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Rights of blind Albertans guaranteed by law
November 04, 2005

Higher fines and new identification cards will help ensure Albertans who are blind receive equal opportunities and access to public service and facilities.

The new provincial legislation includes higher fines for violations, which range from $250 for falsely using a white cane to $3,000 for discriminating against an Albertan who is blind and uses a guide dog. The law also no identifies clear standards for training guide dogs.

Albertans who are blind may voluntarily apply for free identification cards to use as proof that their guide dog team meets established standards. The card has a photo of the guide dog team, and information on the $3,000 fine. The back of the card has a Braille message so the user can identify it.

Albertans can get an application form for the identification cards online (pdf, opens in a new window), or by calling Laurel Wierstra at 780 427-9157 (for toll-free access, dial 310-0000, then the area code and phone number). Alternate formats, such as audio CD or Braille are available.

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