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In Canada - Religion

Father Dinh Nghi "The first thing we try to make the Catholic faith very Vietnamese in the way of our thinking so that the Vietnamese Catholic preaching, like when I pray, is different from western...Always based their faith in life so usually we talk about life a lot and we try to help the young and the old people live the life here in I call it the new Vietnamese way."
Father Dinh Nghi
audio (199 kb)
The primary religions practised by the Vietnamese people are Buddhism, Christianity and Cao Daism. Buddha - CD95-641-048
Seated Buddha
Plaster and paint
45.0 cm
CMC 91-574

More than half of the Vietnamese people are Buddhists. Buddhism teaches that self-denial, hard work, good deeds and moral living lead to Nirvana, a blissful state of being that is beyond pleasure or pain. Buddhists also believe in reincarnation, that is, that each person lives many lives. Pagodas are Buddhist temples where followers can pray to Buddha and other saints who have reached Nirvana. Vietnamese pagodas have been built in most large Canadian cities.

Temple Model of Quan An Temple in Montreal
Plywood, paper and paint
CMC 88-262
Gift of the Quan An Temple

The Quan An Temple's design represents a traditional Vietnamese architectural style.

The Christian faith was introduced into Vietnam by French Catholic missionaries in the seventeenth century. Despite the threat of punishment from the ruling emperors, many Vietnamese people converted, and today, 10 per cent are Catholics. Many Vietnamese people arriving in Canada have come into contact with Christianity, including Catholicism, through sponsorship programmes organized by church groups. Vietnamese Catholic churches exist in large Canadian cities, and Vietnamese also attend Canadian Catholic churches.

Panel Depicting Vietnamese Catholic Martyrs and Disciples with Mary and Jesus
Paint and lacquerwork on wood
98.0 x 70.0 cm
CMC 93-427
From the Vietnamese Apostolic Holy Name of Mary Church
Panel - S94-35,567

Photo: Karl Roeder
Cao Daism, the third most important religion for the Vietnamese people, originated in Vietnam. It advocates belief in God, and encompasses aspects of several other religions including Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

In addition to these religions, Confucian ideology is a major influence on the outlook and lifestyle of the Vietnamese people. Based on the ideals of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who lived 2,500 years ago, Confucianism teaches the importance of education and social order, emphasizing respect for parents, government leaders and teachers. Confucianism influences social and family relationships; the ideas of family hierarchy and filial duty, for example, have their origins in the Confucian code of ethics.

A spirit-medium cult is practised by some Vietnamese in Montreal. A spirit medium communicates with the spirits answering worshippers' questions on such matters as fortune, health, business, marriage, and travel.

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Created: November 2, 1998. Last update: July 27, 2001
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