News Release

April 11, 2006

Bill 30 promotes better coordination of Alberta's disability programs

PDD program's community delivery system to be enhanced

Edmonton... Proposed changes to provincial legislation will enhance the role of the community boards that administer services through the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program, while improving the province's ability to better coordinate all the programs that provide support to Albertans with disabilities.

"We are committed to the important supports the PDD program provides to ensure Albertans with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to participate in everyday activities across the province," said Yvonne Fritz. "PDD's Provincial Board has done an excellent job in establishing the principles of this program. Now that our programs that support Albertans with disabilities are under one ministry, it is time to ensure that they are being delivered in a coordinated, effective and efficient way."

Currently, a provincial board has the responsibility for establishing provincial PDD policies, allocating funding to six community boards, and providing province-wide coordination and oversight of the PDD program.

Under Bill 30, the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Community Governance Amendment Act, 2006, the functions of the provincial board will be transferred to the Ministry of Seniors and Community Supports, while creating direct reporting lines between the ministry and the PDD program's six community boards. The community boards will continue to work with individuals, families, guardians and local service providers to meet identified needs as they have in the past. This structure is similar to the one used by Alberta Children's Services and its 10 regional Child and Family Services Authorities.

While ensuring PDD services are delivered in a fair and effective way throughout the province, this proposed change will also promote the coordination of disability programs and services. For example, 90 per cent of people receiving PDD supports are also receiving Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) benefits. The ministry is also responsible for the Office for Disability Issues, as well as the Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities, which under the structure proposed in Bill 30, will be asked to provide advice on the needs of people receiving PDD supports.

"Having the community boards directly report to the ministry will build upon the strengths of our community delivery system, which is responsive to the unique needs of persons with developmental disabilities," Fritz said. "The continued efforts by these boards to respond to local needs and priorities will make this administrative change seamless for the people receiving PDD supports."

PDD's annual budget is $509 million. Approximately 9,300 people are currently receiving PDD supports that help them live, work and participate in the community.

Bill 30 was introduced in the Legislature by Dr. Neil Brown, MLA Calgary-Nose Hill, who also served on the MLA AISH Review Committee in 2005.

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Backgrounder: Additional information on the Persons With Developmental Disabilities (PDD) Program.

Media enquiries may be directed to:
Jason Chance
Seniors and Community Supports Communications
(780) 415-9950

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


April 11, 2006

Additional information on the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) Program

What does the PDD program do?

Who is eligible to receive supports under the PDD program?

What kinds of supports does PDD provide?

The extent and type of staffing supports that PDD provides varies to reflect the unique needs of each person.

Additional information:

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Media enquiries may be directed to:
Jason Chance
Seniors and Community Supports Communications
(780) 415-9950

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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