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  Board of Referees
Board of Referees Telephone Hearing

Introduction Script - Suggested text
(January 2006)
  “Good morning/Good afternoon Mr./Mrs./Ms. *****
Chairperson introduction “My name is XXXXX. I am the chairperson of this Board of Referees. You have requested a telephone hearing and I believe you were advised that we would be calling today. If for any reason there are technical difficulties and the communication is interrupted, we will call you back. I will also give you a telephone number you can call in case we lose contact. The number is: XXX-XXX-XXXX. Are you ready to begin the hearing? I am going to put you on the speaker phone now so all parties can hear you.”
Board member introduction “The Board of Referees convenes in the Boardroom of the Service Canada office here in XXXX. We are a panel of three. The other members of the Board will now introduce themselves.”

“Can you hear everyone clearly? If at any time you cannot hear us clearly, please let us know immediately.”
(if applicable)
“Mr./Mrs./Ms. XXX is also in attendance representing ***.”
Addressing parties
“How would you like us to address you? Mr./Mrs./Ms. *****, by your first name?”
Taping Procedures “We have a number of things to explain to you about the role of the Board of Referees and your hearing today. However, I would first like to explain the Employment Insurance Board of Referees taping policy. The purpose of taping Board of Referees hearings is to have a record of the proceedings in the event either you or any other interested party does not agree with our decision and appeals to a higher level (Umpire).”
Taping requested
Taping requested “You have requested that the hearing be taped.”

“Do you have any questions about the taping? We will now begin taping of the hearing.”
Taping NOT requested
Taping not requested No one has requested the taping of this hearing. Do you wish to have it taped? We have a tape recorder in the room that can be started if you would like the hearing taped”

“Do you have any questions about the taping? We will now begin taping the hearing.”
For voice identification (and taping if applicable) purposes only
Case Identification “This is a Board of Referees hearing being held in XXXX (City). The case concerns (name of appellant)". Today's date is XXXXXX, it is XXXXXXX o'clock.”
Attendees “For voice identification, I will ask everyone present to please restate their name and role”
Role of Board of Referees “Before we look at your specific case, I do want to review with you the role of the Board of Referees. The Board of Referees is an independent, impartial tribunal consisting of three members from the community. We are not employees of the Department. We are trained to provide fair hearings and are knowledgeable in the Employment Insurance legislation. Our role is to apply the EI Act and render a decision and we will not disclose any information you provide, including personal information, except to the parties to the appeal.”
Optional “We will:
  • keep an open mind;
  • give you an opportunity to provide additional information and to explain your case;
  • make the hearing as informal as possible.
  • render a decision.”
(If required)

When both employer and claimant attend the hearing
“For the duration of this hearing, I would ask you to address the Board of Referees and not each other. I also would appreciate if you would avoid interrupting the speaker. If you have a pen and paper, it is a good idea to write down your questions or comments and you will have a chance to respond later when it is your turn.

You will all be given the opportunity to speak.”
“Any questions before we continue?”
Contents of the appeal docket

(Optional - Information on exhibits and new information)
“We have received and read the material that was sent to you. Did you receive this material? Our copy has XX exhibits. An exhibit is a document used as evidence in a hearing and you will notice that each page is marked for identification in the appeal docket (bottom right hand corner of each page). Do you have the same number of exhibits? When you refer to a document, we would appreciate it if you could give us the exhibit number so we can follow along. We will do the same.”

“Do you have any questions about the docket information?”

“In addition, appellants sometimes submit additional written information at a hearing. Do you have additional written information you would like to give us today?” (Clarify with appellant whether he/she wishes to proceed or adjourn so that the new written information can be submitted to the Board Centre.)

“Any questions before we continue?”
The case under appeal “We are now prepared to proceed with your case. What we are here for today is to listen to you and gather any relevant information you can give that would help us in our deliberation and decision making process.”
“Do you have any questions?”
Issue under appeal “The issue(s) before us today is(are): XXXXXXXX. In the appeal docket, the Commission states XXXXXXXXX.”
Speaking order “Mr./Mrs./Ms. ***** as the appellant will speak first; Mr./Mrs. *** will have the second opportunity to address the Board and finally, Mr./Mrs./Ms. *****, you will have a final opportunity to respond. The Board may ask questions as we go along.”
  “Again, let me remind you that all questions and comments must be directed to the Board”
“Do you have any questions about these procedures?”
Invite appellant to speak first “Mr./Mrs./Ms. ***** now is the time to provide us with any information you have that is related to the issue(s) you are appealing.”
Ending Script
  “We have no further questions at this point, but is there anything else you wish to add?”
Decision “We are now going to close the hearing. The Board will discuss your case after you leave and we will arrive at a decision. That decision will be sent to you in writing and you should receive it within the next week.”
Closing “On behalf of the Board of Referees, I would like to thank you for participating in the appeal hearing. This concludes the hearing. Goodbye.”
(Turn off tape recorder.)
Note to Chairperson Rewind tape to beginning and check that the hearing was properly taped. Note in the decision if the tape recorder malfunctioned or if the hearing was not recorded.
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