Government of Canada

Employment Insurance Act - Part I -

Current Version of the Employment Insurance Act

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Regulations for work-sharing benefits

24.  (1) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations providing for the payment of work-sharing benefits to claimants who are qualified to receive benefits under this Act and are employed under a work-sharing agreement that has been approved for the purposes of this section by special or general direction of the Commission, including regulations

(a)defining and determining the nature of work-sharing employment for which benefits may be paid;
(b) prescribing the maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid;
(c) prescribing the method of paying benefits;
(d) prescribing the rate of weekly benefits;
(e) providing a method for setting the amount that is the weekly insurable earnings of a claimant employed in work-sharing employment for the purposes of section 14;
(f) prescribing the manner of treating, for benefit purposes, earnings received from the claimant's employer or from other sources;
(g) providing for the extension of a claimant's qualifying period or benefit period for a number of weeks not exceeding the number of weeks of work-sharing employment;
(h) deferring service by a claimant of all or any part of their waiting period until their work-sharing employment has ended; and
(i) providing for any other matters necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this section.
No appeal (2) A special or general direction of the Commission approving or disapproving a work sharing agreement for the purposes of subsection (1) is not subject to appeal under section 114 or 115.
Presumption (3) For the purposes of this Part, a claimant is unemployed and capable of and available for work during a week when the claimant works in work-sharing employment.

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