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CANSIM data distributor

What is a licensed CANSIM data distributor?

An organization licensed to resell Statistics Canada’s socio-economic database, CANSIM.

What are the benefits to becoming a Statistics Canada licensed CANSIM distributor?

  • Opportunity to partner with Statistics Canada to provide the latest in-depth economic and social data to clients.

  • Updated data available to you and your clients at time of release.

  • Use CANSIM data to add value to current offerings and extend your market

  • Range of distribution options depending on your demand (see Appendix II: Licence options and fees payable)

How to become a licensed CANSIM distributor

  1. Consult the Agreement Concerning the Distribution of Statistics Canada’s CANSIM Database to find out the terms and conditions.

  2. Then contact Distributor Liaison Services ( (613-951-6028), or the nearest Statistics Canada regional reference centre (1-800-263-1136) to obtain your contract.

Current licensed CANSIM data distributors

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