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graphic - CCIAP logographic - CCIAP logographic - CCIAP logo  Home > Immunization and the Public > Adults > Adults and the Flu >  Is It the Flu or a Cold?
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Is it a cold or the flu ?

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Symptom Cold Influenza
Fever Rare Usual high fever
(102°F/39°C - 104°F/40°C)
sudden onset, lasts 3-4 days
Headache Rare Usual, can be severe
General aches and pains Sometimes, mild Usual, often severe
Fatigue and weakness Sometimes, mild Usual, severe, may last 2-3 weeks or more
Extreme fatigue Unusual Usual early onset, can be severe
Runny, stuffy nose Common Common
Sneezing Common Sometimes
Sore throat Common Common
Chest discomfort, coughing Sometimes, mild to moderate Usual, can become severe
Complications Can lead to sinus congestion or earache Can lead to pneumonia and respiratory failure, can worsen a current chronic condition, can be life-threatening
Prevention Frequent hand washing Annual vaccination and frequent hand washing

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