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Ministry News

Latest News Releases ::

8 December, 2006
Ontario Energy Minister Supports Hydro One Decision

22 November, 2006
Ontario Leads Canada in Windpower Generation

14 November, 2006
Quebec and Ontario Sign an Historic Agreement for Construction of a New Transmission Interconnection

For a complete list of all ministry news releases, please check our News Releases page.

For News Releases dated prior to October 2003, please check the Archives.

Evaluation of Regional Electricity Pricing for Northern Ontario

report coverNovember 20, 2006 — Navigant Consulting, Inc. (Navigant Consulting or NCI) was retained by the Ontario Ministry of Energy to provide an independent analysis of whether a cost-based regional pricing regime would lead to lower delivered electricity prices for customers in Northern Ontario. Their analysis is based on a review of differences between Northern and Southern Ontario in the various cost components of delivered electricity prices. This analysis is in response to requests from regional interests for regional electricity pricing. Contributing to the calls for regional pricing for Northern Ontario are the shadow locational marginal prices (LMPs) that have been estimated by the IESO which show LMPs about 50% lower for
Northwestern Ontario than for the rest of Ontario.

Full Report pdf (554 Kb)


Two Year Transfer Tax Exemption Announced by Ministry of Finance

The Ontario government announced October 17, 2006 that publicly-owned utilities will be exempt from paying the electricity transfer tax when they sell electricity assets to other public utilities in Ontario, a move designed to encourage consolidations among municipal electrical utilities.

Click here to read the October 17 2006 news release [external site]

Letter from Energy Minister Dwight Duncan to Hydro One regarding the lifting of the moratorium on the purchase and sale of distribution assets by Hydro One. pdf


Ontario Ministry of Energy's Report to the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance

CEEA Report CoverSeptember 2006 — The report submitted to the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance (CEEA) outlines the various energy efficiency initiatives and measures that have been introduced or implemented by the province of Ontario between January 2005 and April 2006. Initiatives include changes to standards and codes such as the Energy Efficiency Act and the Building Code. In addition the submission outlines actions by utilities as well as energy efficiency improvements made to government facilities. The CEEA will use this report as the basis of a conservation and energy efficiency Report Card for Ontario.

Click here to read the report. [pdf] (723 Kb PDF)

Community Conservation Initiative

The Initiatives program is dedicated to supporting community-based and grassroots projects—with a focus on education, outreach and action-oriented electricity conservation initiatives. This may include education and outreach programs focused on promoting small-scale "behind the meter" renewable energy.

For more information about this new program, please visit the CCI page in our Conservation section.



Page Last Updated: November 20, 2006

Printed from the Ministry of Energy website:

© 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

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