Le Musée national du Canada a publié Anthropology Papers / Études anthropologiques de 1961 à 1974. Ces documents étaient produits comme présentations pratiques et peu coûteuses en complément de la Série des bulletins. À ce titre, ils étaient publiés dans la langue de l'auteur et ils étaient brochés. Avant que la série ne cesse de paraître, 22 titres scientifiques étaient parus. Ils ne sont plus en vente.

Les renseignements de plusieurs des livres qui suivent sont présentés tels que publiés avant 1974. Ainsi, elles peuvent inclure des terminologies qui, de nos jours, sont considérées inexactes ou inconvenantes.



Anthropology Papers / Études anthropologiques were published by the National Museum of Canada from 1961 until 1974. They were produced as an expedient and inexpensive presentation of short papers to complement the Bulletin Series. As such they were published in the language of the author and were paper bound. Twenty-two scholarly titles were issued before the series was discontinued. They are no longer available for sale.

For many of the following books the captions appear as originally published prior to 1974. They may include terminology not considered correct or appropriate today.

1. BORDEN, Charles E., 1961. Fraser River Archaeological Project. 6 pages, 1 illustration, 2 photographs, l table.

A report on the 1960 excavations of the stratified DjRi: 3 site, 7000 B.C. to 400 B.C.

2. MCFEAT, Tom F. S., 1962. Museum Ethnology and the Algonquian Project. 80 pages, 1 map, ISBN 0-660-10317-6 / 978-0-660-10317-4.

The author suggests that research under organized conditions in a large, yet limited area should operate at three levels - program, project, and study, and gives the Algonquian Project as an example.

3. WRIGHT, James V., 1963. An Archaeological Survey Along the North Shore of Lake Superior. 9 pages, 1 illustration.

A report on the 1960 archaeological survey of the north shore of Lake Superior.

4. CAPES, Katherine H., 1963. The W.B. Nickerson Survey and Excavations, 1912-15, of the Southern Manitoba Mounds Region. 178 pages, 19 photographs, 3 tables, 32 illustrations.

A report on the burial mounds in southern Manitoba based upon the investigations of W.B. Nickerson, 1912-1915.

5. PEACOCK, Kenneth, 1963. A Survey of Ethnic Folk Music Across Western Canada. 13 pages.

Highlights of the folk music among thirty-three communities in western Canada are presented.

6. LEVESQUE, L'Abbé René, F. Fitz Osborne, et J. V. Wright, 1964. Le gisement de batiscan. Notes sur des vestiges laissés par une peuplade de culture sylvicole inférieure dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent. 59 pages, 5 photographies, 3 illustrations, 7 tableaux, ISBN 0-660-90253-2 / 978-0-660-90253-1.

Compte-rendu d'un village appartenant à la culture Meadwood, environ 500-1000 ans av. J.-C.

7. TAYLOR, William E. Jr., 1964. La préhistoire de la péninsule du Labrador. 33 pages, ISBN 0-660-90252-4 / 978-0-660-90252-4.

Esquisse de la préhistoire amérindienne et esquimaude de la péninsule du Labrador.

8. CHANNEN, E. R., and N.D. Clarke, 1965. The Copeland Site: A Precontact Huron Site in Simcoe County, Ontario. 27 pages, 3 photographs, 6 illustrations, 10 tables.

A description of a Northern Division Huron-Petun site.

9. ROGERS, Edward S., 1965. An Athapaskan Type of Knife. 16 pages, 4 photographs, 1 illustration, ISBN 0-660-10318-4 / 978-0-660-10318-1.

This paper describes seven knives, five from the Royal Ontario Museum and two from the National Museum of Canada, for which only fragmentary information is available and suggests their provenance, place of manufacture, age, and use.

La version imprimée est épuisée. Disponible en ligne au Portail du Patrimoine Autochtone.
The paper version is out of print. Available online at Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage.

10. MITCHELL, Donald H., 1965. Preliminary Excavations at a Cobble Tool Site (Djri 7) in the Fraser Canyon, British Columbia. 20 pages, 11 photographs, 13 illustrations, 3 tables.

A description of fieldwork in 1963 to locate artifacts in-situ for comparison with surface collections.

11. MITCHELL, Barry M., 1966. Preliminary Report on a Woodland Site Near Deep River, Ontario. 21 pages, 3 photographs, 3 tables, 3 illustrations.

