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1755- The French and Indian War Homepage
"This site is dedicated to the French Soldiers who came to New France between 1755 and 1760 to fight in the French and Indian War. This conflict was fought, for the most part, in the Lake George, Lake Champlain region of New York, at Quebec City, and Montreal. While the Canadian Troops and the regiment of La Marine participated in this conflict, I have centered my research on the French Regulars in the regiments of Languedoc, La Reine, Guyenne, Bearn, Royal Roussillon, La Sarre, and Berry. The regiments of Bourgone and Artois are also covered in small details."

Blessed François de Laval First Bishop of Québec (1623-1708)
This site honnoring Bishop François de Laval is divided according to the following categories: His Life | Animation Center | History of the Grand Séminaire (in french) | An authentic pastor (in french) | An ideal of sharing (in french) | Links (in french).

Carignan-Salières Regiment Officers and Soldiers
Rolls of the officers and soldiers of the Carignan-Salières regiment, including the name of the company to which they were assigned and their ranks.

Chambly Militia
Volunteer militiamen describe how militia activities from the era of the French regime are recreated. They evoke daily life in New France and inside Fort Chambly. The site includes a schedule of military exercises at Chambly and at the other forts where similar companies have been recreated.

Histoire de l'ancêtre Étienne de Nevers, Sieur de Brantigny
This webpage, based on known archives, relates the story of Étienne de Nevers, who arrived in New France around 1649. It is interesting to see what you can and can't do with archival sources...

La page de la Nouvelle-France
This page is dedicated to the history of the settlement and to the population of New France. It will grow as new texts come along.

Les Ursulines
This website celebrates the third centennial of the arrival of the Ursulines at Trois-Rivières. Several of its pages contain historical information about the congregation.

Repertory of the Filles du Roi
Alphabetical repertory of the King's Daughters and their husbands.

The Acadians
Divided into three texts, this page offers a lot of interesting information relating to the Acadians. The first text covers settlement, trade and community life; farming is the topic of the second. The last reveals an archeological survey (1983) regarding a pre-expulsion Acadian farm site. There is also an extra text about the Mi'kmaq...

The Native Trail
Links to specific sites about Canadian native communities with respect to the following categories: arts, business, culture, media, reference, organisations, internet, government, tourism, youth.

The Seven Years War Website
The purpose of this page is to establish a site where the history enthusiast can access information on this period of conflict. Contains various articles of good quality.

Tippecanoe Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
The French Presence in North America from the 1680's to the 1990's, From Humble Beginnings, The Independant Companies of French Marines, Fifes and Drums - a historical perspective, The Uniforms, The Music, Fort Ouiatenon...

Wyandot Nation of Kansas Web Page
This site contains a variety of texts, links, and pictures related to the Wyandot nation. It covers history, culture, genealogy, linguistics and a lot more. There is an English version of the Relation des Hurons de 1635 by Father Bréboeuf along with texts and archives of Jesuit and Methodist missions in the area. Reproductions of the treaties signed by the Wyandot Nation are also

Last update: March 4, 2005
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