The Online catalogue

New Motor Vehicle Sales

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This publication presents sales data (in dollars and units) of new vehicles by type (commercial vehicles, buses and coaches, and passenger cars), by origin of manufacture (North America, Canada, United States and Mexico, and Japan and other) and by province of sale. Average price of vehicles sold and market share data are available by the same breakdowns. Seasonally adjusted estimates are available at the national level for sales (in units and in dollars) by type of vehicle. Seasonally adjusted passenger car sales are also available by origin (North America and overseas). Total annual sales estimates, based on the raw monthly data, are also available. These data are available by the same breakdowns as are available for the unadjusted monthly series.

Information by format

([B] = Bilingual; see "Bilingual products" below )

  • HTML (Information on this page is for this format.)
  • PDF
Product:New Motor Vehicle Sales
Catalogue no.:63-007-XWE
Latest issue:September 2007, vol. 79 no. 09 Free
Release date:November 15, 2007
Subscription:one year (365 days) N/A  
System requirements: Internet browser. Adobe Acrobat reader is required to view and print files in PDF format.


Retail and wholesale
Retail sales by type of store


automobile sales, automobiles, buses, commercial vehicles, country of origin, manufacturers, motor vehicles, sport utility vehicles, trucks and vans.

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This product may also be accessible for free at these libraries.

Bilingual products

Some bilingual products have changed to separate English and French products. In these cases, back issues are bilingual and the more recent issues are unilingual.


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