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Power Smart Home Insulation Program

It Pays to Insulate!

A well-insulated home uses less energy, meaning lower heating and cooling costs and less impact on the environment.

It’s as easy as… 1 2 3

The Home Insulation Program offers information and rebates to homeowners who add insulation to their existing home. Eligible homeowners may receive up to 100 per cent of the insulation cost. Follow these three steps to start saving:

  1. Project pre-approval
  2. Install insulation
  3. Your rebate

To qualify for the rebate:

  1. The homeowner must meet eligibility requirements; and
  2. The insulation must meet Power Smart insulation requirements.

Assess your energy use with a Power Smart Home Energy Evaluation. You can complete the information online, order a mail-in assessment survey, or have a Manitoba Hydro Energy Advisor visit your home to help you determine the most cost-effective insulation and other energy efficient improvements.

Check out our list of Power Smart Booklets & Info Sheets for more helpful information on insulation.