Government of Canada

Employment Insurance Regulations - Part V - Administrative Provisions

Current EI (Main) Regulations



Hearings Before a Board of Referees

80.  (1) A claimant may apply for a hearing before a board of referees

(a) where the claimant appeals to the board under section 114 of the Act, at the time of filing the appeal; and

(b) where the claimant's claim for benefits is appealed by the employer under section 114 of the Act, within seven days after receipt of the notice of appeal.

     (2)  An employer may apply for a hearing before a board of referees

(a) where the employer appeals to the board under section 114 of the Act, at the time of filing the appeal; and

(b) where a claimant appeals to the board under section 114 of the Act, within seven days after receipt of the notice of appeal.

     (3)  A person, other than a claimant or an employer, who is the subject of a decision of the Commission and who appeals to a board of referees under section 114 of the Act may apply for a hearing before the board at the time of filing the appeal.

     (4)  An application for a hearing before a board of referees shall be in writing and be filed at the office of the Commission at which the appeal is filed.

     (5)  The chairperson of a board of referees may at any time direct that there shall be a hearing and, where an application for a hearing before the board has been filed under this section, shall grant a hearing.

     (6)  A person required to attend a hearing before a board of referees shall be notified, in writing, by the chairperson of the board or by an officer of the Commission.

     (7)  The chairperson of a board of referees is authorized to determine the procedure at a hearing before the board.

81.  (1) Where a claimant and an employer have applied under subsections 80(1) and (2), respectively, for a hearing before a board of referees in respect of the same appeal, and oral evidence concerning a circumstance of sexual or other harassment mentioned in subparagraph 29(c)(i) of the Act is to be given at the hearing, the chairperson of the board of referees (in this section referred to as "the chairperson")

(a) may exclude from the hearing, on application by the claimant or employer, the claimant or the employer, any representative of the claimant or the employer, or any person who is or may be a witness, during the time that oral evidence is being given; and

(b) shall set the date and time at which that oral evidence is to be given.

     (2)  Where oral evidence is given at a hearing in the absence of a claimant or an employer who has been excluded under subsection (1), the chairperson shall direct that the evidence be provided to the excluded claimant or employer, as the case may be, by making available to that claimant or employer a copy of the audio recording of that evidence

(a) on the same day that the evidence is given; or

(b) where it is not feasible to do so on that day, on the next working day.

     (3)  Where oral evidence is made available to an excluded claimant or employer in accordance with subsection (2), the excluded claimant or employer, as the case may be, may respond to that evidence orally at a hearing before the board of referees in the absence of all other persons excluded under paragraph (1)(a)

(a) on the same day that the evidence is made available; or

(b) where it is not feasible to do so on that day, within such time, reasonable in the circumstances, as may be fixed by the chairperson.

     (4)  Where a response has been provided by a claimant or an employer in accordance with subsection (3),

(a) the chairperson shall direct that the response be communicated to the claimant or employer who did not provide that response, in the manner and within the time set out in subsection (2); and

(b) the claimant or employer who did not provide that response may respond to that response in the manner and within the time set out in subsection (3).