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February 28, 2007

I mentioned last week that i was afraid to knock on Alexina Louie's door for fear of interrupting her. Well I finally did (with a tin of cookies in hand) and she was lovely. She's going to pose with the Six String Nation guitar for me next Friday.

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After Steve Jobs fascinating treatise on the need (or lack of need) for DRM-encoded music, Puretracks - Canada's answer to iTunes - has stepped up to the plate and will offer a certain number of its online music purchases DRM-free.

Puretracks offers unlocked music: "Puretracks Inc. on Tuesday said it is the first large online store in North America to offer music in the MP3 file format without anti-copying measures."

This is one step toward a world of seamless integration between computers, file-formats, digital players, the music providers and the music consumers. One step at a time, people - one step at a time.

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This morning I went looking for Larry Lake and accidentally opened a portal in time. Let me explain.
Larry is always sending me the wacky video links and jokes and (believe it or not) he sent me to a hilarious claymation spoof of Eminem's "8 Mile" starring Daffy, Porky and Bugs. I went to thank him for it, opened his door and there was Richard Paul - the years-ago host of Two New Hours.
Richard is now running a music agency with a fascinating and diverse roster of talent. You can check it out CanadaConcerts online.

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This is not about a new contemporary music service for the office, just a little story about some eavesdropping I've been doing lately. Alexina Louie uses the piano in the gallery on the ground floor of the warehouse I live in in the west end of Toronto. So when I'm coming home at night, I'm privy on my way up the stairs to what sounds like a new suite coming from Ms. Louie. I'll really have to knock on the door one of these days, though I'd hate to interrupt the flow.

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February 07, 2007

I've always thought this too - like how some boom-boxes look like running shoes that look like SUVs, etc.

"Cutting Edge": "Have you noticed how much the grille of a Ford Fusion looks like the grille of a Gillette Fusion?

I thought this was a gimmick to make the car look distinctive and, er, But it looks like Ford is rolling out the gimmick to the rest of the line. Witness the new Ford Edge (see, now they're actually naming the car after a razor):

Why razors? Sexy, smooth and dangerous? (Not really. T-shaped razors like these are known as 'safety razors' and are decidedly un-dangerous.) Still, I suppose it's sexier than designing a car to look like a toothbrush or Q-Tip."

(Via gor[b].)

I don't know, I'll bet a Q-Tip car would be pretty comfy and would clean out tunnels as you drove through them.

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Read this today on my friend's blog about the appearance of a package right here in this very building. Was it something tasty?

gor[b] : Paul Gorbould's weblog about life, the media, and everything.:

"But no product. Nothing I could buy and then explain to my wife where the money went. As a web guy, I understood this stuff, but it still felt like an assload of money tied up in magic beans and clothes for the emperor.

Which brings me back to the Google box, which presumably housed the Google Box the Ops guys beside me talk about once in a while. Just cardboard, but the writing on the outside made it cool cardboard.

Still, I can beat that. Here's a similar box (which once housed my cable modem) which my daughters customized for me last week. If you don't read Kindergarten, it very clearly states that the box is in fact a spaceship. Now that's a cool box.

Not just cool - most likely it's worth a fortune to somebody, and I'll be releasing a public stock offering shortly. See, I learned a thing or two from Google after all."

(Via gor[b].)

I want to play in that box.

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As if Apple hadn't already made enough big announcements for the month, it seems Steve and the kids have something else up their sleeve. Is it the proper video iPod? Is it the Leopard release? Is it something DRM related?

Apple Announcement Today?: "According to ThinkSecret, 'reliable sources' indicate that there should be some sort of announcement today regarding one of Apple's products. The rumor's so vague that it almost seems like people are just expecting something to go with today's Vista launch. But in that spirit, it's almost time to start the business day in Cupertino. What do you think Apple will announce today, if anything? What do you want them to announce today?

(Via MacSlash.)

Well it's not much but it will have to do for today.

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Rostropovich ill in Moscow hospital: "Cellist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich was in satisfactory condition Wednesday in a Moscow hospital after falling ill in Paris last week."

(Via CBC | Music News.)

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