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Portion of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, B.C., Exempt from Section 19 of the Act


(L. S.)


ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

TO ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anywise concern,--Greeting:



Acting Deputy Attorney General,


WHEREAS in and by section 22 of the Navigable Waters Protection Act, chapter 193 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952, it is provided that Our Governor in Council may, from time to time, by proclamation, declare any navigable rivers, streams or waters, or part or parts thereof, exempted, in whole or in part, from the operation of those sections of the said Act that prohibit the deposit of rubbish or other material in navigable waters.

AND WHEREAS an application has been made by Cowichan Copper Company Ltd. for exemption from the operation of section 19 of the said Act of that certain portion of the bed of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, British Columbia, lying in front of sections 9 and 71, Renfrew District, Vancouver Island, said portion being more particularly described as follows:

COMMENCING at a point on High Water Mark in the Southerly Boundary of said section 9, said point being North a distance of 8.00 feet, thence S 2_13'W a distance of 47.14 feet, thence S 82_11'25"E a distance of 119.36 feet, thence S 81_43'40"E a distance 278.25 feet, thence S 85_28'30"E a distance of 151.76 feet, from the South East Corner of said Section 9;

THENCE South a distance of 250.00 feet;

THENCE S 65_53'30"E a distance of 1656.05 feet;

THENCE N 36_45'00"E a distance of 250.00 feet more or less to an intersection at High Water Mark in the Southerly Boundary of said section 71;

THENCE Westerly, following the sinuosities of the High Water Mark of the Southerly Boundary of said sections 71 and 9, to the point of commencement;

AND CONTAINING 10.7 acres more of less as shown outlined in Red on a Plan of Survey by D. J. Roy, B.C.L.S., dated the 11th day of September, 1963 and on file in the Department of Forests and Water Resources in Victoria, B.C.

AND WHEREAS it is expedient and Our Governor in Council has advised that a proclamation do issue declaring that the area described above be exempt from the operation of section 19 of the said Act.

NOW KNOW YE that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, do by this Our Proclamation declare the area described above exempt from the operation of section 19 of the Navigable Waters Protection Act as aforesaid.

OF ALL WHICH Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS: Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Counsellor, Major-General GEORGES P. VANIER, a member of Our Most Honourable Privy Council, Companion of Our Distinguished Service Order upon whom We have conferred Our Military Cross and Our Canadian Forces' Decoration, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

AT OUR GOVERNMENT HOUSE, in Our City of Ottawa, this thirty-first day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three and in the twelfth year of Our Reign.

By Command,


Under Secretary of State.

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