Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Transmission history

EFILE On-Line Plus participants are able to request a listing of T1 return transmissions sent to Canada Revenue Agency for which they were the transmitter. Transmissions for the entire processing period will be available, from the first day of production up to the current date.

Note: EFILE On-Line transmissions are not included in the above listing.

To view your transmission history, go to the menu on the left under File Now and select On-Line Plus, log in with your EFILE Number and password, and select "Transmission History" on the resulting Web page.

The "Transmission History Selection Criteria" Web page will be displayed. You will be asked to input the date on which you require the list to begin. All transmissions received after midnight on that date will be displayed.

On the resulting list, links will be provided that will permit you to view the associated acknowledgement file. You simply have to click on the file name.

In addition, from the acknowledgement Web page, you may also request that the selected acknowledgement file be transmitted to you. This process is similar to the "Request a Specific Ack" option, except that it requires you to know and to input the file name we assigned to your incoming transmission.