A report on a stratified Woodland period site in the upper Ottawa River Valley.

12. SANGER, David, 1966. Excavations in the Lochnore - Nesikep Creek Locality, British Columbia: Interim Report. 22 pages, 1 table, 8 photographs.

A preliminary report on the results of excavations on six sites along a forty-four mile stretch of the Fraser River.

13. MASON, L., 1967. The Swampy Cree: A Study in Acculturation. 75 pages, 6 photographs, 2 maps.

The Swampy Cree have had many contacts with the white man. Nevertheless, the Aboriginal heritage has never died out completely. The aspects of local culture lost in the process of acculturation have been compensated for by the conservation of many traditional values.

14. SPENCE, Michael W., 1967. A Middle Woodland Burial Complex in the St. Lawrence Valley. 31 pages, 5 photographs, 1 illustration.

An examination of the evidence for the adoption of Adena and Hopewell mortuary practices by the Native population of the St. Lawrence Valley circa A.D. 8.

15. KNIGHT, R., 1968. Ecological Factors in the Changing Economy and Social Organization Among the Rupert House Cree. 112 pages, illustrated.

A paper on the results of a survey carried out in east James Bay. The author documents changing relationships of the community to the environment over the last sixty years, with emphasis on family hunting territories.

16. MACDONALD, George F., 1968. Debert: A Paleo-Indian Site in Central Nova Scotia. 207 pages, 24 photographs, 26 illustrations, 16 tables, ISBN 0-660-10320-6 / 978-0-660-10320-4. Reprinted 1968 and 1985 by Persimmon Press (Buffalo) with a foreword by Richard Michael Gramly and a new index.

A detailed examination of a ten thousand year old paleo-Indian site in Nova Scotia. A classic among archaeological site reports.

17. SANGER, David, 1968. The Texas Creek Burial Site Assemblage, British Columbia. 23 pages, 5 photographs, 3 tables, 4 illustrations.

A report on grave goods from a disturbed burial site, probably Kamloops Phase, dating between A.D. 1400 and 1600.

18. PENDERGAST, James F., 1968. The Summerstown Station Site. 47 pages, 7 photographs, 14 tables, 2 illustrations.

A detailed description of a St. Lawrence River Iroquoian site near Cornwall, Ontario.

19. JOHNSTON, Richard B., 1968. Archaeology of Rice Lake, Ontario. 49 pages, 12 photographs, 1 table, 1 illustration.

The lengthy cultural sequence around Rice Lake, Ontario as revealed by survey, excavation and the examination of surface collections of artifacts.

20. GUY, Camil, 1974. The Weymontaching Birchbark Canoe. 55 pages, 35 photographs, 13 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-00085-7 / 978-0-660-10319-8.

A report on the construction of a traditional birchbark canoe made in 1966 by the Weymontaching Cree of northern Quebec destined for the collections of the National Museum of Man.

La version imprimée est épuisée. Disponible en ligne au Portail du Patrimoine Autochtone.
The paper version is out of print. Available online at Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage.

20. GUY, Camil, 1970. Le canot d'écorce à Weymontaching. 57 pages, 35 photographies, 13 illustrations. Réimprimé 1977 par les Éditions de l'Aurore, ISBN 0-88532-131-6 / 978-0-88532-131-5.

Un rapport sur la construction d'un canoë de birchbark traditionnel fait en 1966 par le Cree de Weymontaching du Québec nordique destiné aux collections du Musée national de l'Homme.

La version imprimée est épuisée. Disponible en ligne au Portail du Patrimoine Autochtone.
The paper version is out of print. Available online at Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage.

21. KLYMASZ, Robert B., 1969. A Bibliography of Ukrainian Folklore in Canada, 1902-64. 53 pages, ISBN 0-660-10319-2 / 978-0-660-10319-8.

This bibliography includes manifestations of Ukrainian folklore in Canada as reported in publications outside as well as inside Canada and materials published in Canada on traditional 'old country' manifestations of Ukrainian folklore. It is introduced by a critical survey of various trends and factors that influenced the investigation of Ukrainian folklore in Canada from 1902 to 1964.

22. KIDD, Kenneth E., 1969. Historic Site Archaeology in Canada. 47 pages.

A summary of the investigations of Canadian archaeological sites of historical significance.




Mise à jour : 24 avril 2007 / Last update: April 24, 2007
© Société du Musée canadien des civilisations
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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