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OEE summary report documents results of the 2005 Canadian Vehicle Survey

2005 Canadian Vehicle Survey The Canadian Vehicle Survey collects data related to on-road transportation activities and vehicle fuel consumption in Canada. The survey is conducted by Statistics Canada, on behalf of Transport Canada and Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE).
Based on the results of the 2005 survey, the OEE has published a summary report that documents the types and uses of motor vehicles in Canada, along with distances driven during the year. The report also examines certain characteristics of Canadian drivers and provides information on the fuel consumption of their vehicles. truck image

To view the OEE's 2005 Canadian Vehicle Survey Summary Report and other similar reports, visit

According to the OEE report, Canadians owned approximately 18 million vehicles in 2005 and drove them more than 315 billion kilometres. This was about 8 percent more than the number of vehicles that we owned in 2000, but does not represent a significantly higher number of kilometres driven.

The survey also reveals that, in 2005, Canadians used 29.5 billion litres of gasoline and 10 billion litres of diesel in their vehicles. Historically, fuel consumption by the on-road transportation sector has accounted for about one quarter of Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions by End-Use Sector, 2004.

Given the high cost of fuel today and the impact of vehicle use and fuel consumption on the environment, there is a great deal that drivers can do to make their vehicles more fuel efficient. The OEE report discusses some of the factors that influence the rates of fuel consumption in both passenger and freight transportation vehicles.

The OEE will use the survey data to help develop and refine its programs encouraging Canadians to make energy-efficient choices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These programs include ecoENERGY for Fleets, which provides training and education for commercial and institutional fleets; sharing of best practices; anti-idling campaigns; and evaluations to identify opportunities for improvements in fuel economy. Another OEE program, ecoENERGY for Personal Vehicles, offers tips to motorists on buying, driving and maintaining their vehicles.

For information on the OEE's programs, visit

Passenger transportation - light vehicles (cars, vans, SUVs and pickup trucks)

The report discusses factors that affect fuel consumption rates of light vehicles, including the following:

  • Fuel consumption rates are better for highway driving than for driving in the city.

  • Fuel consumption is higher during colder months.

  • Fuel consumption rates are better for cars than for light trucks (vans, SUVs and pickup trucks).

  • Vehicle use varies according to the season. For example, greater distances are driven during the summer and this consumes more fuel. However, there are also more passengers in each vehicle at this time of year.

Fuel Consumption Rates: Cars vs. Light Trucks (Vans, SUVs, Pickups).

Studies have shown that changes in fuel prices usually have little short-term impact on fuel consumption or on driver behaviour. However, the Canadian Vehicle Survey indicates that this may not have been the case in 2005. The survey has not collected data on this subject long enough to make a definitive conclusion, but will continue to examine the issue in future surveys.

Freight transportation - heavy vehicles (transport trucks and medium trucks)

The report discusses factors that affect fuel consumption rates of heavy vehicles, including the following:

  • Transport trucks that are owned by companies whose main activity is trucking have better fuel economy than those owned by companies that transport goods as a secondary activity (for example, for distributing their primary product).

  • Heavy trucks consume 2.4 litres per 100 kilometres of diesel less when driving on highways than on other roads.

  • Older heavy vehicles consume more fuel than newer ones.

Diesel Consumption Rates of Heavy Trucks: Trucking as a Company's Main Activity vs. a Secondary One.

For the complete 2005 Canadian Vehicle Survey Summary Report and other similar reports, visit

Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency
Leading Canadians to Energy Efficiency at Home, at Work and on the Road

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