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Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), Québec Region

Séparateur AD99
Common Loon
Greater Snow Goose
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
American Wigeon
American Black Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
Black Scoter
Common Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Red-br. Merganser
News Release
Fact Sheets
Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV)

Logo PCHEThe North American waterfowl management plan (NAWMP), a unique collaborative strategy for the conservation and enhancement of waterfowl habitats, has been officially launched in Québec in 1989, with the establishment of the Eastern habitat joint venture (EHJV). The EHJV is aimed at protecting and enhancing those wetlands in eastern Canada that contribute significantly to the waterfowl and other migratory birds of the Atlantic Flyway and, to a lesser extent, to the Mississipi Flyway.

In Québec, the EHJV has resulted in a series of actions and conservation projects targeted under four components: protection, enhancement, assessment and education.

To learn more about the achievements of the EHJV for the last 15 years, you can now consult the EHJV Internet site:


Séparateur AD99
Black Duck JV
Eastern Habitat JV
Status 1997-1998
Eastern Lowlands

Black Duck Joint Venture (BDJV)

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Last updated: 2007-10-02

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URL of this site: http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/sauvagine/sauvagine.html