygiène mentale
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: March 1996
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 83-245.

Hospital Indicators / Indicateurs des h“pitaux
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: August 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 83-246.

Births / Naissances
Frequency: Annual
Description: This publication has absorbed

New Title for this publication: English Title: Births and Deaths; French Title: Naissances et décès
To be replaced by microfiche 84-2100XMB.

Deaths / Décès
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 92000
Release Date: February 1995
Description: This publication has been absorbed by: 84-210 Births and Deaths/Naissances et décès

Births and Deaths / Naissances et décès
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the paper product 84-210.

Marriages / Mariages
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the paper product 84-212.

Divorces / Divorces
Frequency: Annual
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New microfiche product that will replace the publication 84-213.

Sound Recording / L'enregistrement sonore
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: July 1994
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective/La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected Release Date: September 1995.

Periodical Publishing / L'édition du périodique
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: February 1995
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective/La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected Release Date: September 1995.

Film and Video / Le film et la vidéo
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: February 1995
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective / La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected Release Date: September 1995.

Government Expenditures on Culture / Dépenses publiques au titre de la culture au Canada
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: October 1994
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective / La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected release date: September 1995.

Television Viewing / L'écoute de la télévision
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: December 1994
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective/La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected Release Date: September 1995.

Performing Arts / Les arts d'interprétation
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: January 1995
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective/La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected Release Date: September 1995.

Book Publishing / L'édition du livre
Frequency: Annual
Last Issue: 93000
Release Date: February 1995
Description: This publication will be replaced by a new annual publication: 87-211 Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective / La culture au Canada: perspective statistique.
Expected Release Date: September 1995.

Culture in Canada: A Statistical Perspective / La culture au Canada: perspective statistique
Frequency: Annual
First Issue: 95000
Expected Release Date: September 1995
Description: New publication.

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